Colorado has taken a pretty long break from snow, but we can't avoid it completely already. So, Thursday afternoon we got some snow. Tia thought it looked like so much fun she took it upon herself to play in it. She had her scooter out there, she really wanted her baby out there, and she had a shovel and bucket.
However, none of those toys could possible compensate for companionship. After much coming in and out and in and out she convinced both Kylee and I to come out too. It really was fun. We played 'missionary.' That is when you go up to the playhouse knock and the person inside says "Come on in." Then you all hang out inside until usually mom gets tired of being squished; although, it is not always me to be the first to leave. Then when we are all out we do something else for a minute and then go into the playhouse again in the same manner. So we played that, made tracks in the snow, practiced stepping on the stones that are by the fireplace. I don't know we just did stuff, whatever we wanted and came to mind it was great. Finally, I did have to go inside to make dinner, but it all worked out good.
The snow continued through the night and we woke up to this on Friday morning.
Well with that much snow, it being Gaupo's Friday/Saturday switcheroo, and spring break from school, it was time to go sledding. We did a little work first by shoveling half the driveway. (Our nice neighbor helped with the other half and the oh so annoying corner.) Anyway, because we only had to do half we got out on the hill and sledded and sledded. We had the whole thing to ourselves because school wasn't canceled. it was fun. The snow was kind of heavy snow, but you know what it was still fun. After sledding we came in and had to head to the doctor for Gaupo.
Guapo has vocal cord dis-function and so we needed to go to speech therapist to learn how to retrain his throat to work right. It was kind of an interesting appointment and we hope what they tell us will work, otherwise I guess we will have to go back and see what other tricks they have. After the doctor we came home had lunch and took naps.
After naps, we went over to the church and helped Guapo setup for the Elders Quorum game night. The girls had a great time. They loved using the music stands to hold their books while they led the music. Tia found a giant ball that when we were all done setting up we went into the gym and played with for a bit. Just goofy simple fun.
Friday night Gaupo and I went on a date to the Elders Quorum game night. (Don't worry it was a date thing.) Sadly (at least from an attendance view point) only 6 couples including us showed up. It was actually really fun because we were able to play games all together. I really enjoyed getting to know and interact with the couples that showed up. We ended up staying at the church until I think 10. The evening was only suppose to go until 9:00, but we were having too much fun. We played a game called Telestrations it was super fun. We also played Banana Grams and Word Street. With food and good company it was a wonderful date.
Saturday morning came a little too early, but it's like my grandparents and parents always say "He who dances has to pay the fiddler." It was totally worth it though. Anyway, Saturday morning we had our swim lesson friends Valerie, Taylor, and Riley White come over and we went sledding. It was super fun. We had a great time and Taylor and Kylee loved sledding together. Taylor taught Kylee that falling out of your sled wasn't a bad thing, and in fact it could be actually quite fun. Tia in this last snow storm decided that laying on her belly in the sled and going down by herself is like the best thing in the world, so she was more than please to have Kylee and Taylor share a sled, so she could go down almost as often as she wanted. Anyway, it was great fun. I want to say that other than that Saturday was pretty normal stuff, just playing and hanging out.
Now this is the best part about Spring Snow in Colorado--we walked to Church Sunday morning. I wore a jacket and my sandals and it was great weather. Such a great walk. I am telling you the ability to walk to church and then having everyone awake at 4:00 really does at our house make the Sabbath day so much more delightful. It was awesome. We also had our home teachers come over. I love having home teachers. I am not really sure why, but I honestly love having them come. I am pretty sure my girls love the extra attention and treats.
It has just gotten warmer since Sunday. Today was such great weather. We went to the park in shorts. We went over to our friend Jensen's house and played outside and with water. We had lunch there too. We also ate that outside. Oh, it was just such a great weather day and I really kind of feel like we genuinely used today. Sometimes lately I feel like I haven't used ALL of my day, but today I feel like we made good use of all of it. Really we probably wouldn't have but Jensen's mom called us up and we could only go for a bit, but you know what it was great.
