My blog is much neglected these days, which is so sad because my camera has also not been used. So unlike my awesomely documented last summer this one is a lot more spotty for both stories and pictures. However, it has been really good. We have had a lot of good trips, and visits, but by far my favorite part of this summer is watching my two girls play the way I always hoped and prayed they would. They actually play together. Not just with each other, but that really fun imaginative play. They are each other's best friend, especially when it is just the two of them. It is really interesting to watch/hear them. I honestly try not to watch too often because they play so much better when they think I am not watching them. I just love it and I am so grateful that it happened and that we have time to let them just play and play and play. It makes the times with friends special and the times we are together special it is so great.
We took our last trip for what might be a very long time from June 30th to July 9th. We went to Idaho to enjoy family and catch the annual Allen Brady family reunion. This year we went to the Merrill's first. We took off a little later in the day and we actually went partially around Bear Lake and then through Logan Canyon and stopped to visit Grandma Hammond. We spent two almost three hours visiting there. The girls played in the basement, and at Sarah and Gif's with there really cool pool. While they played us adults just talked and talked. It was a really good visit. We also got to stay for dinner of pizza. They all laugh at how grateful I was, but you know what we rarely get store bought pizza and, so it was so good. I just loved being there with just us and having time to just visit and not feel rushed to get back or to do anything. We could just visit and enjoy. After our visit there, we headed to Swanlake and got to the farm and played a bit and then sent everyone to bed. We were all pretty tired from traveling so it was good to just get cleaned up and go to bed.
Sunday through Tuesday was just us at the farm. Which was also kind of fun. I apparently love watching kids play, because that was one of my favorite parts was watching Kylee, Tia, James, and Blaine all play together. They got in trouble, they got dirty, and they played and played and played. They had so much fun. They painted rocks, got real rides and pretend rides on the four-wheelers, pushed and pulled things, searched for cats, went and bugged the milker's wife Amelia (by the way she loves them coming over), jumped on the tramp, swung, and looked at cows. They did everything and they rarely did it alone. Sometimes someone would go off on there own, but they all had a great time playing it was super cute. I was pretty tired by the end of most days, but I snuck a couple of days with naps and, so managed to play at least a night or two of games while visiting. It was a pretty chill time just full of playing and visiting.
Wednesday was the 4th of July and we went down to the church for the scout breakfast. I thought they did a really good job with it this year. When we left we stopped by the cemetery to visit Derek's grave and then we went home and met Jeff and Heidi. Then all of us worked at getting ready to go to the pond and enjoying the morning/afternoon there. Grandma and Grandpa have purchased a great shade cover, and some new toys to play with up at the pond, so we or at least I should say me and the kids had a great time. I was kind of a paddle board hog, but no one else seemed interested, so I took quite a few kid for ride on that. It was so fun and so nice to be out there. It was a warm and sunny day. We had hoggie sandwiches for lunch and the boys got out the shotguns and did skeet shooting for a bit and I took some kids back out on the pond before I snuck in a few shots. It really was a good time with everyone just hanging out and enjoying the beauty up there. We went back down to the house and had a giant water balloon fight. It started with just the kids, but as always some adults got involved too after the kids had a fair amount of time to get it on their own. Let me tell you those quick fill water balloons make water balloon fights way more practical and fun because you didn't have to spend a whole day filling and tying them. Anyway, we had a great time and we pretty well soaked. Then Heidi and Jeff got there kids all cleaned up and then we went on a four-wheeler ride. It went a lot long than I expected and I buy the time I got back I was exhausted, but it was beautiful ride. Then we said good-bye to the Anderson's and had dinner and got our kiddo's cleaned up and sent to bed. Then I was so tired I didn't stay up too long after and went to bed to. It was the perfect kind of 4th of July, spent with family having a great time.
