This week is lasting forever. I have had plenty to do, so normally the week would just speed on by, but it just isn't. So, instead of dreading the fact that there are a couple of days until the weekend still I thought I would fill you in on what we have been up to around here lately. We will go by person oldest to youngest.
Gaupo- He is doing great. He still really likes his work at the library. Most days he still comes home happy. His work has recently up-ed the health incentive to also include a day-off if you get up to the third tier. Gaupo is motivated and I am totally supportive. So, he has been doing lots of bike riding. He has ridden his bike the majority of days this winter. It is true that the weather has been good for that, but he did it. He even did it when he had to wear a hat and coat. Being this active for this long is a new thing for Gaupo. Gaupo is still going to school. We are looking forward to summer break here in a little over a month. We are taking the summer off and then will head up our last year of school in the spring. I am really proud of Gaupo because its a lot to be a dad, in the elder's quorum presidency, be a husband, hold a full-time job, and go to school. However, he manages it and it has been really fun to see him enjoy all of those things. Gaupo is awesome. I feel so lucky to have him as my husband.
Gaupo and I at the Ft. Collins Temple last weekend. We are still such a cute couple. |
Me- Not too much has changed with me. I am currently still babysitting Trent and Tori everyday. I also picked up some work for my cousin Robert. It only takes about 10-15 minutes, but it keeps my mind moving, so I don't just completely waste the afternoon away. It also good for me to keep some kind of business work up just so I am not completely unqualified to work if I ever had to. I really enjoy my Thursday's because in the morning I have about an hour to myself and I go swimming at the pool across the street and take a shower all by myself. I will also be starting spring frisbee here in about a week and I am really excited for that. This month for R.S. I developed a Relief Society Edition of Cranium. It turn out good, but I would love it if it would get more use, so if you ever need it let me know. Other than that I just keep busy trying to be a good mom, have a somewhat clean house, put good food on the table, and enjoy the nice weather. I am totally loving the nice weather temperatures.
Trent, Tori, Kylee, and Tia. This is my crew. I usually don't go to the grocery store, but some times you just do things. |
Kylee- She just finished up with her last Alligator swim class today. WAHOOOO!! About one and half years later and we finally passed. She is doing a great job. She can swim and float and jump in. She is still a little hesitant of deep water, but this next level should get her to conquer that fear, so I am excited to see what it brings. Kylee is learning lots of sight words in preschool. She is always doing something crafty. Her backpack comes home with no less that 3 papers every day. Her 'best' friends besides her sister are Tori Jacobson and Ryker Atkinson. Although she also enjoys playing with Jacob Detro and Jensen Blaine. She loves jumping on the tramp and having friends over. She still loves to sing and play. Kylee is super into Pokemon. Her friend Ryker gave her "the strongest Pokemon ever" today and, so she challenged her dad to a battle. Gaupo battled her and did lose, but just barely. It is so fun to watch this little girl catch on to new things, hold on as tight as she can to her big/older sister status, and find her own kind of adventures. Kylee is one cool five year old.
These moose antlers are so funny. That face is because she is snorting like a moose. Also according to Kylee "Boy moose fight for the girls, and then have babies." |
Tia- Tia is growing and changing on a weekly basis I feel like. I feel like her speech improves and lengthens all the time. In the last two weeks she has learned how to ride a two-wheeler. She still has a little trouble starting on her own, but after that she is good to go. She loves riding her bike and being outside. Her baby has the best mom. Tia takes her for long walks in the stroller, feeds her, and takes her for 'car' rides. I love watching Tia imagine and keep up with her sister. Besides learning to ride a two-wheeler Tia has also mastered climbing up onto the roof of our play house. She is so proud of the fact that she and Ryker are the only two kids that can do it. (Kylee did it once, but hurt herself getting down, so she isn't real apt to try again.) Tia seems to like preschool. She loved it when she was doing the three little pigs unit, but now that they are on to something that I think is pretty complicated she isn't as into going to school. However, she still goes and seems to have a pretty good time. I am working on getting her some Occupational Therapy and eventually some additional Speech Therapy. So Tia is growing like crazy and she is so opposite of her sister in almost every way, but you know what I think that is one of the reasons that they are best friends.
Here is a video of Tia on her bike about 5 days after I took the training wheels off.
Tia feeding her baby in the highchair she thought up all on her own. |
I am thoroughly enjoying this stage of my family's life. I love watching every member of it grow and change. I love how we actually have something that we all like to do (play pokemon go and ride bikes). I love that we can watch a movie together if we want. The sun going down later lends itself to just a little bit more play time before bed. My kids I don't feel like are too fussy of eaters and tend to hang in there when they have to eat something they don't like. I love that I treasure the moments I have with just my kids. I feel like such a lucky mom to have great kids. I love Family Home Evening with these two. They always want to help. My favorite job for Tia is the lead the music because she mostly just dances, but it is so great. I love to hear Kylee give a lesson or scripture, but her favorite job is to be the special helper so she can serve dessert. She also loves to conduct. I just love being a parent with Gaupo. He supports me and loves me even if he thinks I am sometimes a little crazy or over ambitious. I am so blessed to have this sweet family of mine.
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