Gaupo is my #1. He is for a variety of reasons but here are a few to just give you an idea of how awesome he really is.
- My biggest fan. He always wants me to succeed and try my best. He supports me in everything I do and helps me accomplish my goals even if he has to sacrifice something that he wants, like him time.
- Great Dad. Gaupo is a great Dad. He makes it a point to spend time with Little One everyday. He will chase her, dance with her, let her watch TV, feed her chocolate chips, and encourage her when she wants to give up. There is no doubt in my mind as to why our little girl loves her daddy so much.
- Hard worker. Gaupo works hard at anything that is important to him. He works hard to provide for this family. He works hard to keep our yard looking nice, and to put up with my ever changing ideas on home improvement projects. He also worked really hard in school and graduated with his Masters in Information Assurance this past August. He works hard and manages to live a pretty well balanced life.
- Look out. Gaupo is great at taking a look around and seeing what needs to be done. There was one Saturday when I spent the entire morning babysitting at the church so that children's parents could help with flood clean-up. Well Gaupo was going to go out but because of the situation was unable and instead of just kicking back, he cleaned the entire house. He did everything it usually takes me a week to do.
- Patient. This guy is so patient it is amazing. I am sometimes super overbearing, and stubborn. This kid can wait me out like no one I have ever met. He doesn't push things, he just waits. I don't know how many times I have said "I have been thinking ______." Then he will reply "I have been thinking about that too I was just waiting for you." He is also patient with me when sometimes my priorities are a little whacked, and when I just screw up. I don't know how he does it, but he is patient and loves me through the thick and thin of everything.
- Calm. He is so calm. Sometimes I will admit this is annoying, but in some instances it is great. For example, I was backing out of the garage and broke the mirror off of our Impala, man I felt so bad. So, I called him up to tell him what I had done. He replies "Adventure Girl, it will be okay it happens to everyone." Well, it doesn't happen to everyone and it was NOT okay, but he was super calm and true he made me do all the calling and stuff to get it fixed, but he was just so calm it was crazy. Very rarely does this man get riled up and that is probably a good thing.
- He thinks I am amazing. He thinks that what I do is amazing and makes an effort to tell me. He never ever belittles me and when I accomplish something he makes sure to mention it. He really is the amazing one but you will never hear him say it.
See Guapo is amazing. I don't know how he does it but I thought you all should know why Gaupo is my #1.
Here is our Gaupo. |
Cooking his amazing dutch oven potatoes. |
These two are so cute together. |
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