A lot has happened since I last blogged, and I wish I could write about all of it, but it will have to suffice that on President's Day Monday we had a super fun bike ride out at Sandstone Ranch, and did a bit of exploring there too. Then we went home and made delicious egg rolls and rice. Last Tuesday we had a visit from Aunt Kitt before she went to Michigan and then we got to have her some today too. In addition to those things we have also had the missionaries over for dinner, lunch potluck, dinner group, swimming lessons, and preschool. Needless to say I feel like we have been a little busy, but never to busy for a good birthday celebration.
Kylee turned five on Friday and boy howdy was she excited. She has been counting down the days until her birthday. She woke up pretty early, but luckily was pretty quiet until about 7 when she asked if she could go downstairs. I had totally planned to be awesome and go down right away with her, but I just couldn't so she came downstairs and saw her poster, balloons, and presents by herself and a great time playing with Charmander. I did not stay long in bed and we came down and read a few books until everyone else got up. Then we had scriptures and prayer and opened presents. She loved everything she got. My kids are really funny they open everything really fast and don't pay much attention and then they go back later and look at everything. It might be normal, but for me it seems weird. Anyway, we slowed her down a bit, but she really did love it all. She got some coloring stuff, a a floor puzzle, memory game, new dress, bubble gun, gum, chalk and a couple other things. She loved it all. After presents I got ready while her breakfast muffins were cooking. Then we had breakfast and took her to Preschool. So since it was her birthday I asked her if she wanted to take anything to school for her class and she said "oooo, banana bread!" That is what we did. She helped me make the bread the night before and then I sent her with two slices for everyone to take home and then a slice for each person for snack time. Luckily there are only 3 kids in her class because she was so pleased to be able to take banana bread to school.
Kylee and Tia with some presents. |
Kylee and more presents. |
This gift didn't come till the next day, but here are Kylee and Tia with a playdough set and Elsa coloring pages. |
She had a great time at school and when she got back Tori and Trent were here and one of her other friends Ryker came to play. The kids all played and played until it was time for lunch. We had lunch and got that cleaned up to we could have more friends come over for ice cream. The non-party--it was a non-party because I didn't plan anything but ice cream. Her friends didn't have to bring gift and I didn't give out gift bags or anything. It was just friends and ice cream that is it. Anyway, it started at 1:00, but no one really came until about 1:15. As the kids arrived, they went and found the other kids and they all just played. It of course got louder as more kids came, but over all I think everyone was pretty nice and though they didn't all play together the little groups tended to all play in the same area. It was kind of interesting. So, after everyone arrived they played for awhile and then Kylee asked for ice cream. So we got it out and I served up each kid a bowl and then allowed them to top it with Oreo's, chocolate chips, Chips Ahoy cookes, chocolate syrup and whip cream. The kids thought it was awesome. They all crowded around the table and ate and then ran back outside to play. So, from about 1:15 to 2:20 I had nine of Kylee's friends, plus Tia and Trent. So I had 11 kids 5 and under here and amazing it wasn't too bad. Anyway, once everyone left except Tori, Trent, Kylee, and Tia it was nap time. Everyone was pretty tired, so it was much needed. When everyone woke up they played till Trent and Tori had to leave. Then we had Kylee's birthday dinner of Macaroni and Cheese and hot dogs. Then for her cake we had death by chocolate cake and ice cream. Her exact request was chocolate cake, no frosting. Luckily she loved it and it was a great meal. Kylee could not blow out her candles. She would just blow super hard above the flames so it took her like five time to blow out the candles each time we lit them it was pretty funny.
Daddy lighting the candles. |
Kylee, Me, and Tia. |
Kylee and Tia. |
After dinner, we cleaned up and then went to Lego club at the library. Gaupo asked Kylee if that would be something she would want to do and she said yes. So, he actually worked Lego club and we went to it. They were showing one of Kylee's favorite shows Cat in the Hat, and building with Legos. This was Kylee's first time playing with real legos and it took her a bit but once she got her idea and figured out the pieces she loved building her airplane car. It was fun to watch how she figured it out. To be honest it was kind of frustrating to me because they had the legos separated by color not by shape or size which was kind of annoying, but we got it figured out and everyone had a good time. We actually stayed the whole time and, so when it was over we went home and sent the girls to bed. It was a really big day, and Kylee loved it all. I mainly think she loved the whole day being all about her, but who does't and that is the whole point of a birthday to celebrate them.
Some of our pieces. |
Us with our creations. |
Kylee and her airplane car. |
Tia and her car. |
Now that Kylee is five let me give you a little update on her. Kylee is one amazing little girl. When she started school this fall she never colored real pictures just kind of doodled. She didn't write any letters and definitely didn't recognize any words. However, now she loves to color. She draws her, Tori, Tia, and Trent most often. She loves to color and when she slows down she is really good at staying in the lines. She love to write her name and knows how to write quite a few letters. She has some sight words she can recognize, but her favorite is the. She loves her friends and her sister. She loves to play. She also love to be the boss, so when someone differs in their opinion she kind of struggles with that but she is learning.
Kylee loves primary. She still loves to sing. I think her favorite song is still Praise to the Man, but a close second recently is We Thank Thee O God for a Prophet. She got new teachers in January and is loving having them. Kylee loves church and tries so hard to be good.
Kylee has turned into quite the little fish. She is still in Alligators, but she is so close. She just needs a little bit more on her back float and then she will have it. She is so close. She loves jumping into 3ft deep water. She loves swimming, bobbing, and diving for rings. She also still loves the hot tub at the rec center. Kylee has done really well with swimming and I think we will have a lot of fun this summer.
Kylee is such a great sister. She really tries hard to include Tia in everything she does. It doesn't really bug her to let her play with her and her friends. The two of them will often hold hands if they are unsure about a situation like the first swim class with a new teacher or going to babysitting for the first time in awhile or something like that. Sometimes they even hold hands just because they want to be together. Kylee still loves to talk for Tia although she is getting better at letting Tia answer before she does.
Kylee is really a very sweet little girl and I feel so blessed to be her mom. I love feeling her love for me and the rest of her family. I love watching her get excited about thing. I love her personality and how even though she takes her sweet time sometimes she will usually try most things (note the in her time thing). I love watching succeed at life. This little girl is one of a kind and I am so glad that I get to be her mom and just watch all the awesomeness that come from her.
Happy Birthday Kylee!!
Love this girl of mine. |
I actually feel like this pic should go somewhere else, but I don't know where. So, it goes here so that it will get published at some date in time.
Gaupo documenting that I am teaching my kids bad things, but as you can tell from the pic above they love it. |
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