This week seems like it was so calm, but maybe that is because we were simply home. We started of the week by meeting the cousins and some friends at Dacono Splash pad. It was kind of the first time we have had friends and cousins, so the hangout vibe was a little different, but it was still fun. That night the kids were playing on the stairs. They took our little two step slide up to the top and Abby decided to try and go down, but Hope pushed her before she was ready. According to her she went down and then the pillow or something got stuck and she flew threw they air and then crashed and rolled. Needless to say there was quite a loud thudding and crying. Her arm her pretty bad, but I was like ahh it's probably find. However, in the morning it was still hurting so I booked an appointment with the doctor. Before we went to the doctor though we went to the river. The big girls went down the rushes and jumped of the rocks. Abby, Kade, and Hope mainly stayed in the shallows, but they did jump off a rock once and enjoyed climbing the rocks when I took them over to them. It was really fun. The day was so very warm, and the river felt really good. After the river we rushed home and quickly took showers, and then I left the kids with Kylee to take Abby to the doctor. During, the appointment the doctor touched and squeezed her arm and he said that she was easily distractable, so he doubt that it was fractured or broken but we would get an x-ray just in case. However, once we got the x-ray we saw that it was indeed fractured. I was kind of bummed because I had some water things I wanted to do, but oh well. So, after 3 hours in the doctors office it was finally splinted and we were on the way home.
So, Wednesday we pretty much just stayed around the house playing, doing laundry and hanging out. I played the game of LIFE with the kids for the first time and that was pretty fun. Thursday we had Betty, Allen, and Roxy over while their mom went to work. The kids had a great time playing together. They mostly played house in the tent downstairs, but part of that was watching 'Betty TV.' I watched it for a little bit too and it was pretty funny and good. It was fun to watch Betty channel her inner child and play pretend and play. After lunch they watched a show and then they wanted a tea party. We pulled out Grandma-Great's party dishes and had a tea party. They gobbled up all the snacks and enjoyed their conversations together. I love that we have cousins so close and that they enjoy being together. It warms my heart to watch them all play together.
Friday, Abby went to her friend Cora's house to play and the rest of went to the library and shopping. While shopping we found Kylee a shirt for school and I got a cute sweater shirt for fall. The whole time we were out I kept feeling like I was missing a kid and the I would remember that Abby was at a friends house. It was kind of unnerving. That afternoon, I rested a little and then got up to make dinner and sort school supplies. That evening was my favorite though. Gaupo and I went out for a 'date.' We went and bought new headphones for the kids to have at school. Then we went to Wal-Mart to look for a headphone adapter, but to also get our treat. I got a Reese's Outrageous and a Big Hunk. Gaupo opted for Hot Tamales and a Wal-Mart brand Snickers. I know most people wouldn't call it a date, but I really enjoyed being with just him and being able to make decisions with him without having interruptions or can we got yets.
Hope is officially out her crib and wearing no diapers, and we are still in summer vacations mode, so while these are great things it make evening time for Guapo and I not as relaxing or not even together. So, I really appreciated going out together, because if nothing else there is all the drive time to just talk and listen to each other. I really enjoyed it. Saturday, was kind of lazy, but we did get stuff done. Gaupo worked on his bike, we had griddle breakfast, took a bike ride, Kylee went to the temple, I took Kylee shopping, had grill food for dinner, went and picked up a bunk bed for Kitt, and then finished the night with video games.
Listing everything out makes it seem really busy but it really didn't feel that way. It has been so good to be home. I have loved being at my home this summer. I really wish I had about a month more before I had to send the kids back. This summer flew by so fast and I am just not ready to conform with the rigid schedule of school. I love these days.
Kylee in the River |
Kade in the sand |
Abby in the sand |
Abby with her splint |
Gaupo and Hope at Free Float Day |
Kade and I. |
Table one for the Tea party |
Table two. |
An epic flour mess that happened after the tea party. |
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