The girls and I went on our annual Arizona vacation. There are definite perks to traveling with a 4 and 6 year-old. For one, they are not so thrown off by wacky schedules and they are really pretty independent. Also escalators, and moving sidewalks are fun and not scary and that helps considerably especially at DIA where that is the majority of ways you get to place. Anyway, our trip started dark and early on June 6th. We headed for the airport about 3:00AM and left at about 5:30AM. We fly on Southwest and to be honest if you can afford the tickets go with Southwest. Free bags, snacks, and drinks is awesome! Plus, their flight staff is really nice and their pilots seem good. If you can't tell I loved flying Southwest. My girls have never gotten in flight snacks and drinks before, so they thought that was AMAZING! Kylee even stayed up till about 11:00PM on our flight home just so she could get one. Anyway, the trip there was great. Tia for some reason got a little scared about being in the air, but other than that we pretty much had snacks and slept until we got to Arizona.
My dad picked us up at the airport and took us to Tolleson which is where Jack and Lindsay now live. Klaire was there visiting for a bit too, so it was fun to see her a little early. Lindsay had made some really good pumpkin muffins and we had those and eggs for breakfast. Then the kids played and Lindsay went to a workout class and Klaire and I stayed home. I wasn't sure my body could handle all the jumping around because I am expecting twins and well it seems that jumping makes me not feel so good. Not usually the day I do it but for about a day or two after. Anyway, so Klaire and I stayed home we visited for a bit and then I needed a nap, so Klaire was a saint and manned the four kids for a bit. I eventually woke and visited some more and just enjoyed watching the kids play. Then Linsday got home and talked and visited some more and then had lunch. After lunch I made the kids take a nap because we all needed one. Once we woke up from that the rest of the day was spent having the kids play, getting dinner ready, visiting with Jack when he got home, and just being there. I was at Jack and Linsday's house from Wednesday to Saturday. The kids mainly just played and played and played. Kylee and Betty get a long really well and Tia kind of floated between those girls, Allen, Roxy and herself, but she seemed to enjoy. We went to the spash pad one day, and swimming another. Lindsay humored us and let us do a piggy party. She has all the really cool fun stuff for getting awesome looking piggies, so it was really fun and we loved our nails. I had a really good time there and it was fun to be with Jack when he wasn't at work. I enjoyed being with Lindsay and the kids. I feel bad that I didn't feel real awesome all the time, so although I would normal play games and help with lots of stuff, I just couldn't. So, that was a bummer and I hope I wasn't too much of a drag.
Saturday Lindsay had arranged to have a BBQ at my cousin Lafe's house. He has a pool and cool backyard, so we went over there and swam and played and enjoyed some more family and fun. Kara and Seth came with their boys, Ian and his wife Michelle came and then all of Lafe's family was there, so it was a party. We had good food and good company. My kids loved the slide and jumping of the rocks and learning from Vivian how to dive. My kids were wiped by the end but they played hard and had a good time. We had grilled chicken and hotdogs with fruit and salad for lunch. Then Kara made summer slush for dessert. It was a fantastic meal, with great company and fun. After the BBQ, Jack and Lindsay dropped me and the girls off at Kara's house were we rested, played, and had dinner. Oma's flight got delayed, so we ended up driving to the airport to get her and then leaving directly from there for home. We got to Pima around 9:30 and me and my girls pretty much went right to bed.
Sunday was a pretty typical day, except it is so much hard to keep kids clean and ready for church when there are so many cool things to do in the backyard and church doesn't start until one. However, we made it. Tia totally crashed in church. She laid down between Oma and Papa and before the opening song was done she was out and stayed out all the way through church. It was crazy, she never ever did that last year when we had 1:00 church. Church was fun and it is amazing how quickly you lose track of what RS is doing when you don't go. So, it was kind of fun to get to have a lesson from General Conference and to be with the sister. When we got home we got ready for dinner. We had Papa Ross over (as usual which is awesome!) and it was great to visit with him and tell him about the twins. We had a great dinner and visited for a bit. Then he left and we cleaned up. I let the girls stay up that night and go down to his house to visit with who was there. There weren't many there just Uncle Mark and Bryan, but it was still fun and my girls enjoyed all of the cool old toys. When we got back I got the girls to bed stayed up a little and then went to bed too.
