Arizona just makes you feel like summer is around the corner. It wonderful warm sunshine. I mean that thing is HOT. I LOVE it. It just warms you skin and makes you feel cozy. It is awesome. Not to mention Arizona is my home and where some super awesome people live, so we decided to kick-off the Spring and hopefully soon summer off in Arizona.
The girls and I flew out on Monday. We left at noon. Gaupo went through security with us. We used the best kept DIA secret of the bridge security. It was great. The lines were so much shorter and it still leads to all the gates. I was really glad Gaupo was with me, because I was able to explore with more confidence. Anyway, we arrived at our gate and then we had to say good-bye. I really wish he could come with us. I hate leaving him here alone, but so glad he supports me in wanting to go home. So then we waited around for our plane to leave. Tia found the wheelchairs and was playing on those, plus we found a little friend to play with for a bit. That is always fun. Then we used the potty and waited for them to call 'zone 3.' I had no desire to board early as that just meant we had to spend more time in our seats. However, the flight went well. Tia sat by the window and had a great time moving the window shade up and down over and over again.
Us on the plane. Tia totally all about seeing what is out the window. |
I also made the girls wait till we were on the plane before I gave them lunch, so they thought that was pretty fun too. Kylee took a little rest on me and Tia just did whatever she could think of in that tiny space until we got to AZ. As a side note, we paid for three tickets and so we had the whole row to ourselves. That was so nice because I didn't have to worry about them bugging the people right next to us. Anyway, we get to AZ and meet Papa. WAHOOO! It was so great to see him. He helped us get the carseats and suitcase and to the car we went. Getting the carseats in is such a pain. I kind of cant wait until we don't have to do those anymore, but its awhile a way, so I guess I will just have to hang on. And I digress.
Anyway, we headed out and Tia feel asleep, so we got Papa some lunch at In-and-Out Burger and then went and parked in the shade and let him eat it. I did get some fries and Kylee and I shared those. They were so good. Then we went to my Aunt Liz's house. My cousin Michayle was visiting with her 3 girls, so we let the girls just run around outside and play with them. It was a much needed break from travel. After playing for a bit, we headed out to pick-up Klaire from the airport (she was flying in from Ogden after being at BYUI for the year.) Her flight was a little late, so we had to wait. But she got there and we got hugs and her luggage and got in the car to go to Distribution to look for a temple dress, but forgot they close early on Monday's and so we missed it. Good thing the temple has clothes she can wear, and she bought a few garments in Rexburg. So, then we hit Sams Club for some fruit and dinner and then went home. The drive home seemed like FOREVER! We had to stop once because Tia totally had an accident in her seat, so we had to stop and take care of that, but we got it taken care of (put a diaper on for the rest of the ride.) Finally, we got home around 10:00. Oma was so glad to see us, and Kylee was more than willing to cuddle with her. After a few minutes of stretching our legs we put the girls to bed, visited for a short bit and then went to bed.
Tuesday started bright and early as did almost everyday we were in Arizona. My kids just don't switch times easily, so if they made it till 6:00 or 6:30 I could not have been happier. Anyway, one good thing about getting crack-alackin' in the morning is that we get to have scriptures and prayers with Papa before he goes to work. Then Oma made us her delicious breakfast casserole. It is like an omelet, but she cooks it in the oven. It was so good. Of course, my polite little Kylee took one bit and then said, "I just like my eggs plain." We kind of need to work on our manners of not saying stuff like that out loud. I guess I should just really count my blessings that at least she didn't "yuck, this is disgusting." After breakfast, I took a shower. Traveling always makes me feel kind of gross. Kylee got to watch a show with Oma during that time. Then we went downstairs and played in Oma's super fun basement. Then i am not sure what we did (hazards of not getting this post finished last week 4/26), but I know we had a great time and then had lunch and put the girls down. Oma and I took a little nap and Klaire decided that was lame and went to visit her friend Paige. Well as we promised our naps weren't long and before she got back, Mom had made cookies and I had called Driel about the R.S. Activity that was coming up in a week. Poor Mom had taken the day of the temple and all that happened during that time was naps and me doing RS stuff. Luckily mom is a good sport and we enjoyed each other and chatting after I was done. After naps and before dinner, Oma had a presidency meeting, so we went to Pima park while she had her meeting. That night we just talked and played games and then went to bed.
