Wow, I have ton to write about and I am so behind, but here we go with our AZ trip. We got our Christmas break started a little early this year when we flew to Arizona on the 15th. I know it is so crazy that I actually got my whole little family to Arizona all at the same time AND it was near Christmas time. That people is no small miracle. We bought our tickets way back when I didn't know I was going to be watching kids, that Kylee would have preschool/pre-school party, and a bazillion other things while we were gone. However, I wouldn't trade all the things we missed for all the things we got to do and be a part of in AZ. So, yes we left at around 9:30 and went to
The Parking Spot. Our Aunt Kitt gets a deal there, so that is where we left the car. Once we parked, the shuttle came and picked us up and took us to the airport. Kitt decided to curb check her suitcase, so that is were we split ways. She curb checked and we carried our four backpacks and two carseats all the way to the other end of the airport. Boy our bags sure felt heavy and awkward, but I doubt what I was carrying was anything compared to the two carseats. However, we made it down there and stood in a little bit of line and got those carseats checked. Then we went through security. It went without a hitch. Although it was really cute when the security guy asked Tia her name she held up her fingers in the 'ok' sign and said three. I couldn't help, but chuckle. That is what we get for putting so much emphasis on the fact that she was now three and not two. Luckily they still let her through and we went though security filled out bottles and were at our gate a few minutes before boarding.
Here we are on the plane. Kylee, Gaupo, Tia, and Me. |
The girls wanted to board the plane right away, but we made them wait because they just want to move around and play with stuff once we are on board. So, we finally board and our plane is like empty. It is totally awesome. It was so great because when the fasten seatbelts sign turned off Tia had the whole row in front of us on both sides and Jason and Kylee's whole side to run around in without bothering anybody. It was so perfect, so that flight was pretty quick and fun. We got to the airport and Gaupo collected the carseats while I used the bathroom and then we all met Oma and Papa out on the curb. Oma and Papa had to rent a van to come pick us up, so both of them could come. By the time we got the carseats in, Kitt had gotten her bags and was ready for pick-up. So, we drove to her terminal and got her in and then headed to Sams Club.
At Sams, we got the family meal deal which was delicious. The only bad thing was we thought we could get any liter of soda, but it turns out with that deal you can only get Coke. Too bad we don't drink Coke. Oh well, we got food and everyone was happy. We also got to see Sis. Tieman. She lived on our street when we lived in Mesa, so that was fun. After eating there we got in the van and headed to Pima. We had to make a pit stop in Globe to use the potty, this still annoys Oma, but we didn't have any pee in her car this time, so even though it added time to the drive I would argue it was worth the stop. Anyway, we got home and Kara, Seth, Ross, and Klaire had beat us there. Lindsay, Allen, Betty, and Roxy were already there, so we had quite the welcoming committee when we came in an the said 'Surprise' to Tia and sang her happy birthday as soon as she walked in the door. It was pretty fun. Then we had a little bit of dinner and then Oma and Papa surprised us with a cool train cake they made together. It was a super cool train, but I also thought it was super cool that they did it together. So, Tia got cake and a gift from Oma and then we played a tich more an then sent the girls to bed. The rest of us visited for a bit, but like I mentioned before we were pretty sick, so I decided not to stay up too late and went to bed in hopes of not laying around sick all weekend.
Here is a pic of the train cake, and Tia. |
Tia and her cake all lit up. She is in a swimsuit that Oma gave her for her b-day. |
Friday was really fun. There was suppose to be nothing scheduled that day, but it turns out Kitt had a doc appointment and my mom and Klaire needed to go shopping and my dad was getting rock and so him and Seth needed to get the yard ready for that. So, not really a nothing going on day, but it was still fun. Kylee, Tia, Betty went outside and played on the dirt piles, and other stuff that is out there. However, we expected AZ to be a little warmer than it was, so we didn't bring jackets and so they got kind of cold and came inside where they played more. Kylee and Betty loved playing together and Tia enjoyed playing with them. I think Tia and Allen would have had good time, but Allen cracked his collarbone the day on Thursday, so he was not quite up to his normal stuff yet. Anyway, we had fun playing and Kara stayed home to play with me and the kiddos, so we got to play with her and Ross and that was pretty fun too. After all the playing it was time for lunch and then naps. The girls took okay naps and then woke up to more playing. I helped get some dinner stuff ready and the girls just played. The actually went outside were Papa and Seth were and Papa and Seth were great babysitters letting the kids play while they worked outside. I am actually very impressed at what they got done with 4 little kids tagging along and wanting to help. That night we had dinner and baths and then bed. Then we played a game for a bit and went to bed. It is kind of lame to be sick when you are only around family for a short time because you have to go to bed and really want to stay up and chat. Oh well, I did get to watch a cute Hallmark movie with them and enjoy the chatting during commercials, so it was actually a really good night.
Saturady was kind of a crazy day. We had family pictures at 9:00. It was a cold windy day. However, we got everyone out there and we got our pictures taken. I still haven't seen them, so I don't know if they turned out good or not, but the place we went was pretty and we should have some good ones. Anyway, we took pictures real quick and then went back home where we kind of chilled for a bit and then had a birthday party. Probably my favorite part of the party was the pinata. It was fun to watch all the kids hit and mad alive can Betty swing a bat. I play baseball with my kids, but you would never know it by the way they hit a pinata. Oh well, it broke open and Lindsay had stuffed it with good candy, so it was worth helping your kids pick up the candy, so you could have a piece. After the pinata we had presents and then lunch. Then we had the girls take naps. This day I actually took a little nap too. I woke up before the girls though and got to visit for a bit.