Monday we just chilled with Oma. We went swimming, and relaxed at her house. Sometimes it is just good to be home and not really have anything you have to do. Oma even did the FHE lesson. I did help Klaire do an FHE treat, but it was nice to not worry about the lesson and I think the girls really enjoyed hearing from someone else. That night between dinner and FHE Papa took us on a four-wheeler ride. The girls loved it and it turned out to be a really good thing because we discovered there was probably a break in the main water line up to the house.
Tuesday was pretty chill too. Klaire left early-ish to get Kara, Ross, and Levi to come play with us. So, after quiet time they were here. It was fun to go swimming with them and enjoy having cousins around again. The girls and I went up to Papa's office and had lunch with him. We got done a little early, so we went to the park across the street and played. It was a little weird because there were some teenagers causing dumb teen drama over the phone, but for the most part they were respectful of my kids playing and so it was okay. We had a good lunch with Papa and ran a couple of errands and then went home for quiet time. The rest of the day was pretty chill for us. After dinner Papa had to go dig up the main line and see what was wrong. While he was doing that and after we got the kids to bed Klaire, Kara, and I went and did initiatories for a little bit before the temple closed for the night. It was short, but it was good to go and fun to do it together.
Wednesday and Thursday were filled with cousin play, visiting, and enjoying. Kara, Klaire, and I went for a run that morning and enjoyed a rather cool morning. The kids played outside and it was great. After breakfast Kara pulled out the plans my dad had given us to draw on the back of and started the creative juices flowing by making a giant paper airplane. Then Kara made a vest and Kylee made her own purse. It was quite clever and they had a lot of fun doing it. We went swimming after quiet time and enjoyed just being around each other. Thursday our 'activity' was going to the splash pad in Thatcher. My kids are really enjoying splash pads now and it is really fun. They had a great time, but we did a little to close to lunch time, so everyone got hungry. However, we still had a good time and got everyone some lunch when we got home. That night Jack and Lindsay arrived and so their was more cousin play and fun and the finally bedtime.
Friday was a day full of play for my kids. They played outside, and inside. They played and played. My dad worked on sealing of the basement, so when it rained it wouldn't flood the storage room, but most everyone else just visited and played. That afternoon we went swimming and had a wiener roast. It was actually kind of cloudy, so the weather was perfect for being outside. Papa Ross joined our fun again and it was a fun family night. That night my brother was ordained to be a High Priest so he could serve as second councilor in the bishopric. It was cool to be there and witness my Dad and Papa Ross participate in that. So, I think I have probably witnessed all my brother's priesthood ordinations. I don't know for sure, but I can't think of why I would have missed any I was around for all of them. I feel really blessed to have been home when that happened.
Saturday was another day of fun. There was some outdoor fun, but we got a beautiful summer storm almost all day. So, we hung out under the porch and watched the rain and chatted. My dad got out his pellet gun and let everyone shoot that. We visited and enjoyed each other's company. During naptime I took a nap, but my Dad, Kitt, Jack, and Lindsay played Cover Your Assets. I got to play for my dad while he did something, but luckily he came back because I didn't cover to well for him. It was fun to see all my family play and enjoy each other. That night around 7:00 Jack and Lindsay took their family back home and the rest of us got our kids bathed and in bed. Then we finished watching The Happiest Millionaire.
Sunday again was pretty typical, but this time Kara, Seth, Ross, and Levi were there, so that actually helped with keeping my kids entertained inside. Tia and Kylee both crashed out after the sacrament was passed and it was fun to be sisters in RS. We had dinner after church with Papa Ross and then after visiting it was time to help get Kara and Seth back to their home. Also, my dad needed to get to Phoenix that night too.That night my mom and I got to have a really good visit, just the two of us. Then Klaire came home and we visited some more and then went to bed.
