We didn't really have a 4 day weekend and technically speaking it wasn't even three. However, it was great and it felt like four days. Our Valentine's Day weekend started on Friday because it was Gaupo's Friday/Saturday swaperoo.
We started off Friday really lazy. We did all basically get up and moving about the same time, but instead of going right into breakfast we just hung around, read books, played and enjoyed not having any rush whatsoever. Gaupo did make us a fabulous breakfast. We had peach banana smoothies, bagels, and eggs. It was so good. Smoothies are kind of the new thing around here. We love them and Gaupo makes the best, so whenever he is home for breakfast they get to be part of it. We even experimented with adding spinach and it was still good and the kids didn't even know. Tia thinks smoothies are the best and is a champion at sucking them up super fast. After breakfast, I played with Kylee and we played anything she wanted. So, we played with the kitchen, we built tracks with the blocks and drove cars on them, we read books, and some other stuff. Man when her imagination gets going it goes and goes. It is totally amazing and I think it is helping mine grow. After playing and Tia's nap we went to the park. Kylee was really tired so we didn't stay too long. When we came home we had snack/lunch. We had such a big breakfast and late so no one was really hungry. After we were done eating Gaupo gave us girls part of our V-Day gift. It was the bears and chocolate roses from the scout fundraiser. Then we did naps. During nap time we prepped dinner. The weather here has been gorgeous, so we did dutch oven chicken and potatoes. Everything was good, but man the chicken was AMAZING! Here is the link if you want to try it.
Chicken Recipe After dinner was cleaned up we opened up our V-Day package from Oma and Papa. The girls loved the light up wands and Gaupo and I loved the hot chocolate. Once the kids were in bed Gaupo and I watched The Game Plan.
Guapo, cooking the chicken. |
Tia crawling. |
Standing by her favorite part of the house--the door. |
Kylee looking at her "dollars of cash." That she was putting in the bank. |
Kylee being a cute goof. |
Saturday Gaupo had to go to work. So, the morning was pretty standard except that when we were prepping lunch, so we could go eat with Gaupo at his office he texted me. He wanted to know if I wanted to bring the girls to a Fancy Nancy tea party. I said yes. So, we got dressed up. I put a crown on Tia and I. Then I added to my outfit with sparkly shoes and some purplish-pink beads. Kylee went styling a dress with longer skirt underneath, a necklace, a tiara, sparkly shoes, and she really wanted to take a bag, but luckily I convinced her we didn't need that. The tea party was fun. We learned about manners, read a couple of books; ate cheese, crackers, pink cake, and raspberries; and drank lemonade. They also had a guy come play the accordion. It was a pretty fun little party. I really enjoyed the crafts we did of a post-it note crown and love bugs. After the party, we went and had lunch with Gaupo and then went home for naps. I don't remember much of the afternoon, but I did make Guapo Navajo Taco's for dinner which is always a treat.
Kylee with her napkin in her lap, but her tongue out. |
Princess Tia. |
Princess Kylee sipping lemonade. |
Tia eating tea party delicacies. |
Our lunch date. Kylee is styling the crown she made. |
The love bugs we made. They remind me of Gaupo and I. |
Sunday was pretty typical but good. Nursery was interesting because I had a kid bite another kid really bad, and I had a little girl hit me. Hitting me as most people know does not bode well. Luckily I was intact with what had happened that all I did was take her off my lap and put her away from me. Nursery is teaching me how to deal with a lot of things, and really the kids are sweet. Its just sometimes a
little crazy.
Monday Gaupo didn't have to work. WAHOOOO!! So, we had a breakfast together and then went to Wal-Mart where we got V-Day gifts. Gaupo got some Reese's cups and heats, and Smurf's 2. Then we didn't like the flowers there, so we went to Safeway were Gaupo got me some beautiful red Gerber Daisies. I love Daisies. When we got home we put Tia down and let Kylee start watching Shrek. Then when Tia woke up we turned it off and went sledding. It wasn't the best sledding snow, but we did have fun and built a snowman. When we came in we had lunch, and took naps. After naps, we decided to go to the pool. It was fun for everyone, but Kylee. I don't think she likes when it is busy, so she wasn't as into it as usual, but Tia, Gaupo, and I had some fun before we came home. That night Gaupo taught the FHE lesson and once the kids were in bed we finished off the night with The Farming Game. It is sort of becoming a tradition around here to play that on Monday night.
Tia and Kylee trying out some little chairs. |
The girls V-Day gift was a ride on the train at Wal-Mart. |
My flowers and bear. |
See we had a great weekend and truly it did feel like four days. It could be because Gaupo doesn't go in until noon on Tuesdays, but it was still nice and long.
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