Like I said we left Grandpa-Great's around 4:00 and headed down to Swanlake. Grandma was as excited as ever for us to get there and came out to meet us. After much hugging, it was time for dinner. However, I didn't know dinner was going to be that early, so my kids weren't hungry because we had FatBoys before we left Grandpa-Great's, so they played for a bit instead. Laterish we went in for dinner and then played some more and then got the girls to bed. That night we were all kind of tired and just hung around so no games, but it was good to just relax a bit.
Fatboy eating at Grandpa-Greats. |
The following days were filled with great country life. I loved that the outdoors was right there. It was so nice to have a trampoline, a swing set, cows, and four-wheelers all right there. Breakfast was usually close to 7:30 and then we literally play till it was time to get lunch together. The girls loved being outside. Tuesday was really quite warm like almost hot, but we still jumped and swung and looked at the cows. Tia was/is fascinated by cows she loved watching them, touching them, watching them be milked, watching them eat, everything. She loved it all. Usually in the afternoons we let the kids go swimming. Melanie bought a little kiddie pool and we aired it up and got water in it on Tuesday, so they could swim. Kylee, Blaine and Tia all had a great time. It was really fun to watch those three kids together. Blaine usually wanted to do whatever Kylee was doing and the girls loved playing with his toys. Blaine had a cool electric four-wheeler and I think everyday the girls discovered that the kids rode it until they killed the battery. Blaine also had a new bike that the girls broke in for him. Plus there was a sandbox, so really we were like on our own personal peace of heaven.
Tia on Blaine's Four-wheeler. |
Gaupo and the girls jumping. |
Yeah, so the mornings were spent with playing, looking at cows, and four-wheeler rides. Then we would have lunch. Then nap time. A couple of days I took naps too, because I was just too tired and really needed to be nice, so we got a little power nap in there. Then when they got up we would do more playing until dinner and then it was usually one more activity like we played one night, went to the pond twice, a four-wheeler ride, or something and then bed. I am super surprised my kids didn't just crash as soon as they hit their beds, but they didn't. However, they did for the most part stay upstairs and eventually fall asleep.
Tia with smore's face. |
Kylee loving her somore. |
After finishing her smore Tia wasn't done and tried to down a whole chocolate bar. |
After they were in bed were some of my favorite time. Melanie and Grandma are always up for playing games and so that is what we did after the kids were in bed. We introduce the crowd to
Castle Panic and
Five Crowns. We played mostly those two games at night, but it was sure fun. It is nice to be able to do an activity together in peace. Don't get me wrong I love my kids and their cousins, but I also love the time I have to be a big kid too.
It was way fun to be so close to family. It was fun to be able to watch Blaine and James when Melanie went to work. The kids had a blast playing together and just being kids. I think did four-wheeler rides up to the pond with the three kids like at least 3 times. I mainly had Blaine, Kylee, and Tia while Grandma took care of James. And you know, I use to think that 3 kids was kind of a lot and a little crazy which it sometimes is, but for some reason it felt really comfortable this time. I miss Derek a lot and sometimes feel the gap that is left here, and being around those two wonderful boys made me wish I had mine, but it was still so much fun to be their aunt. I also think that three kids feel comfortable because that is what I feel like I have. Anyway, it was a little crazy that day with four kids and still needing to get meals ready and stuff like that, but it was so great. I am so glad we got to have that time.
It was also super fun to go to Bear Lake. I LOVE that lake. It has the best sand. The water is a little cold, but hey once you get use to it it's not bad. Anyway, I had been looking forward to this trip to the lake for awhile, so when Gaupo woke up sick I was super worried we would go, but he toughed it out. He threw-up once on the way there and once on the way back. I honestly don't know if he did at the lake or not, but he was a trooper. He mainly just sat in a chair and sipped Powerade, but because he made that sacrifice the girls and I were able to go and enjoy. The girls loved the sand. Our Anderson cousins brought lots of sand toys, so there was lots of fun for all the kids. They enjoyed building together and also playing separate. The Anderson's also brought a raft. I took two bunches of kids out in that. It was pretty fun. Kylee ended up really liking it whereas Tia was a little uneasy about it the whole time. Anyway, going out in the boat allowed me to also get in the water a bit more that just playing in the sand on the shore. It felt so good to get in the water and swim. I know it sounds so weird to say this, but water especially outdoor water whether it be pool or lake or whatever is one thing I am sure Heavenly Father had me in mind when he created the earth. I love it and when I am in it I totally feel like it is a gift. Anyway, I swam a bit, built a tiny bathtub and showed my girls, Blaine, and Arlen how to take a bath while using sand for soap. My three favorite moments at the lake were being sand monsters with Kylee while Arlen was saving everyone by squirting them off and so I would take him and set him in the lake or squirt him back. He thought it was the funniest thing. The next one was the 3 minute Frisbee pass around we had in the lake before we went home. I mean water plus Frisbee, you can't get much better. Then I loved helping Kylee and Tia with castle building and going out with the kids in the boat. The lake trip was different than any of my previous trips there, but it was really good and just confirmed to me there is no right way to have fun and do things. As long as you are together you make it work and it can be really fun.
Saturday was also a kind of stand out day for me because it was really the only day where we had a couple of hours with just us there. Melanie had taken her kids to their other grandparents and the Anderson's left about 10:30 (which was kind of a bummer because the kids didn't get to see each other much.) So, that left us like 2.5 hours with just us there and that was fun. I don't know why it was different maybe I am selfish and so it was nice not to have to share Grandma. Maybe it just felt a little less busy. I don't know, but it was kind of nice. Trust me I would take cousins and choas, but because that wasn't an option it was nice to have some just down time. It was great to chat, to jump on the tramp and to just be right there. It was nice.
One other moment that needs to be mentioned is Sunday we went down to Logan and saw Grandma Hammond and the other Hammond clan member. They had a little bit of a cookout and chatting it was so great. It was fun to have everyone gathered right there together. I love chatting with Gaupo's aunts and cousins. They are all really nice and it just feel good to be around them. It was good to see Grandma Hammond and visit with her. It was like the perfect end to Sunday afternoon. Also, our car was full because we took Grandma plus Scott and Aubrey with us.
Josh, Gaupo, Scott, Aubrey's arm, Emma, Jennifer, and Dallen all chatting. |
Our vacation in most ways seemed way to short, but I was still grateful to get home and be able to put my stuff where it belonged and have everyone in their own beds. However, it was so great to be with family. I loved it. I love the Swanlake/Virginia area.It is so peaceful and homey. I love being right there by family. I love living in the quiet country. I really loved our vacation. At times it was crazy, and hard, but it was totally worth it. Nothing can replace the memories, the relationships, the fun, and the love. It was so great. I loved it and wouldn't trade it for anything. Sorry for the lack of pictures--I forgot my camera.
Sounds like lots of fun!!