Tia Climbing up. |
Kylee learning to do the bars down. She is scared here, but she got really good at these before we left. |
Wednesday was kind of the same thing except for breakfast was something else delicious. I didn't have cold cereal once while I was there and it was AWESOME!! I just haven't liked cold cereal lately, so if I can find a way not to eat it I will. After breakfast, Oma watched the girls while Klaire and I went for a run. Then when we got back we went to the Thatcher Park. Usually that place is empty, but for some reason there were actually quite a few people there. However, we played and had a great time anyway. I think we played there for about two hours it was kind of an impressive amount of time at the park. While there one of Klaire's friends mistook me for her and saw me and was like "Hey! What's up?" I was like "hey." Then she was closer and noticed I wasn't Klaire, but I looked a lot like her and was like, "Oh, I thought you were Klaire." I replied, "I am her sister, she's right over there." Anyway, it was pretty funny. So, after the park we went home and had lunch and the girls took naps. Klaire and I talked during naptime and then when the girls got up we went outside. They loved throwing rocks in the ditch, seeing the chickens, and playing with Skippy. Then we had dinner, and got the girls to bed. Then Oma and Klaire and I played games and talked.
Tia with her prized chicken egg. She begged us all day to go and get it. |
Thursday we did a workout inside. That was kind of disastrous, because the girls kept doing things they shouldn't, but we got through. Oma had to to work that day, BUMMER. However, after working out, having breakfast, taking care of a couple fiascoes and taking turns getting cleaned-up it was time to get a lunch together. So, we made special drinks and sandwiches and gathered up some other stuff and stopped for a minute at Oma's work and said hi and my kids were great enough to get us invited back for some ice cream cake. From Oma's work we went to Papa's office were we got to see lots of the people he works with and of course they all thought his granddaughters were just so precious. (As they should) Then Papa gave the girls the choice of going across the street to eat at the park or in the breakroom. Kylee chose the breakroom, so that is were we went. Poor other people that were in there, Tia kept opening and closing the door. That door is very loud and it clicks where you open or shut it, plus the floor in there is all tile, so every sound is amplified. However, they did say they didn't mind and hopefully it is true because the normal quite breakroom was not. Our lunch was good, and it was fun to have it with Papa. Then we all, including Papa, went to Oma's office to cash in on the offer of ice cream cake. It was a fun treat and we totally dirtied that office more that it usually is, but don't worry we didn't leave it that way. It is just what happens when little kids get ice cream. So, anyway we went home and got the girls down for a nap and then Klaire and I took a little snooze and then chatted. When the girls woke-up they wanted to go outside, so we took them out there and then made dinner. Papa and Oma got home and we had dinner and during dinner we got to video chat with Aunt Kara and baby Ross. Then Oma and Klaire headed to the temple and Papa started getting ready. I cleaned up dinner and then the babysitter got there. Luckily she was okay with getting to know the kids while I went and got changed for the temple. Once I was a ready, Papa and I left for the temple.
It was so wonderful to be with Klaire as she received her endowments. It was fun to sit on the very front row next to her and mom. It was wonderful to be in the Celestial room together. It was also really nice to be in the Celestial room and just be able to relax and enjoy the peace and spirit of the temple. I really wish all my other siblings could have been there. It would have been/will be so neat to be in the temple all together. It was such a wonderful experience. I love the temple and the peace and feeling of safety there. Papa stayed to clean, while us girls went home. The babysitters had done great and the girls were in bed and asleep. So, we were chilling and enjoying being home. Then Papa got home and we chatted a bit more and then it was late, so we had prayers and went to bed.
