I don't think anything of note has really happened around here lately except for kids getting sick (bugh). Yes, Kylee and Tia have both had really bad colds for last about 4 days. Its a runny nose cough thing and its just annoying and I hope it goes away soon. Because nothing exciting has happened I thought I would give an update on all of us.
Gaupo is doing really good. He still loves his job at the library. He enjoys working with the patrons as well as the members of the staff. He comes home with all kinds of stories to tell. He is enjoying his calling in the elders quorum and when he isn't teaching in there he watches Tia, thank goodness. He really likes working with the men he does and I think he like knowing what is going on in the ward. Most recently he had his laptop white screen and after much work its a graphics card we can't replace, so lesson learned about getting something with time is that probably by the time you own it, it will break. Okay maybe not every time, but it sure bites when it happens and its a good reminder to me. He has become the smoothie master at our house and so almost every Tuesday and Saturday morning he makes us some scrumdidleeuptious smoothies. Other than his computer failing, I think everything is going good. He is definitely the man in everyone of his girls lives. We all think he is incredible and he does such a good job at providing for and leading our family. I am so lucky to have him.
I am doing GREAT! Okay, so I did get a touch of this sickness thing, but after sleeping and resting a good majority of Monday I feel pretty good. This weekend I redid my kitchen wall. It now has two white board calenders and a blank white board for writing notes and lists. I really like and I am so grateful for how supportive Gaupo has been of it. Personally I think he really likes it. I am still the nursery leader, so they haven't fired me yet. I really do enjoy it although I am very done and ready to have my own space and quiet when it is over and done. I am also the YW basketball coach. It is a very interesting opportunity. I enjoy coaching, but it is so weird to do it some place that isn't really competitive, where people have no idea how to play, it has special rules, and the commitment is kind of lacking. However, it is really good for me to simplify basketball beyond the basics, to be with the girls, and to think like a coach. I think it would be really fun to coach one day, I mean like a real middle school or high school team, but we will see. I finally finished the
Inheritance series. I still enjoy working out at the rec center and swimming with my girls. I love being a mom and wouldn't trade being a stay at home mom anything. Although, not being coughed on or having someones slobbery fingers or runny nose on me would be nice. (wink) Really it is so good to be surrounded by people who think I am so cool that they want to do their hair like me, for me to dress like them, and that they always want me around. I mean not everyone gets that everyday.
Kylee is definitely two almost three. She loves being independent unless she wants to be dependent. She is being very stubborn about trying new foods or anything that looks or sounds like something she might not like. She loves wearing skirts, dresses, shorts, and dinosaur shirts. I can talk her into long pants if she doesn't have any of the above left or if Tia is wearing something where they can match. Kylee loves running around, going down slides both at the pool and park. She likes to get things from Tia and also make Tia laugh. Those two crack each other up it is so funny. Kylee loves nursery. She was super bummed when she couldn't go this week because she had a runny nose and cough. She has been loving this nice weather that has allowed her to go outside. She has recently learned how to play
Memory and is good at it if she doesn't get silly. Some of my favorite things she say are
- "Silly Billy" pronounced Silly billa
- "Come on in Missionary," that is said anytime we come in through a door.
- In her prayers she always says "Please bless Uncle Seth and Aunt Kara to get into PT school so, they can have fun with us." and "Bless Uncle Jack and Lindsay to sell their house." (sometimes it is Betty Jane's house.)
Kylee is a wonderful little girl. She still LOVES her books, talking, chocolate, her dad, video games (merida aka Disney Infinity and jet pack), and playing. She is excellent at doing the silverware and is so pleased to show me when she is all done. I love this girls smile, wit, and laugh. She is just so wonderful.
Tia is a mover. She can't walk yet, but man oh man she moves. She goes and goes. She loves to climb on things. She has most recently been trying to get on the couches. She loves playing with the kitchen. She will sit still for her books only and only about 2 at the longest. She has really taken to drinking milk and babysitting at the rec center which is great because she use to hate both. She doesn't talk at all. Although, one night we asked her what she wanted and she pointed to the freezer so we knew she wanted chocolate chips. So, we asked her to say chocolate. She actually tried and it was the cutest thing ever. However, in reality she doesn't say anything although some how her and I communicate pretty well. Tia loves playing at the pool and the park. She loves the slides and has recently started to want to go down the big one at the park. It is a little nerve racking to help her climb up there, not because she can't go down, but because I am afraid of her falling while climbing. Tia likes music and dancing. She is one smart cookie and has picked up on a lot of things from her big sister some good and some bad. One that is both is the fact that when I tell her if she will eat something like her dinner than she can have something like her apple or chocolate. Its good because she will do it, but bad because she knows she can be picky. Our Tia girl keeps us on our toes and makes us laugh all the time. We love her silliness and smile. She fills our home with so much happiness.
Every update should have a pictures these are kind of interesting ones, but they are all from January so that makes them recent and they showcase our two girls in all their awesomeness.
Tia and Kylee at the top of the spiral slide. |
With the weather so good we can't pass up days at the park. |
Kylee and Tia on the bike when it was in the house. |
The reverse order. |
Our stylin' ballinera or princess. It will depend on the day which it is. |
Tia loving her burrito. I don't know why I took this but I am sure I thought it was funny, and if nothing else you get to see her great hair. |