Halloween I think gets more and more fun every year. I really hope that never changes because I actually really enjoy liking Halloween. I like how we enjoy working together to plan meals. The point to make and eat meals together is better accomplished, and trick-or-treating with little kids is awesome especially if they are super troopers like mine.
So just like in years past for the week before Halloween we make some Halloween themed foods. This year we tried out some new things and kept some old things, but overall it was successful and fun. Here is the food...
Monday Meatloaf Hand. Uncooked. |
Cooked. This was my favorite meal of the week. |
Tuesday: Ham and Cheese Ghosts |
Wednesday: Trick-or-Treat Turnovers and Frankin Cups |
Thursday: Jack-O-Lantern Cassadias. This was by far the easiest meal. |
Friday: Spider sliders. These were also really good and actually got better with time. |
Dessert for the weekend: Dirt cake |
Saturday Squirly worms on a bum and those other worm looking things are worm salad. I did not like the salad at all. |
Sunday: Pumpkin Pizza, so use your imagination to make those look like pumpkins. |
Halloween Night: Mummies on a Stick |
Like I said above it was pretty fun to make all this great food and I am really glad we did. Everything was good except the worm salad, so that is definitely a no-go for next year, But I think the meatloaf hand might be my new favorite with spider sliders coming in second. I think that the dirt cake was amazing as well, but that wasn't really new and it was sugar, so it can't win the contest.
We did celebrate Halloween in other ways besides food, and that just made the celebrations that much more fun. On Wednesday we went Trick-or-Treating at Library storytime. It is usually crazy busy and this year was no exception, but I still like going and hearing the stories and then taking the kids around the Civic Center to trick-or-treat. I did have all four kids with me, so I was glad when Gaupo could tag along with us to help keep everyone going and doing what they were suppose to. One story that I love from this storytime is
The Lady Who Wasn't Afraid of Anything. It is a really great story and allows the kids to get involved. Another fun moment this year was when Gaupo introduced me to some he works with and they said "You have a great husband." To which I replied, "I know. I am so lucky, huh?" It kind of took the person by surprise, but I never get tired of hearing compliments about Gaupo. He really does try very hard to do a good job at work and I feel like he is good at his job, so I like when other people tell me he is.
Our next Halloween fun was on Friday. Kylee's preschool class had a Halloween parade. The three kids in her class walked around the teachers loop three times and each time they passed they said "Happy Halloween!" Kylee thought this was so fun. Then after circling three times they lined up on tape marks on the floor and sang us parents three songs. They sang
All the Earth is Mind, Gray Squirrel, and a witch one. It was so fun to watch them preform and it has been so fun to hear Kylee sing those songs all this week too.
Alyssa, Ryker, and Kylee all lined up to sing. Kylee was Elsa for this parade. |
After the parade, they had a party and we left. I asked Tia what she wanted to do since Kylee was at school and at first she said she wanted to go to the train park, but then she insisted she wanted to go swimming. So, we quickly grabbed our suits and headed to the pool. We swam for a bit and then they turned the big water slides on and we went down them probably about 15 or so times. We were the only ones going and it was just me and her, so I took her until she said she was done. It was so fun to see her totally enjoy them and keep asking for more. It was a great way to have a party while Kylee was having her own.
Also on Friday, we invited Gaupo's co-worker Ronda over for dinner. It was so fun to have her and she thought our food was delicious and she spoiled us by bringing deviled eggs, a super good green salad, and a bowl of candy. She enjoyed both dinner and dessert with us and even helped clean up. It was so fun to visit with her. Ronda and Gaupo get along really well and she also thinks my girls are just great, so it was so fun to share our holiday festivities with someone.
The next real celebrating we did was on Halloween. The first way we celebrated was by picking up Tia's new glasses. She looks so cute in them and for the most part is doing really well at leaving them on. She isn't perfect, but it is way better than I thought she would be.
I could hardly get her to look at the camera because she wanted to play so this is the best pic I have. |
We had dinner and got costumes on. I finally managed to snap some pictures of these kids in their costumes and then me and the girls headed out to trick-or-treat around 6:15.
Tia as a witch. |
Kylee as a kitty. |
A witch and her Kitty. |
We went up our street to the top of the hill and then we crossed because we were going to go to our friend Jensen's house, but we ran into Jensen and also are friends Kalo and Sony, so we went trick-or-treating with them. Man my kids got so much candy, but it was so fun to watch them get excited over every piece. It was fun to see them full of excitement and fun. It really was fun to watch, but man we stayed out till like 8:00 and the girls were so tired when we got home that they feel asleep in no time. It was AWESOME!
Tia and her loot. |
Kylee and her loot. |
Halloween was super fun. I totally enjoy having kids that are starting to get into dressing up, fun meals, and trick-or-treating. It is fun to see how much they have grown and it really does make the holiday fun. I really enjoy the ages of my children they are old enough to do stuff, but not old enough to worry about what other people think, to want to hangout with friends instead of me, and they don't have too crazy of schedules. I mean it is so good. I am loving being a mom to these two fireballs of mine.
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