I have tried to write on my blog, but just could get what was really happening or what I was really feeling out on here the way I wanted to. Since our birthday celebrations it has been a lot of the same as we always do which is school and work mixed with a hearty amount of play. I really like this schedule and this life, but it doesn't leave a whole lot to talk about. However, Mother's Day we went caroling to a couple people in our ward. We sang 6 verses of Book Of Mormon Stories for them. I got the idea from The Friend and have been wanting to do it for a little while, so I pulled it out for Mother's Day. As an add bonus, the last house we went to which was the Richard's said, "We are okay with it if you guys are okay with it. Do you want to come in?" Well, we did. It was fun to be in someone else's house and visit with them. I really love visiting with my family via phone, but I miss visiting with other people in real life. Just chatting about nothing particular, just chatting and being together. They brought up a Hotwheels track for the kids to play with while we were talking and the kids loved that. The girls had even brought little cars in their purses. Bro. Richards is a pretty big car guy and this just made him so happy that girls would have cars in their purse. We stayed for about and hour and then came home. However, they told the girls they wanted them to come back and visit, so right after the lunch the girls asked if we could go back. We said no, but Kylee and Tia are super persistent, and asked at least once a day until Thursday when I finally let them go back. This time the kids got to play in the basement, and they had a total blast and I enjoyed visiting. It was fun. It makes me so sad my kids aren't suppose to have friends over. I mean I love that there is no pressure about it, but I miss that we can't do it even when they want to. It is such a bummer. However, these kids are a pretty fun bunch and have a good time together. Kylee and Tia play together a lot and for the most part are willing to let Abby and Kade be part of the game too. They are very fun and resourceful kids.
Also for Mother's day we dipped our own strawberries. |
Most recently the two big kids finished up school this week. Both had their teachers drop-off their stuff and a little gift by the house. They loved that. Kylee got a flower pot and seeds and Tia got a sign for the front yard that says I rocked Kindergarten. This whole last week they maybe had an hour each of homework at the most. Then I still had them do their reading to me in the afternoon. They were great about it and have been enjoying our little break from school since Thursday. We will be back at doing some school work here come Tuesday, but we need a little vacation from it. These two kiddo's worked really hard finishing up school and doing what was required of them. School is not Kylee or Tia's favorite thing, but both did it and did what they needed to do. Nothing extra, but all that they were asked to and considering we were doing school at home for 2 months they did it with very little complaining. We had a few days of tears, frustration, bad parenting, and bad kid moments, but you know it could have been so much worse. I really feel like these two girls made progress in the last two months and that really encourages me for this summer, as we try to get ready for 1st and 3rd grade.
Me and Kylee working on school work. |
Kylee and Tia jumping. |
Tia with her sign. |
Kylee and Tia prepping for the penguin walk. This was for virtual field day. This picture makes the day look awesome, but in actuality it was a very hard day. |
Kylee reading |
To that end, we have gotten a private tutor for Kylee for literacy. She will do math facts and maybe some other basic math things with me here at home. She is so excited to have a tutor and I really hope it gives her the leap she needs to be successful in school. I think its possible, so we will see what happens. Tia is doing reading and math with me this summer. Our focus will be CVC words, her current sight words, some fun Reading Journey books we got from Oma, along with numbers from 1-20 and some basic adding subtracting principles if we can. Its kind of a lot to do, and I am super good at following plans, but have a hard time making them up, so we are going to do our best and see what happens. Also, I am hoping to make Fridays more fun by playing more games with them, so we work on our strategy, number skills, possibly reading, but through learning to play games. We will see how it goes.
Kylee and Tia do work hard, but they also play hard. Lately they have used the food storage boxes, and extra moving boxes to make a house in the storage area. They are currently down in the basement playing something. They also play in the sprinklers, ride bikes, scooter, jump, play family, and all sorts of other things. They have loved having school at home because it means they have also gotten some 'video' game time. They get about 15 min to share of PBS Kids games. My kids will probably be forever backwards when it comes to 'video' games unless there Dad takes over. I much rather spend time outside, learning, something or using their imagination, so when mom's in charge gaming doesn't happen too often.
These two were having a jumping contest with their cousin Betty via video chat. |
In other news, Tia lost her first tooth. |
And wrote this note to the toothfairy. It says "I want a car please." |
The twins may not be going to school, but they are growing and changing. During the day I have what I call the magic hour and it is after everyone is fed and the big girls can usually do some homework or play and the twins play everyone does their own thing and doesn't need me unless I don't look busy. If I were to try and sit and read or something that wouldn't work, but I can usually get breakfast cleaned up, and do a couple other quick things all by myself. The time is brief, but I'll take it. The twins will sometimes play together and sometimes not. Generally speaking, they play in the same room as each other, but often do their own thing. They can both 'build' with Duplos. We have a little slide inside that they like. They also play with everything else especially real books, which is good and bad. I am glad they like to look at books, but they aren't the softest with them, and I don't keep the best eye on them, so between these two babies they have wrecked twice the amount of books as the first two kids combine. Kade and Abby typically love the stroller and bike trailer. Abby super independent. She does not want to hold your hand while walking, she prefers to feed herself until she gets frustrated with it, she would love to know how to ride a bike, she tries to get everything herself, and loves to get her own clothes for the day. Kade is independent too, but differently. He will hold your hand while walking because he can take you were he is going and he can walk faster. He will feed himself, but it fine if you want to feed him to although, if he doesn't want to eat that food anymore he will refuse to open his mouth, or he will accept the bite and then spit it out. He also loves to carry his clothes to go get dressed. He does not like having to stop what he is doing to get his diaper changed. If he doesn't like something you know.
It never ceases to amaze me how different these babies are. They are really their own little person. Abby like girl things dolls, purple, pink, and shiny stuff. Kade loves his blues and greens, trucks, cars, lawnmower, and slide. Kade also loves to watch you cook, get his hair done, ride in the wagon, bike trailer, or stroller. Abby loves to play in the dirt, water, draw with chalk and do whatever she thinks is fun. These two are so silly. Kade has started to say Mama, and Abby will sometimes say Uh-oh, but I think she also say DA. They have both learned to give fives and knuckles.
Abby and Kade playing on their slide. |
Abby after self-feeding pasta. |
Kade on the same day. |
Abby outside in the rain playing on her slide. |
Kade and his lawn mower. |
Abby and a doll, and Kade with his truck |
Gaupo continues to go to work and provide for our family. He recently has gotten the yard in order by having the lawn mowed and trimmed, the sprinkler system now works, and we have weeded the rocks so that's looking good to. He has enjoyed the extra time at home that Covid-19 has given him. We sure have enjoyed it too.
We have had a chance to do lots of family walks during this Covid time. |
As for me, I am still the mom. I make sure all the stuff mentioned above can happen in a home that isn't completely filthy. I try to fill those active bellies with good tasting and mostly good for you food. I love the beautiful weather that has allowed me to spend so much time outside with my family. I enjoy my morning runs with the kiddos in tow. I went once by myself this last week and it was fine, but I do not like passing people in masks alone, its just kind of creepy. I talk on the phone plenty still and even though I make plenty of mistakes in raising these kids I love that I get the chance. These sweet spirits that fill my home fill my heart and I am so glad I can find such joy and satisfaction in this great work.
This cutie and some long blonde hair. |
The four kiddos that fill our home. Kylee, Tia, Kade, and Abby. |
Yep, kind of what its like here. |
Me in some new shorts I bought. |
Me because every once in awhile Mom's should have their picture taken. |
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