Monday and Tuesday were just chill days again. Playing and swimming. The house seemed really quiet without all the extra people, but it was a little nice to have it be just us again. We watched Coco for FHE on Monday. Klaire and I went to the 8:00AM session at the temple on Tuesday. My mom watched my girls for me and even though I could not stay awake for anything during the session, I was really glad I could go to the temple. On Tuesday night, Oma spoiled us by taking us out for snowcones. They were really good and it was fun to enjoy a warm night with a cool treat.
Wednesday it was time to go home. I got our stuff gathered, and helped get some things cleaned up and then it was time to go to Kara's house. We got to Kara's in time for lunch and naps. My mom and Klaire headed back home about 2:45. So, we enjoyed being at Kara's and playing with Ross and terrorizing Levi one last time. Kara helped my girls make cookies and we had a scrumptious dinner with them too. It was fun to be in their home and enjoy them and what they do. My dad came and picked us up and took us to the airport. We made a really good time, plus our plane was delayed, so we were at the airport for awhile. Luckily for me they had moving sidewalks, and free shuttle cars. The car took us for a ride and showed us a game we could play and then took us back. I then made the girls walk to the game and they had fun playing for a bit. Then we walked back and we video chatted Kitt and finally boared about 10:20. It was a long late flight. I would rather fly really early than really late, but we survived. Gaupo met us at DIA and we got our bags. I slept almost the whole way home and barely managed to get ready before crashing again.
The next morning I had my first offical pre-natal exam at 8:15. I made it to that. It was fun to see those two babies and listen to their heartbeats. It was fun to see them wiggle too. One was super wiggly and the other was only a little wiggly, but it was still cool. Then I came home and had a second breakfast with my family and sent Gaupo to work. I wasn't sure I would make it till naptime, but I did, but then I slept for a long time. The rest of the day was pretty much just spent chilling and recovering from travel.
I have an awesome family. I am so glad I got to visit with them and play with them both in their own homes and at my mom's house. It was great to be home. It was great to be hot and in the desert. I am really glad my parents have an A/C and a pool, but I still love to have the heat. It really was a great visit and I feel so lucky to have been able to go. I don't have many pictures but here are a couple.
My dad picked us up at the airport and took us to Tolleson which is where Jack and Lindsay now live. Klaire was there visiting for a bit too, so it was fun to see her a little early. Lindsay had made some really good pumpkin muffins and we had those and eggs for breakfast. Then the kids played and Lindsay went to a workout class and Klaire and I stayed home. I wasn't sure my body could handle all the jumping around because I am expecting twins and well it seems that jumping makes me not feel so good. Not usually the day I do it but for about a day or two after. Anyway, so Klaire and I stayed home we visited for a bit and then I needed a nap, so Klaire was a saint and manned the four kids for a bit. I eventually woke and visited some more and just enjoyed watching the kids play. Then Linsday got home and talked and visited some more and then had lunch. After lunch I made the kids take a nap because we all needed one. Once we woke up from that the rest of the day was spent having the kids play, getting dinner ready, visiting with Jack when he got home, and just being there. I was at Jack and Linsday's house from Wednesday to Saturday. The kids mainly just played and played and played. Kylee and Betty get a long really well and Tia kind of floated between those girls, Allen, Roxy and herself, but she seemed to enjoy. We went to the spash pad one day, and swimming another. Lindsay humored us and let us do a piggy party. She has all the really cool fun stuff for getting awesome looking piggies, so it was really fun and we loved our nails. I had a really good time there and it was fun to be with Jack when he wasn't at work. I enjoyed being with Lindsay and the kids. I feel bad that I didn't feel real awesome all the time, so although I would normal play games and help with lots of stuff, I just couldn't. So, that was a bummer and I hope I wasn't too much of a drag.
