With the kids home all the time and Gaupo not working one night a week, I am failing at keeping this blog up. I miss it. I miss being about to write about our life and the experiences we are having. I miss being able to share them with my Grandpa to whom I usually print off and mail this to. I feel little guilty that I don't have any great record of what has happened around here, but it is what it is.
We had a great summer. We went to both Idaho and Arizona. Idaho was fun and I spent my first night away from my big girls in probably like 3 years and I couldn't help but wonder if they were okay and what they were doing. It really surprised me to be that kind of parent. However, more and more I am realizing that things like that don't make me a bad parent, they are just who I am. I can be a good parent and still worry when my kids do big kid things. Still it was kind of silly because they were just spending the night with their cousins in their new camper trailer. They had a great time and told me all about it. Another fun thing we did in Idaho was spend the night at the pond. It was such a fun time. I will definitely be bringing more padding to sleep on next time, but other than that it was so fun to be in the peace and quiet. It was fun to be just us, but know family was just down the dirt road. We put the twins down and played a couple rounds of UNO with the big girls before we sent them to bed and watched part of a downloaded movie just the two of us. Then we woke up the following morning and did some fishing. It was a fun little getaway that I hope we get to do again.
Kade meeting the cows.
Grandma and Grandpa added a new sandbox and we played in it a lot. (Grandma and Jackson, Abby, Blaine, Kylee, and Tia.)
This boy and his dogs. He loves them! Kade and Rip.
Kylee and Tia just playing and playing.
Abby, Kade, Gaupo, Kylee, and Tia our for a four-wheeler ride.
James, Tia, and Blaine in the pond overflow. |
Gaupo trying to fish with both Abby and Kade.
Kylee and Tia.
Gaupo and Kylee with their fish.
There was an afternoon Brady Reunion and we stayed after for a wiener roast. Kitt, Gaupo and Kade, Abby, Oma and Papa.
Arizona was also very fun. My dad drove us down to Arizona. He had driven Kitt and Matthew's moving truck out here and then from here he drove us down to Arizona. I actually drove maybe about 2 of the 14 hours, so I am getting a little better at the drive (wink). We made really good time and the kids did excellent. It was so fun to be with all the family in Arizona. It was too short of a vacation again, but it was still really fun. I love when we all get together and can let the kids play and we can visit. Its always a little crazy to be together, but totally worth it. I love visiting. I love watching the kids play. I loved playing games on Saturday night. Even Gaupo played with us for a game. This year was different too in the fact Gaupo flew down to get us. I know it was a little hard on him, but he is getting better at flying. However, it was really nice to be all together again before getting home. I definately need to take better care of him and focus on him better when we first get together again, but I still loved that he came to get us. Our Arizona vacation consisted of a lot of swimming, playing with cousins, and swimming. It was really fun and totally worth the drive.
We got to go to Jay's blessing before we left for Arizona. Kylee, Tia, Me, Jay, and Kitt.
Rocket Launching with Papa. Kylee, Tia, Kade, Ross, Levi. |
Playdough fun. Levi, Tia, Kylee and Ross.
Abby on the swings at Joe's Park.
Kade at Joe's Park.
Levi and Tia on tractors.
Once we got home, we got ready for school and just enjoyed the last of summer. We went to Kitt's house and went swimming and then she came for a visit to see our new house for the first time. It is so great having them close. To finish off summer, I wanted to do one last fun water thing with the kids, but the pool needs reservations, and the river is to scary for me to do by myself, so I went to the reservoir. We had a great time. The kids got to play in the sand and water. They had a blast and it was the perfect warm sunny day to do.
Playing at the reservoir. Kylee, Kade, Abby, Tia.
To celebrate our week of school we went to Matthew's cabin. It is kind of a lot of work with the kids and to only go for one-day, but it was so nice to go paddle around the lake, take walks along the trails, throw endless amounts of rocks into the water, roast some marshmellows, and play games. It was fun. Gaupo and I are still learning a lot about how to support each other in these away from home adventures, but we are getting better each time.
Out for a walk. Kade, Matthew and Jay, Kylee, and Gaupo.
Abby insisting on picking up rocks. |
Kade in the dirt.
Me, Abby, Kade, and Gaupo going on the lake.
Kylee on the lake.
Matthew, Tia, and Kitt.
Mallow roasting. Kitt, Tia, Gaupo and Kylee.
Now we are in the throws of school. We were supposed to do a hybrid schedule, but that got cancelled until at least October and it is all online. It is a little crazy with all the schedules and school work but we are getting there. The first week was really bad. The first day Kade cried so hard his nose bled, I yelled at Kylee and she cried, and Tia went to time-out like 5 or more times. The next day Kade still cried, but not hard enough to make his nose bleed, Tia only went to time-out a couple of times, and I cried. The next day we made great effort to have priesthood blessings before school and work and it has made all the difference in the world. Life is still not perfect. I am exhaust physically and emotionally by the end of the day. I am so grateful for my children's teachers and that they don't judge when my kids tells them "I need help, but I don't want my mom." Yep, that is a direct quote. We have ups and downs, but I do love having my kids home. I love being part of the their learning. I love that there is NO HOMEWORK!! I love that we still have time to have fun.
Kylee first day.
Tia first day.
Picking corn. Kylee, Tia, Abby, Kade, and Gaupo.
We went corn picking and this is us and our haul. |
We are getting involved in a few more things. Kylee is doing soccer although she has to play with a mask on and has social distancing during water/breather breaks and is only allowed one spectator at her games. Tia is going to start swimming lessons which I have to be in the water with her because the instructor must stay 6ft away. Times are crazy, but these crazy times are changing me into a better mom, wife, and person. They do bring out some of my really bad points to, but that is part of change. I am so grateful for the gospel and the foresight and revelation of the prophet. I know Heavenly Father is watching over me.
I know this was like a super fast run-down but hopefully I can stop feeling like I am behind and move on with the present. We will see. Life is crazy and sometimes I don't get to write about it all, but I love it. I love the good, get frustrated with the bad, and hope for and try to find all the good that is around me.
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