I love having a three and four year-old because everyday is magic. I mean we go to the park and we build a castle. It has lightbulbs, doors, windows, and we live in it. Often the girls go on trips to bring back 'blue sand' to build this castle with. Our trampoline can be anything from a Pokemon land to a hospital. The basement is a wonder of fantastic things, but most often there very own world were they can drive, make food, sleep, save each other, and run away from monsters. Almost everyday I am amazed at how the simple things of our life transform into a magical world for my children. They are truly amazing and I love watching them play, build with dupols and blocks, and come up with crazy games to play with their friends. I definitely think these are magic days, because their reality melts away and they live and dream like crazy.
Another reason these are magic days is because winter is very mild here in Colorado. We have had great weather. I could use some snow fun, but hey if there isn't going to be snow then I am glad it is sunny with mild temperatures. However, last Monday (1/28) we got a real winter-summer. The day started off by going a field trip to Panera Bread. They dumped the dough on the table, make cuts in it, and tossed it into their special ovens. The kids were so enthralled with it and to be honest it was pretty cool and we felt pretty special going behind the counter of a restaurant. After getting the bread in the oven, they let the kids frost their own sugar cookie. They had really cool sprinkles and some cool frosting colors. The kids had a great time frosting and decorating and really for a group of 3 and 4 year-olds they didn't make a very big mess. Then after doing cookies they gave us a sample of bread and we talked about how it felt, smelled, sounded, looked, and of course tasted. Then they finished it off by sending us home with our very own baguette. It was so great.
Kylee and Tia working on their cookies. |
Kylee and Tia with their bread samples. |
But, our summer didn't end with just one cool event because we headed to pool. We had pretty much the whole pool to ourselves which is very unsummer like, but so nice. The girls had a great time splashing and playing around. It was fun to enjoy it with them, and not have to worry about what we needed to do next. The swim trip was pretty much perfect. We did have a slight incident in which Kylee jumped in and I sent her back to the edge and it was too high, so she turned to start swimming back and I plucked her out, but as most of you know Kylee--the panic had already set in. So, while I was trying to clam her down Tia jumped in and I didn't notice. Then the lifegaurd starts walking toward me in a way that says there is something I am suppose to be seeing. That is when I realize Tia jumped. So, I look for her and she is standing on her tip-toes in the water with her head tipped back, so her mouth is at the highest point it could be, but the water is still getting in there. Anyway, I quickly haul her out and on to the edge. She spit up a little bit, but was fine. However, the girls were done jumping into the water. Luckily they were not done swimming, so we went back to the shallower water and swam and swam until we needed to go home for lunch and naps. The girls took great naps and and then the weather was so great we played outside. Then for dinner we had steak on the grill and twice baked potatoes. We even jumped on the tramp for a bit while Guapo grill. It was the perfect taste of summer. Folks, it was a magic day. I know it doesn't seem like it was all that different and any other day, but trust me it was. I was happy the whole day. I didn't get flustered when things didn't go just so. My girls were completely happy minus the crazy pool thing. We got to spend time as a family and we had good food. You will just have to trust me that it was a magic day and I literally felt as if I was living the best day ever. It was AWESOME!!
Now not all days around here are magic ones. We have the normal ones and the bad ones. I mean just after that incredibly awesome day I had like the worst day. It wasn't that anything went really wrong I just felt really off and so consequently the whole day felt that way. I was so mad. I was like why did I have a rockstar day and now a dumpy day? However, we made it through that day too and the next day was better. Days are like that, and thank goodness. I mean imagine if there was no good at any point of the day. Imagine if you were angry all the time, or tired all the time. It would be awful. I think that is why Heavenly Father gives us magic days and/or magic moments. If I am looking almost everyday has a magic moment--a moment that for however short a time it is everything is perfect. To be honest I can't always see them that day and sometimes the magic time is when we are all asleep, but its there. Heavenly Father loves me and thus sent Christ to earth for me, so that my bad days aren't my everyday and most importantly so I can have Magic Days.
My magic making crew at a DQ night, blizzards were buy on get one so time to eat fancy. |
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