TANGENT: I think that a lot of times I think I need a lot of time to do something. Like I need to have two hours to play with a friend and if its great weather I also need to walk there. Or I think I would really like to make dresses, but I don't have any new patterns. WHATEVER! So lame. I have found that excuses are so limiting. I get so focused on what the ideal situation or whatever should be like and then when you know life doesn't fit that perfectly I just let it slide instead of finding a way to do something great with the extra time given. Not that I have to do it all the time or anything, but to not do it ever is not good either. Lesson: Don't make excuses, just DO IT! It usually works out better than you think. Like today we got to spend the perfect amount of time at Jensen's house and I got some much need adult visiting and interaction time, not to mention more outside time. Also I stopped making excuses about the dresses I wanted to make and was just going to use the same patterns I had, well I went into the store and they had some really cute fabric that is like gathered at the top, so like all you do is sew it down the back and WHALA you have a dress. It was like super cheap, so I am going to work on trying to make that into all matching dresses and I even picked up some cool tie fabric. So, I will get those projects done, but I mean when I just did something things happened. True they aren't huge, but I have determined the greatness of life isn't made of great big things. It is made up of all the little moments that seem so big at the time. END TANGENT
I am loving spring. I loved the snow and the sunshine. I love that the world is greening up and beginning to look fresh and new. I love talking about Easter in our home. It has spurred tons of questions from Kylee some of which I know the answers to and some that I really have no idea how she even thought to ask that let alone having an answer for her. However, it has caused me to focus on the Savior more and I love it. So grateful for all the wonderful thing around me. I know this post might seem like a little too chipper, but I feel great right now. These last like 5 days have been awesome. With the getting outside, getting together with people, and whatever its one of those spans of time that is just great. Pretty much perfect.
She loved it outside in her skirt. At least I got a had and coat on her. |
The snow continued through the night and we woke up to this on Friday morning.
Well with that much snow, it being Gaupo's Friday/Saturday switcheroo, and spring break from school, it was time to go sledding. We did a little work first by shoveling half the driveway. (Our nice neighbor helped with the other half and the oh so annoying corner.) Anyway, because we only had to do half we got out on the hill and sledded and sledded. We had the whole thing to ourselves because school wasn't canceled. it was fun. The snow was kind of heavy snow, but you know what it was still fun. After sledding we came in and had to head to the doctor for Gaupo.
Guapo has vocal cord dis-function and so we needed to go to speech therapist to learn how to retrain his throat to work right. It was kind of an interesting appointment and we hope what they tell us will work, otherwise I guess we will have to go back and see what other tricks they have. After the doctor we came home had lunch and took naps.
After naps, we went over to the church and helped Guapo setup for the Elders Quorum game night. The girls had a great time. They loved using the music stands to hold their books while they led the music. Tia found a giant ball that when we were all done setting up we went into the gym and played with for a bit. Just goofy simple fun.
Friday night Gaupo and I went on a date to the Elders Quorum game night. (Don't worry it was a date thing.) Sadly (at least from an attendance view point) only 6 couples including us showed up. It was actually really fun because we were able to play games all together. I really enjoyed getting to know and interact with the couples that showed up. We ended up staying at the church until I think 10. The evening was only suppose to go until 9:00, but we were having too much fun. We played a game called Telestrations it was super fun. We also played Banana Grams and Word Street. With food and good company it was a wonderful date.
Saturday morning came a little too early, but it's like my grandparents and parents always say "He who dances has to pay the fiddler." It was totally worth it though. Anyway, Saturday morning we had our swim lesson friends Valerie, Taylor, and Riley White come over and we went sledding. It was super fun. We had a great time and Taylor and Kylee loved sledding together. Taylor taught Kylee that falling out of your sled wasn't a bad thing, and in fact it could be actually quite fun. Tia in this last snow storm decided that laying on her belly in the sled and going down by herself is like the best thing in the world, so she was more than please to have Kylee and Taylor share a sled, so she could go down almost as often as she wanted. Anyway, it was great fun. I want to say that other than that Saturday was pretty normal stuff, just playing and hanging out.
Now this is the best part about Spring Snow in Colorado--we walked to Church Sunday morning. I wore a jacket and my sandals and it was great weather. Such a great walk. I am telling you the ability to walk to church and then having everyone awake at 4:00 really does at our house make the Sabbath day so much more delightful. It was awesome. We also had our home teachers come over. I love having home teachers. I am not really sure why, but I honestly love having them come. I am pretty sure my girls love the extra attention and treats.
It has just gotten warmer since Sunday. Today was such great weather. We went to the park in shorts. We went over to our friend Jensen's house and played outside and with water. We had lunch there too. We also ate that outside. Oh, it was just such a great weather day and I really kind of feel like we genuinely used today. Sometimes lately I feel like I haven't used ALL of my day, but today I feel like we made good use of all of it. Really we probably wouldn't have but Jensen's mom called us up and we could only go for a bit, but you know what it was great.
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Tia trying to climb over the fence today at the park. |
I am loving spring. I loved the snow and the sunshine. I love that the world is greening up and beginning to look fresh and new. I love talking about Easter in our home. It has spurred tons of questions from Kylee some of which I know the answers to and some that I really have no idea how she even thought to ask that let alone having an answer for her. However, it has caused me to focus on the Savior more and I love it. So grateful for all the wonderful thing around me. I know this post might seem like a little too chipper, but I feel great right now. These last like 5 days have been awesome. With the getting outside, getting together with people, and whatever its one of those spans of time that is just great. Pretty much perfect.
Thanks for writing! :) so fun to read, and I love the perkiness