I don't really know what to write about we haven't been up to much. I checked my phone for pictures that could inspire me as far as what to write about and this is what I found.
Kade in a cute new outfit. |
Abby with Kade's helmet. |
A family portrait that Tia and I worked on together during conference. Tia also added her cousin Roxy in there. |
Kade and Abby in twinner pants and sleepy positions. |
See what I mean not a whole lot here. I spend a lot of time with my twins because they don't go to school. I didn't realize how much I missed having my big girls around until Monday when Kylee stayed home because her throat hurt. Yes, there were time it would have been easier for her to be at school. I could have gotten more done and had more alone time, but I loved having her for just a little bit. We read, did her math homework, ran to Sams Club, and just normal stuff, but it was fun to have someone that interacts with me to do it all with. I love doing my stuff with my twins, and I feel so blessed to have them in my life because I don't have to do things alone, but it was fun to have Kylee around.
Conference was this weekend. We missed Saturday Morning Session because we had soccer games, but we listened to all the rest. It was so good. This year was the first year I didn't go to women's session at the church. It was a little weird, but by the time I got dinner on the table it was like 5:50 and I wasn't even dressed yet. Plus, it seemed like a lot to just dump on Gaupo. 2 baths, 2 showers, feeding 4 people and yourself, plus putting 4 kiddos to bed. It's a lot normally but by yourself its really tough, so I stayed home. I watched it all. I watched some while I finished dinner. Gaupo still did all the baths and showers, but I helped with lotioning and feeding the babies before their bed time. Plus, I was here to help keep the big girls downstairs while he cared for the twins. I still got a lot of the meeting and think I made the right choice, although, I do not plan on doing that all the time. My favorite talk from conference was Pres. Nelson's talk in the Women's session. It added so much meaning and purpose to me receiving my endowments. It blesses me and my family so much. It gives me priesthood power that I can use in my own and families lives. I am not a Priesthood bearer, but that does not mean that I do not have priesthood power. I don't know it was really good and meant a lot to me.
I had parent teacher conferences this last week too. That was a little rough. Like as in I cried as I went home after them. I want so bad for my kids to get school and to do well, and they struggle with it. I think it is just so something I never expected to have happen that it takes me back every time. My kids are trying and they don't cause problems at school. Plus, this year is so much better than last year, so really we are doing so much better, but it was still hard to hear that my children were struggling academically. I think its hard because there is only so much I can do. Forcing it down my kids throats, making them practice practice practice and not get to play, or stressing our whole family out over it isn't going to do any good in fact it will probably do just the opposite, so we just do what we can. Conference gave me some areas to focus on and so we work on those and just hope and pray that between the help they get at school and what I can do here is enough and that they will be okay. It's hard. I sometimes wish I could have a conference that all the teacher said was your kid is doing great, they seem to understand everything and are right were they should be. They have great behavior.... You know that kind of conference, but that isn't the case, and that is okay. Or at least it is now. We keep working and trying. They will be okay, and one day that conference might happen, but if it never does than it doesn't and we keep trying our best and keep moving forward because I plan on my kids being great people anyway.
That's pretty much it from here. We still do soccer, school, work, and play. The weather has been awesome, but threatens to go south later this week, so welcome Fall.
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