Man I have neglected my blog lately and most importantly (especially for grandparents) have neglected to update about Little One. So, what has Little One been up to now that she is well over 7 months. Let me tell you....
- She has two teeth on the bottom and I am pretty sure is working on 4 on the top. The two teeth are cute as can be and luckily she is not a biter. The four top teeth are causing me grief because sometimes she gets really upset and I don't know what it is, sometimes its teeth and sometimes it is her just being a baby. Augh, I hate teething, but it sure makes her smile cute.
- She can roll in all directions. She has been doing this for about a month now, and so she graduated to..
- SCOOTING. I know I shouldn't be excited but I can't help it. The first time she attempted to scoot was when our home teacher was in the middle of his lesson and I excitedly exclaimed, "Gaupo, did you see that, did you see!!!!" It kind of disrupted his lesson, but it didn't ruin it,so I guess it was just a sweet moment.
- However, since she has started scooting she has recently graduate to the crawler stance. She hasn't quite figured out how to move in that stance yet, but she will.
- Sitting. Yes, she can do it but No she wont do it. She will sit as long as it suits her and when she is done she will just topple over and play on her tummy or back. I have tried to get her to sit but she doesn't think it is important, so she doesn't very often.
- Our Little One laughs, and giggle like crazy. She has recently learned to pucker her lips and then she tries to blow out of them. Don't know why she is doing that but is sure cute. That is unless she has food in her mouth.
- Finally, our Little One is eating solids. Yeah it started out slow, but within 1 week she was eating 1/2 a container of veggies, and by week 2 she was downing a whole container or more. So, we moved her up to seconds and most times she eats at least a whole container if not more. She likes pretty much everything, but fruit she doesn't like yet, Oh well. Below is a video that Gaupo has been wanting me to post for a while. She is 'talking' with her mouth full.
That is pretty much the update on Little One. She always keeps me on my toes because no two days in this house are ever the same. However, I enjoy it and wouldn't trade anything for the oppertunity I have of being a stay at home Mom. Sometimes my most precious moments are when we are laying together on the floor just goofing around, when I can rock her to sleep, or when she will scoot to me. Below are just some cute pics of Little One.
6 Months old and the first time in this outfit. I though it was so cute. |
Same day different pose. |
This is what Little One wears when it is really cold and I still insist on running. Her size and weight makes her feel just like a teddy bear. |
She loves computers and other techy stuff. It excites her dad quite a bit. He is such a good guy. So lucky to have him. |