Yesterday was free Zoo day, so we skipped swimming lessons and went. I dilly-dallied getting ready and was consequently kind of rushed and late getting out the door, but we did it. We left a little after nine, which got us to the Denver Zoo a little after ten. When we first got there it wasn't too crowded and we decided to go the opposite way we normally do, and I am so glad we did. I am glad because all the animals were out and we got to explore a lot of things we haven't seen before. We say a huge like boa constrictor snake. When I first saw it I kind of did a little jump, but then reminded myself that it was behind glass. Yesh, I really don't like snakes, but I sure saw a lot of this trip. We also say some cute monkeys, and beautiful hawk. The hawk we actually got to see pretty close and hear a little more about him and the zoo. Then we saw some little monkeys, and then decided to go to the elephant show and meet up with Trent and Tori.
Looking at the deer thing. |
Tia and Kylee were fascinated by the men taking down Christmas lights. |
Tia and Kylee looking at the penguins. |
Tia and the elephant. |
More with the elephant |
It is really hard to get them both to look at the same time. |
The elephant show was pretty fun. We got to hear lots of fun facts, and watch him bend onto his knees, lift his head, curl his trunk, walk, turn around--stuff like that. Kylee loved it. She even listened to the presenter enough to know some of what she said. Tia was a little bored, but please as punch to be with Kylee and Tori.
Trent, Tori, Kylee, random girl, Tia, and random boy playing on a jeep thing near the elephants. |
We tried to look at some other things, but the kids kept begging for lunch. Finally, I caved hoping we would be able to have a peaceable rest of the zoo trip. We had a good lunch except for the fact that a Canadian Goose stole half of Kylee's sandwich while she was chewing and not paying attention. Kylee was super mad and slightly frightened and Tia was wanting me to go get it back. I didn't go get it (obviously), so Kylee ate some of Tia's sandwhich and then they both had tons of snacks as we continued walking around the zoo. Despite the lunch break Tori was pretty whinny and Kylee was apparently famished because she ate and ate while we walked to the Primate area and then some more after that. I was really worried she would get sick, but I think she is growing, so that equals more food intake.
Sitting on the Ropes. |
Anyway, after looking at the Gorillas and Orangutans we crossed the zoo to see the exploring the shores exhibit. Siri was having to carry Trent because Tori was "needing" to ride in the stroller. Somewhere between the lions and the water exhibit we lost our friends, and I honestly gave up hope and to be honest some desire to stay with them because Siri was rushing because her kids were whining and I was going slow because Kylee was starting to whine and slow down. So, with two different tempos going I just gave up because I wasn't going home at 1:00 in the afternoon, not with so much of the zoo to see. Plus I know Kylee can last longer than 1:00 in the afternoon. She does it almost any other day of the week. Consequently, I dragged Kylee along trying to get her interested in anything but going home. Tia was as happy as a lark to just be constantly moving and seeing. On our way to the water exhibit we saw the cheetah, lion,rhino, polor bear and some other cool things.
So,eventually we got to the underwater exhibit and it was really cool. I had never been in there before and it had all kind of things. It has tons of frogs, turtles, fish, snakes, and stingrays. It also had an anaconda. It had lots of really cool things I don't know that I have ever seen. We didn't even get to to see it all, but it was cool. Kylee was thinking she was going to die at this point and Tia wanted to go outside, so instead of caving to Kylee we went outside and saw the giraffes and then the camels (Kylee's pick).
See Kylee is so thrilled to be looking at this mini-shark and huge fish ;) |
By that time, Kylee decided to kind of perk-up so we were able to catch on last thing we hadn't yet seen-- Bird World. Besides the huge snake, I think this was the girls favorite part, but I don't know. They really kind of just liked walking through all the doors, but it was so cool, because in some parts the birds aren't in cages and you just walk on the path through the bird area. It was super cool. The girls got to touch a flamingo and owl feather too. It was a pretty cool place.
Finally, after bird world we started heading back to the front. We passed the covered wagon and the girls wanted a picture with that. So, we got that picture stopped at the restrooms on last time and went to the car. It was a little after three by this time, so I think we did really good and milking the day and Kylee's happiness.
Kylee and Tia at the covered wagon. |
The kids were so tuckered out. They both feel asleep almost as soon as the were in their carseats. I really wanted to take a picture of them, but I was driving in traffic, so I decided against it, but they were zonked. They slept the whole way. I was kind of tired when I got home too, so I was kind of hoping they would stay asleep, but of course not. Although, it probably serves me right for making them stay up so long. Anyway, we got home and stuck the chicken pot pie in the oven and our dishes in the dishwasher and watched a show of Curious George. Then we got up and played and read books until Dad got home.
When Dad got home we put together Valentines. Kylee was really into it and excited. Tia just wanted the candy and to do everything herself. That was slightly frustrating, but we were able to have patience and only one card got ripped, so it turned out good. It was super fun to watch the girls get excited about what they were taking to school for their friends. After valentines, we had dinner. It was so good to have a warm cooked meal after a long day. Thank goodness some things can bake really well right out of the freezer. After dinner it was FHE. We made brownies. Gaupo had the girls taste salt, sugar, and chocolate. After each one he asked them if it tasted good. Salt was a definately no and the chocolate was a definite yes. The plain sugar was a toss up because it came after the chocolate. Anyway, Gaupo talked to them about how these ingredients on their own either taste gross or okay, but when we mix them together they make something great. He told them our family is the same way as we mix or work together we turn out better than we do when we are all alone. Then we made the brownies, by listening to instructions and working together. We had to really work at listening to each other because we all wanted to take over and not let anyone have a turn or do it their own way, but when we were all trying it went really well. Gaupo said after that it was really hard even for him to listen because sometimes he didn't want to let the girls have a turn or to follow the recipe exactly. I think it is pretty deep how that can compare with our lives and families. There are many time we just want to do it all or do it our own way, but we need to slow down and let others take a turn and if we want things to turn out the way we intend them to we all have to listen to instructions. Our brownies had specific instructions and so do our lives. However, just like when we followed the instructions we ended up with some really good rich brownies, if we follow the directions of the Lord we will end up with a really good rich eternal life. Now, I honestly doubt the girls got any of that, but they did get to make delicious brownies that they both like and they got to spend time helping and being with mom and dad.
It was a kind of crazy, long, fun day but oh so good. I love the things we do as a family. I really hope my kids never grow out of enjoying the simple things in life like spending time with family.
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