Playing with balloon at Betty's birthday party. Kylee is hidden in the glare behind Betty. Then Allen and Tia. |
Tia playing pin the nose on Rudolph. |
After naps, the kids played while the adults got ready to go to the temple. We went to the temple and did sealings all together. It was so cool. That was the first time my family has been all together inside the temple and it was so fun. My mom had gotten some family names from someone and so we got to seal them in families like all surrounding the alter at one time. It was so cool. I had never done it before, so it was great. I love doing sealings because they are just so happy. I always feel like there is joy in sealing rooms. It was a lovely time together and when we were done we headed home and had dinner of Taco Salad and then Birthday Cake for Betty. We were also suppose to have our 'Christmas Eve' program that night, but yeah the kids were too tired and cranky, so we decided to postpone until Sunday. So, we got the kids to bed and then we just kind of hanging around and Gaupo said, So I think we should play a game. We did. We played
Word Around and
Quidler. It was really fun to play games and then we visited for a bit and went to bed.
Sunday was also a great day. It started off pretty normal with everyone getting breakfast and then getting ready for church and playing. However, around 10:30 we had our 'Christmas Eve' program. My sister Kara arranged it all and it was so great. Kara had Papa read the Christmas Story from the Bible and then Kara, Kitt, and Klaire sang a song that introduced the kids dressed up as nativity characters. Kylee was Mary and Tia was a Shepard. Although, once Kylee laid her baby Jesus in the manager the shepard took over by getting it our and holding it and hugging it. It was so cute.
Mary (Kylee) watching the baby and you can see the little shepherds hand sneaking in. |
The shepherd (Tia) forgetting her sheep and staff to hold and care for the Baby Jesus. |
After the nativity was done, we had my Mom's tradition of giving us and reading to us a book. This year it was
The Mismatched Nativity and then we sang Jingle Bells. (The nativity and book reading may have been switched. I can't remember.) Next Kara had Kylee sing
That Night in the Stable. When Kylee was done Tia popped up and asked if she could sing
I Am a Child of God. Kara of course said yes, and Tia sang the whole thing, all the words, all by herself. It was so awesome. Just another testimony that miracles still happen, because even though it wasn't all clear and perfect a year ago that was impossible. It wasn't even fathomable. Then Kara had pictures hanging up and she had a song or talent associated with all of them, so she had the kids pick a picture and then we had what was ever on the back. So, Jack, Lindsay and Betty all sang
Away in a Manger for one of the things. Seth did a reading, and I believe that Kitt, Klaire, and Kara sang another song plus lots of other great Christmas songs were sung by all of us. It was such a great program. Kara did a great job. I couldn't help but tease her that if anyone found out how good she was at programs she would be called as the counselor in primary over the primary program. Anyway, it was so good. After the program, it was time for last minute getting ready for church things, a small lunch and then out the door for church. Church was the main reason we came to Arizona and the part of church we went for was the blessing of Roxy. It was so cool to see my brother use his Priesthood to bless his baby. I am so glad Gaupo, Seth, Papa, Papa Ross, Lindsay's brother Ben, Lindsay's Dad, and uncle be in the circle. It was such a cool thing to be a part of. The rest of the block was pretty much church except that I manged to introduce myself as Katey Bryce instead Katey Merrill, which was kind of embarrassing because I loved that my last name was Bryce, but I also love that it is now Merrill. So, anyway whatever Gaupo knows I love him, so it is all good. Anyway, it is always good to visit my home ward and see my leaders there. We went home and had a dinner that my mom had for everyone. It was great. We had sweet potatoes, rolls, stuffing, turkey, pasta salad and then brownies or monster bars for dessert. It was super easy and good. The kids just played and played until we finally had to have them go to bed because they didn't have naps and they were getting crazy and kind of naughty.
Monday we got up had breakfast and headed to Mesa. We were hoping to leave early enough to get ice cream with Papa before we left, but that wasn't to be the case, but it was still fun to ride down there with Papa and as always hard to say good by. We got our carseats checked and then went though security. This time our food made us have to have one backpack hand checked, but of course it all cleared and we were on our way and down at our gate. We were in the same terminal as we were this summer, but for some crazy reason they had to take out the toys that were down at the end. The girls and I were kind of bummed, but oh well. We watched planes and enjoyed until we had to board. This time the plane was full, so Tia had to stay in her seat which was kind of rough for her.
A bad pic of us three girls on the plane. |
Also, the flight had some turbulence and got warm which cased us all to not feel, so good and Gaupo even ended up throwing up. (He said he is not flying again. Keep your fingers crossed this isn't true.) Tia ended up peeing her pants at the end of the flight because she had already been to the bathroom and then waited until we were descending to tell me that she needed to go and I thought she was just bored. Turns out I was wrong and the stewardess did not look happy at all about that little fact when we told her, so needless to say our flight home was not the best. However, we made it safely and we got Tia changed into new clothes. Then she and I rode the train to baggage claim where we met up with Kylee and Gaupo. Then we all used the bathroom again; caught the bus to our car; got in our car and went home. Sadly we were headed home in some pretty heavy traffic due to the fact that it was about 5;00, but it wasn't too bad and we got home safe. We had hot dogs and mac for dinner and then played Chutes and Ladders for FHE and then sent the girls to bed. Gaupo and I watch a movie and then went to bed.
It was a crazy, yet wonderful time. As always it was too short. However, I am glad Gaupo has a job he likes, so we needed to get back so he could keep it. Also, I love my family, but it was really nice to be in our home for Christmas. So, it was so worth going to Roxy's blessing and being with everyone. I am so glad we went and that other than being sick it was perfect. Yeah for family and getting together especially since I think it will be awhile before we are all together again, but like our family always says "Together Forever." Then like I like to add "No matter what."