Friday Oma worked at the temple, and Papa went to work super early so he could get a few hours in and then come home. While everyone was gone Klaire and I took the girls to the temple. I was going to do it sooner, but things just kept coming up. Finally, I was like we are going, so we went. Those two were so cute. The loved the temple and it was fun to talk about it and let them be there and answer their questions it was great.
Kylee and Tia at Gila Valley Temple. |
We came back home and Papa was back, and ready to play WAHOOO!! The main thing we did was go on a four-wheeler ride. We went to Bryce cemetery and Kylee wanted to know where Derek was. After we explained that, and showed her my Mama Fawn's grave and a couple of other cool things up there we continued on to where there use to be a spring. When we got to where it use to be we climbed down and hiked the creek bed for a bit till we found where it comes out now. That was super fun for me, but you can totally tell my kids are from the city and haven't done much hiking yet. Tia kept wanting to run as if it were flat ground, which it wasn't so luckily we were able to save her from all but one spill. Kylee didn't like that it was hard and uneven, and that she had to watch out for bushes and 'jump' down to Papa. However, we all made it and I thought it was great. I love these treasures my dad can show me. I love seeing the secrets of where I live. Sometimes I wonder how different they were when he was exploring them, but I am so glad he can remember where they are and take me. I love it. Anyway, the girls were so done after that so we went back home. Once there we had lunch and then it was time for naps. After naps we helped Papa clean out the truck and got the carseats in it and all drove up to El Charo for dinner. Klaire and I got a sampler plate thing. It had a bunch of different things on it. It was all pretty good and it was fun to go eat Mexican in AZ. It's been awhile and after going and having my kids with us I remembered why. It is because kids always want to go use the potty like a million times, then they make a huge mess while eating, then when they are all done they want to get down and run around. AHHHHH!! Oh well, we all survived. That night we watched some home videos that Papa had converted to DVD in his class and oh my it was funny. It was like my life right now just with a couple extra kids around. Oma was laughing so hard, I was laughing, and Papa I think was laughing at both us and the video. Oma's comment was "I don't remember living in a zoo." It gave me hope that if us kids were like that at one time and turned out the way we did then there is still hope for my family. After awhile, we turned it off and I went and packed up all my stuff and then we visited more and went to bed.
Saturday we got up early and had breakfast and were out the door by pretty close to 7. We left knowing that there were possible weather factors, but I honestly didn't think they would cancel it. But lo and behold, they did just as we got to north Mesa. When they first called they offered me the Monday morning flight, but I just couldn't agree to that without consulting with the people that would need to take me and pick me up. Luckily we decided that Tuesday was best, because by the time I had spent an hour on hold the Monday flight was full. They were going to offer me a flight voucher, but I said 'Whoa, Whoa, Whoa. I need a flight can I get on the Tuesday flight?' Those people are crazy to think I can get a flight at the same price. Anyway, luckily I got the Tuesday flight and we continued with our day. Our day included getting some edging rock for Papa. That was a chore since we couldn't find the place for like a LONG time. Oh man, my kids were so done with the car. When we finally got the brick we went out to Aunt Liz's house to get Oma's hair done. On the way out, we crushed a basketball. It was unavoidable. Papa tried and almost crushed my suitcase but in stead of ruining my luggage he sacrificed the ball. I was grateful but I doubt the kids whose ball it was is. Anyway, while we were at Aunt Liz's house the girls played outside, I figured out the details of not coming back to Colorado until the day of the RS event and got the bonus of getting my haircut. Its a pretty simple cut, but man it it so nice to have it cut. I LOVE it.
I know its blurry, but these two thought the salon chair was amazing. |
When that was all done we went to Costco and got Klaire a swimsuit. Then we went to distribution to see if Klaire could get a temple dress, and get her more garments. We were successful on the garments, not so much on the temple dress. Then we headed to Sams for dinner and then on the road home. Oh man, that drive seems so long when you are ready for it to be done. It is seriously a killer almost. However, we got home safe and sound.