Saturday Lindsay had arranged to have a BBQ at my cousin Lafe's house. He has a pool and cool backyard, so we went over there and swam and played and enjoyed some more family and fun. Kara and Seth came with their boys, Ian and his wife Michelle came and then all of Lafe's family was there, so it was a party. We had good food and good company. My kids loved the slide and jumping of the rocks and learning from Vivian how to dive. My kids were wiped by the end but they played hard and had a good time. We had grilled chicken and hotdogs with fruit and salad for lunch. Then Kara made summer slush for dessert. It was a fantastic meal, with great company and fun. After the BBQ, Jack and Lindsay dropped me and the girls off at Kara's house were we rested, played, and had dinner. Oma's flight got delayed, so we ended up driving to the airport to get her and then leaving directly from there for home. We got to Pima around 9:30 and me and my girls pretty much went right to bed.
Sunday was a pretty typical day, except it is so much hard to keep kids clean and ready for church when there are so many cool things to do in the backyard and church doesn't start until one. However, we made it. Tia totally crashed in church. She laid down between Oma and Papa and before the opening song was done she was out and stayed out all the way through church. It was crazy, she never ever did that last year when we had 1:00 church. Church was fun and it is amazing how quickly you lose track of what RS is doing when you don't go. So, it was kind of fun to get to have a lesson from General Conference and to be with the sister. When we got home we got ready for dinner. We had Papa Ross over (as usual which is awesome!) and it was great to visit with him and tell him about the twins. We had a great dinner and visited for a bit. Then he left and we cleaned up. I let the girls stay up that night and go down to his house to visit with who was there. There weren't many there just Uncle Mark and Bryan, but it was still fun and my girls enjoyed all of the cool old toys. When we got back I got the girls to bed stayed up a little and then went to bed too.
Monday we just chilled with Oma. We went swimming, and relaxed at her house. Sometimes it is just good to be home and not really have anything you have to do. Oma even did the FHE lesson. I did help Klaire do an FHE treat, but it was nice to not worry about the lesson and I think the girls really enjoyed hearing from someone else. That night between dinner and FHE Papa took us on a four-wheeler ride. The girls loved it and it turned out to be a really good thing because we discovered there was probably a break in the main water line up to the house.
Tuesday was pretty chill too. Klaire left early-ish to get Kara, Ross, and Levi to come play with us. So, after quiet time they were here. It was fun to go swimming with them and enjoy having cousins around again. The girls and I went up to Papa's office and had lunch with him. We got done a little early, so we went to the park across the street and played. It was a little weird because there were some teenagers causing dumb teen drama over the phone, but for the most part they were respectful of my kids playing and so it was okay. We had a good lunch with Papa and ran a couple of errands and then went home for quiet time. The rest of the day was pretty chill for us. After dinner Papa had to go dig up the main line and see what was wrong. While he was doing that and after we got the kids to bed Klaire, Kara, and I went and did initiatories for a little bit before the temple closed for the night. It was short, but it was good to go and fun to do it together.
Wednesday and Thursday were filled with cousin play, visiting, and enjoying. Kara, Klaire, and I went for a run that morning and enjoyed a rather cool morning. The kids played outside and it was great. After breakfast Kara pulled out the plans my dad had given us to draw on the back of and started the creative juices flowing by making a giant paper airplane. Then Kara made a vest and Kylee made her own purse. It was quite clever and they had a lot of fun doing it. We went swimming after quiet time and enjoyed just being around each other. Thursday our 'activity' was going to the splash pad in Thatcher. My kids are really enjoying splash pads now and it is really fun. They had a great time, but we did a little to close to lunch time, so everyone got hungry. However, we still had a good time and got everyone some lunch when we got home. That night Jack and Lindsay arrived and so their was more cousin play and fun and the finally bedtime.
