Tuesday, November 10, 2015


Time flies around here. I can hardly believe that it is November and that the holidays are here. This past week has been pretty chill, but we have had some good things so here they are.

The Temple: Gaupo and I were able to go to the temple on Saturday. It was so nice to be able to go. We dropped the girls off with Aunt Kitt and they were SOOO excited to see her again. We were making pretty good time and we were at the temple with plenty of time to make the 11:30 session. I get my temple bag out of the car and start looking for my wallet. I discovered that I had left it with our backpack back at Kitt's place. DANG! So, we headed back picked up and luckily made it to the 12:00 session, which was apparently added, so double thank goodness. It has been so long since Gaupo and I have been to the temple together that it was really nice to be able to go together. I really wish I could go more often, but alas I have two kids and the temple is at least an hour away so all the time is not possible. I love going. I love the calm and peace that fill that wonderful building. After we were done at the temple, Kitt went. So, we didn't get to spend as much time with her as we would have liked, but we will get to see her soon.

R.S. Activity Mtg: I went to my first R.S. Activity planning meeting. It was really interesting. They do a really good job, but it led to a lot of questions that don't have easy answers. So, I am currently trying to figure out what our sisters need and how to use the extra meeting to actually help them. However, I do have a great committee and chairman. They really do an awesome job.

Missionaries: On Wednesday, I went out with the missionaries. Both of their drop-in appointments didn't answer, but we were able to go through my YSA list and learned some good things. I am not sure I could take the constant rejection that missionaries do, however, I hope one day I get the chance to figure it out.

Flu Shots: The girls and I got flu shots on Thursday. They both did really good, but Kylee was sure mad that I made her one. I think that getting the band-aid off hurt worse than the actual shot did.

Water Zumba: I went to a water Zumba class this morning. I really enjoyed it. I wish I could have stayed for the whole thing, but after the first 30 minutes my family was ready to go home, so we came home. I am really surprised at how much resistance water can create and also and gentle it is. It is no wonder that water helps things be no-impact.

WARNING: Don't but two 3-year olds and an almost 2-year old in the same room. I am listening to the noise as I write this. Although, really we never have people stay over, so I thought I would see how it went. I think it is going crazy in there.

Life is good. I still feel like it takes everything I have to just get the basics done. I am continually amazed at how hard it is to get life back on the tracks. It seems like a constant battle and honestly sometimes I lose. Sometimes I don't have the time, energy, emotional strength, etc. to keep it all together. However, I do have a great husband and kids who are very forgiving and please with what I can do. One day I hope to be able to have everything pulled together and have everyday kind of flow like it use to, but it isn't now. My sister reminded me that it all takes time. I guess it is kind of hard to be patient when there isn't a constant reminder (in my case Derek) do help me remember why its okay that life is a little off kilter. However, I still love life. I am grateful I can run, play at the park, jump, laugh, play hide-and-go-seek, and cook breakfast and dinner.

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