Sunday was great. We got up and Oma and Klaire entertained the girls while I got ready. Then they got ready. Then we had a little lunch and went to church. Tia had an accident on the way to church. Yes, the child that went to Mesa and back the day before didn't make it the five minutes to the Church building. AUUUGHHHHH!! It is so frustrating. I wish I could find out what was going on when that happened, but I can't it is so weird. It is just like sometimes she forgets or I don't know she used it right before we left. So yeah, church started off great with me having to clean that up, but luckily things dry in AZ and luckily I had spare clothes. Actually, I am pretty sure that was following the spirit, because I ran back in the house to grab something and remembered I didn't have clothes and instead of saying oh we will be fine, I went and got them. So, I did have them. Thank goodness. So after that disaster, it was time for sacrament meeting. Well I had to take Tia out and then we came back and she fell asleep., which was great. However, when she woke up and needed to go to nursery she wasn't so sure about that. Luckily (I guess), Kylee didn't want to go to her class either and was more than willing to go with Tia to nursery, so not wanting to be stuck with two kids during RS I let them go. It worked out really well I think. After church we came home, and got dinner cooking. We had Papa Ross up for dinner. It was fun to visit with him. I wish I could concentrate more, but with two kids it wasn't happening. Oh well, dinner was good and the company was better and when it was all finished Papa Ross left we got things cleaned up and the kids to bed. Then me and Papa snuck off to Papa Ross's house. While we were there I got to catch up with my cousin Mary Anne and see my cousin James and his two kids. Oh man, it was so good to see them both. James little girl loved me and didn't want to go back with her dad. I think that might have made him feel bad, but boy did it make me feel good. She was super cute and funny I kind of didn't want to give her back, but I did. Then we went home and we visited for a bit and then went to bed.
Monday was a little crazy. Tia was running from one naughty thing to another almost faster than I could catch her it was crazy. So, we decided to get out of the house before anything got destroyed and went to the park again. This time we had most of the park to ourselves. It was pretty fun and we played for a long time. I seriously love that my kids love the park. I wish they would play in our backyard without one, but I love that they will at least play at one. Anyway, about the time we were going to leave a couple of my friends arrived with their kids. One was Jessica Pace, and then the other was Leseli Judd. It was fun to catch up with them and see how they were doing. I haven't seen Jessica in a long time, so it was so fun to see her and her kids. My kids were so done, so even though I wanted to stay a little longer it was time to go. We came home and had lunch and naps. Klaire and I meant to play games, but ended up talking. When the girls woke up we let them go swimming. This consisted of them dipping their bums in the pool and then getting out sliding on the slide and repeat, and done with lots of screaming. To be honest when my kids are having the most fun with a rambunctious activity it usually involves very high pitched loud screaming. We finished up with that and then went inside to help Oma with dinner. After dinner we had FHE. Oma pulled out a prayer puzzle and asked the girls different questions about prayer and then we played happy home and had a treat. It was fun and simple. Then we just kind of hung around and I repacked and went to bed.
Tuesday is pretty much covered on the previous post, but it was a very long and wonderful day. We were off by 7:00 again, we had to be this time or we would have to take the long way around. So, luckily we got off on time and through the blasting zone before it closed. It was fun to talk to my dad, and kind of enjoy our drive down there just us. Well, sorta. Tia and Kylee offered their two cents every once in awhile. Tia with usually going Papa, Papa, PAPA until he answered. She thought that was so funny. We made a pit stop at Jack in the Box and the pool store and then went to the airport. Luckily they let Papa through security with me and then we also scored and found a play area. It was awesome. I think every terminal needs one. It was so great. Then we eventually boarded and flew to Denver. Here we met are dad and boy howdy were we excited to see him and him to see us. Oh it was so good to be together again. I wish I could haven't spent all night together, but it wasn't to be and I did have a great time at the RS meeting, so it wasn't all for nothing. Plus the girls had a great time having some Daddy-Daughter time.
Sorry this is so long and not many pictures, but I forgot my camera and it was a whole eventful week. So hope you enjoy.
Sounds so fun!!