Thursday, I did laundry and then we headed to Grandpa-Great's house. We got there in time to make him a sandwich and Macaroni and Cheese for lunch. My kids were in heaven and to be honest on those warm days, sandwiches are so fine with me. Then after we had a great lunch with him, we all went and crashed out for naps in his basement. I felt kind of bad, but I was getting sick and was tired and really I don't think he minded too much. After naps, the other family started to arrive. We got them all unloaded and our tent setup with the stuff in it and then took my family to the Merrill's pond. Once again we got out the water toys and had a great time. However, my family like water a lot more, so I had to share the paddle board. It worked out though because I also tried a couple of the kayaks and smaller paddle board. As far as I know everyone had a great time. I know I really enjoyed it and everyone else said they did too. It really was the best thing for our family to do with the short amount of time we had to spend with just the Michael Bryces'. I think we ended up leaving around 8:00 and heading back. I rinsed the kids off, Gaupo got a shower, and they went to bed. I followed as soon as I got a bath. Yes, I took a bath and it was wonderful. It was so what my body needed. We spent the night in our tent and it was actually great.
Friday didn't start to early. It gets light pretty early in Idaho in the summer, but the girls didn't get up until about 7:00 or maybe a little later and that was awesome. We got up and got ready. Then we helped with a few thing and got breakfast underway. We had pancakes and eggs for breakfast. Then we just kind of hung around and visited with each other until the Allen Brady reunion started. It started off with hoggie sandwiches for lunch, lots of visiting, and people setting up tents and rooms as they arrived. Around 2:30 we started water kickball. Then about 3:45/4:00 we started some competition water games. I kind of got in my bossy mode, and forgot to let Klaire help me, but I think she has forgiven me and I will definately work on that next time. I was just so focused on what I was doing and that I kept moving, so I wouldn't fall asleep that I just totally blew threw everything. However, I think it turned out well and that everyone had a good time. We finished up water games, got changed and got thing cleaned up and headed to the church for a dinner of wiener roast. That is the only downside to having the reunion after the 4th of July is that you have a hot dogs a lot by that time, but its okay. Really I love fire roasted hotdogs and somores, so its all good. After the weiner roast was a talent show. We sang our Spanish colors song. Kara told a super cute story about when T
he Bryce's Go To Grandma's House. I really should get a copy of that story because it is true for what is was like when went to Grandma's. There were lots of other cute talents and it is fun to hear and or see what everyone came up with. Kitt and Matthew did a lip sync to a High School Musical song and it was great. Klaire played the piano and it sounded wonderful and Jack and his kids told jokes. After the talent show we got things cleaned up and then we went to bed, but there was an option to watch a movie on Grandpa-Great's lawn if you wanted. They watched Coco. I heard about the first 20 minutes and then I was gone.
Saturday, dawn busy. It was a great morning, but our family (meaning the Bryces') were in charge of breakfast and bless Gaupo's heart he is always ready to help with whatever meal we are in charge of. So, he got up early and went with my parents to the church to cook. I let the girls sleep and when they woke up we got ready and then we down to the church to take the things that were forgotten and to help cook up some eggs. For breakfast we did sausage, eggs, muffins, and cereal. I think it turned out just great. After breakfast, we all went to Arimo park to play at the park or a great game of Ultimate frisbee. Gaupo played frisbee and I am trying to be really good and not do things that will get me hurt and, so just visited and hung out with cousins and kids at the park. Then we went back to the church for Grandpa-Great's 90th B-day party. They had a carnival where we played games and got tickets and then went to the fishing pond and got prizes with our tickets. It was fun and the kids really like the games and fun. I thought it was a fun celebration.
Grandpa-Great with his birthday cake. |
Then we had lunch. After lunch, was family history time. Each family unit made a 'flat' version of the 'recent' ancestor they were assigned and then we showed them and talked about what we knew about them and any memories we had of them. Plus each of the big four (John, Kathleen, Gaylynn, and Shara) took one Grandma-Great's relatives and told us about them, so that was cool. Then Grandpa-Great got up and talked briefly and then gave us his life story. It is actually called "Collections and Memories of Allen and Betty Brady." I love that book, I can't read it straight through just yet, because I love reading things that I haven't known about or didn't have the details on. My kids love hearing the stories in the book especially Kylee. She always wants me to read her some of it. It really is such a great gift. I can't believe he finally got together, and so I feel so lucky to have it especially because we can read the stories while my kids still know him and that is cool too.