Friday was a day full of play for my kids. They played outside, and inside. They played and played. My dad worked on sealing of the basement, so when it rained it wouldn't flood the storage room, but most everyone else just visited and played. That afternoon we went swimming and had a wiener roast. It was actually kind of cloudy, so the weather was perfect for being outside. Papa Ross joined our fun again and it was a fun family night. That night my brother was ordained to be a High Priest so he could serve as second councilor in the bishopric. It was cool to be there and witness my Dad and Papa Ross participate in that. So, I think I have probably witnessed all my brother's priesthood ordinations. I don't know for sure, but I can't think of why I would have missed any I was around for all of them. I feel really blessed to have been home when that happened.
Saturday was another day of fun. There was some outdoor fun, but we got a beautiful summer storm almost all day. So, we hung out under the porch and watched the rain and chatted. My dad got out his pellet gun and let everyone shoot that. We visited and enjoyed each other's company. During naptime I took a nap, but my Dad, Kitt, Jack, and Lindsay played Cover Your Assets. I got to play for my dad while he did something, but luckily he came back because I didn't cover to well for him. It was fun to see all my family play and enjoy each other. That night around 7:00 Jack and Lindsay took their family back home and the rest of us got our kids bathed and in bed. Then we finished watching The Happiest Millionaire.
Sunday again was pretty typical, but this time Kara, Seth, Ross, and Levi were there, so that actually helped with keeping my kids entertained inside. Tia and Kylee both crashed out after the sacrament was passed and it was fun to be sisters in RS. We had dinner after church with Papa Ross and then after visiting it was time to help get Kara and Seth back to their home. Also, my dad needed to get to Phoenix that night too.That night my mom and I got to have a really good visit, just the two of us. Then Klaire came home and we visited some more and then went to bed.
Monday and Tuesday were just chill days again. Playing and swimming. The house seemed really quiet without all the extra people, but it was a little nice to have it be just us again. We watched Coco for FHE on Monday. Klaire and I went to the 8:00AM session at the temple on Tuesday. My mom watched my girls for me and even though I could not stay awake for anything during the session, I was really glad I could go to the temple. On Tuesday night, Oma spoiled us by taking us out for snowcones. They were really good and it was fun to enjoy a warm night with a cool treat.
Wednesday it was time to go home. I got our stuff gathered, and helped get some things cleaned up and then it was time to go to Kara's house. We got to Kara's in time for lunch and naps. My mom and Klaire headed back home about 2:45. So, we enjoyed being at Kara's and playing with Ross and terrorizing Levi one last time. Kara helped my girls make cookies and we had a scrumptious dinner with them too. It was fun to be in their home and enjoy them and what they do. My dad came and picked us up and took us to the airport. We made a really good time, plus our plane was delayed, so we were at the airport for awhile. Luckily for me they had moving sidewalks, and free shuttle cars. The car took us for a ride and showed us a game we could play and then took us back. I then made the girls walk to the game and they had fun playing for a bit. Then we walked back and we video chatted Kitt and finally boared about 10:20. It was a long late flight. I would rather fly really early than really late, but we survived. Gaupo met us at DIA and we got our bags. I slept almost the whole way home and barely managed to get ready before crashing again.
The next morning I had my first offical pre-natal exam at 8:15. I made it to that. It was fun to see those two babies and listen to their heartbeats. It was fun to see them wiggle too. One was super wiggly and the other was only a little wiggly, but it was still cool. Then I came home and had a second breakfast with my family and sent Gaupo to work. I wasn't sure I would make it till naptime, but I did, but then I slept for a long time. The rest of the day was pretty much just spent chilling and recovering from travel.
I have an awesome family. I am so glad I got to visit with them and play with them both in their own homes and at my mom's house. It was great to be home. It was great to be hot and in the desert. I am really glad my parents have an A/C and a pool, but I still love to have the heat. It really was a great visit and I feel so lucky to have been able to go. I don't have many pictures but here are a couple.
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Tia rolling the bag at 3:30AM. Sorry so blurry. |
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Kylee ready to go to AZ. |
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The cool Father's Day sign that Kara and Kylee made. Tia, Ross, and I added stuff to it but those two are the ones that really made it. |
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Tia in the sand box. |
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We all got haircuts from Aunt Klaire. |
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Dad helping me get to security. |
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Our twins. |
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