This year I have a real yearning to get out and see the area that I live in. So, I am trying to visit as many of the City of Longmont parks as I can. So far we have been to Centennial Park, Kensington Park, Colleyer Park, Stephen Day Park, Dawson Park, Rocky Mt. Park (it has another name, but I can't remember it, and I think that is it. It has been super fun to see some of the new parks the city has put in and it is really fun to see how my kids do all the different toys at the parks. We love the park and being outdoors.
Kylee has turned into quite the climber. She will climb almost anything. |
Tia loves slides. |
Kylee and Tia on the spinning globe. |
Besides going to parks and seeing what is around here in Longmont, I have also really wanted to get out and go hiking and maybe even try our hand at camping. The weather is just finally starting to get warm enough for camping, so we haven't been yet. Plus every weekend previous to this last one it has been raining, so needless to say my outdoors-ing has been kind of limited.
That said last weekend was perfect weather and I have had an itch to go see Button Rock Preserve since I knew it existed (which is only like 3 weeks). I knew nothing about it except that it was a walk in preserve and that it was sort of close to my house. Gaupo said he wasn't super interested in going, so I decided it was an adventure I would go check out on my own. However, Kitt called and wanted to come visit us, so I was more than willing to oblige and also take her with us on what turned out to be quite an adventure.
We left my house almost as soon as Kitt arrived which was around 11:15ish. We started out later than I had hoped, but I was just going to roll with it thinking that there would be a little something we could do and we would just get back a little late for naps. Anyway, our lunches are all packed up and ready when she got here, so we all grabbed our bags and got in the car. We drove the thrity-ish minutes out there. Luckily we didn't miss the turn off because it would be easy to do. There is a random turn off place and a bunch of construction is going on, on one half the turn-off and the other side of the turn-off you can't see very far. Our directions required us to go through the construction. It was kind of weird to be heading into the wilderness through construction, but we got through and finally reached the parking lot. The girls are of course so ready to get out of the car, so we get out and use the restroom. Which, I was afraid Kylee would say was too stinky to use, but she didn't and we didn't have a problem; although, Tia did learn if she had to go on the trail I would let her, so when she started getting tired we had a problem with her pulling down her pants to let us know she needed to go potty. Good thing no one was following us. Anyway, we got to the preserve around 11:45 and started walking in. The girls wanted lunch right away, but we were able to hold them off until about 12:30. This was a pretty difficult task, but mainly because Kylee kept whining she was hungry and Tia kept wanting to veer off the trail to go the river. The whole hike she would point at it and say 'river, river.' Honestly, Tia's love for water, muddy puddles, and the outdoors I can't blame on her dad. Anyway, after coaxing the two girls along we finally stopped for lunch down along the river. The both thought it was awesome and actually did a good job eating their lunch. It was so beautiful to eat in the shade, have the river flowing in front of us, and to be with people I loved. It was so great.
Tia at lunch. |
Kitt and Kylee eating by the river. |
After lunch, we headed up the road more and eventually reached a sign that said Ralph Price Reservoir 2 miles if you went one way and 1 mile if you went the other way. My kids were already kind of having a rough time, so I was like oh 1 mile isn't bad we will go that way. Oh man, note to self--one mile during your child's nap time is a long way. Anyway, these kids were great, and their Aunt Kitt was so patient with them. We walked and walk for another half a mile and used the potty and decided which course to take (it was another fork in the road). We went left. We walked and walked and heard Kylee whine thing like "are we almost there?" "I am having a blast, but I am just so tired." "I don't want to do this." And then just a lot of talking. Just like Tia's silence is normal and comforting to her, Kylee's talking is I think a form of comfort for her. So really her whining was just talking, but it had a whiny tone because she was probably feeling tired. Anyway, after about another 1/4 of a mile, so about 3/4 miles from the trail head we saw our first super cool thing--the reservoir outlet. It was shooting water out at a huge amount of pressure. We could even feel a little spray from it, which was quite refreshing on such a warm day. Anyway, we gawked at that for a bit and then headed on with our hike.
Kitt , Tia, and Kylee at the outlet. |
Well let me tell you, the last 1/4 mile of that hike is hiking. Its all switchbacks and skinny trial. Its kind of hard to know where you are going, but the girls actually did exceptionally well on this part. Finally after much steepness we reach the top and say the reservoir. It was very pretty. The water was still probably because there is no fishing our boating allowed. It was quite and beautiful. We took a few pictures, had a water break and then searched for a good spot to dip our feet in. We found a good little spot and cooled off our feet in the water. The water was sure cold, but man it felt good. Kylee was the first one to be done and I am pretty sure Tia could have stayed in there for another hour or more. However, it was getting kind of late so we needed to get headed back.
Kylee, Tia, and Kitt. |
A very nice fisherman took this picture for us. |
Kylee and Tia drying off their feet. |
So we start heading back and find out the trail we were going to use is closed. Augh. We almost decided to ignore the sign, but luckily we didn't because after a while it was non-existent the flood had destroyed it. We know because the trail we did take took us kind of by it. It was crazy to see where the flood had caused damage and how there is just a teeny-tiny stream there now. Also this trial was a little more in the shade so that was kind of nice to. On the way back we also gave into the girls a little bit and gave them piggy-back rides for short bursts. Finally about four we get back to the parking lot. When Kylee saw the end she was saying "WAHOOO! We are done hiking!" She was so ready to be in the car and on her way home. Both her and Tia were crashed out before we even left the preserve. It was such a great day. It was long and we kind of worried Gaupo because he thought I was leaving at 9:30 and I didn't leave till 11:00 so he was wondering where I was but I didn't have cell service where we were, so he couldn't get a hold of me. We decided I need to text him when I leave, just so he knows forsure what the time is. I am so glad it he let us go because it got out some much needed adventuring energy.
I am so grateful for this world God created for us. I love how every place has its own unique beauty. I l love water and flowers and the smell of the Ponderosa pines as the sun warms them. I just love this earth and think it is so pretty. I am so glad I could get out and enjoy it. Hopefully my girls enjoyed it too because it was a long hike. I didn't know it would be that long or I definitely would have tried to get out earlier.
Kylee |
Tia |
That was fun! I should just copy and paste this into my blog ;)