After family history, the girls and I participated in a bake-off. We all got a bag of ingredients and then got to pick some items to go with it and then took off to Karen's house or Grandpa-Great's house to get it done. Those who stayed at the church visited or did a nerf war. The bake-off was fun my team didn't win, but it was a close to the other's team. They won because of the snickers frosting they made to go in the middle of there cookies. Oh well, it was a fun activity. Then it was time to clean up and say good-bye. Actually, we kind of just cleaned up because everyone wanted a Fatboy and Grandpa-Great was handing those out at his house. So, most people went up there and we visited and said our good-byes. There really is never enough time for all the visiting and playing I want to do, but really at the same time the reunion really is a perfect length because no one feels like it was too long.
After everyone left, my family just visited together, got showers and baths, and had some dinner. Idaho nights are long and beautiful, so it makes it easy to stay-up. However, I was so tired, so once I got my kids and Gaupo out to the tent to go to sleep, I practiced with my siblings the special number we were going to do in church the next day--
Have I Done Any Good. But, then I started falling asleep, so I was kindly ordered to go take a shower and go to bed. It a good thing I did because I didn't really even make it to the shower before I started having a breakdown over dumb things. Oh well, I got the shower, went to bed and the next day was much better. We actually slept in the tent for the last time that night and slept pretty well.
The next day was Sunday and we got up and got ready for church and had breakfast. Then we enjoyed meetings in Virginia Ward. Whenever, I got back its a little bit like visiting home because everyone knows me and I know them and we have a history together. It is just kind of comforting. After church, we got dinner ready. Our family was joined by John and Karen, the Studley's, Randy and Erica, and Michelle and Kaymi. It was a great visit, but man it was so hot and I was tired. Finally at about 3:30PM maybe a little later I rounded up my kids and we crashed on the office floor for a little while. Then I woke up and went and visited for bit. Then the girls got up and played for a bit. It was fun to visit and watch the kids play. However, as with most things it got time to tell everyone good-bye. The Brady's left first. But, they were shortly followed by Papa, Oma, Kara, Ross, and Levi. Who were followed by Jack, Lindsay, Betty Jane, Allen and Roxy. Finally, even Kitt and Matthew left. Then it was just us plus Klaire. We enjoyed outside and an ice cream treat. We also enjoyed a light dinner of sandwiches. Then we put the kids to bed. Then we played a great game of Sorry before Gaupo and I headed to bed.
Monday was our departure day. We didn't leave till after a good breakfast of waffles and some tidying up of Grandpa-Great's house. Plus, we weren't really flying around trying to get it done fast, so we didn't leave probably till almost 10:00. We then drove to Soda Springs and decided to see the Geyser, train, and a couple other cool things in the area. We do still need to go back and get a drink of soda water from the spring, but we needed to get on the road. So, we left Soda after about an hour/hour and half of looking around and headed home. Gaupo wanted to take Klaire the scenic way. So, we add some extra time going around Bear Lake, but it was worth it to show Klaire the side of the lake that honestly as kids we heard about by never knew really existed. We stopped in Rock Springs for lunch and then got home around 9:00. It was a long day, but a good. We had fun and despite the fact I wasn't feeling the best it was a good drive and day.
Kylee and Tia checking out the sulfur spring. |
Tia before the Geyser went off. |
Kylee before the Geryser went off. |
Gaupo, Tia, and Kylee watching the Geyser. |
Gaupo, Tia, Me, Kylee, and Klaire with the Geyser. |
Me out where the Geyser cap is. |
Klaire and I walked out together to see exactly how this Geyser might work. |
Tia on the gunner. |
Kylee. |
Kylee, Tia, and Gaupo walking away. |
Tia and Kylee with the 'bus' that took people to work in the mine. |
Sometimes I worry that we are kind of lame for not taking family vacations to location other family, but then I remember what my memories are and then I remember that this is what it is really all about. It is about family. Its about making memories and friends with your cousins. It is totally worth it to know your family and know what they stand for. There is always time to see more places, but I really do feel like childhood is a special place to build cousinships and memories that lay the foundation for the future. Like I said sometimes I worry, but I never ever regret our decisions to spend our time and money with family. If my kids know there cousins and have good relationship with there extend family and have good memories of all of that then it is worth every trip to an 'exciting' place we never went on because they will have what matters most.
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