It has been awhile since I have blogged, but because it has been a PARTY around here. It was crazy, and fun but full of family, memories, and relationship building. I loved it. I will admit there are not many pictures. I am sorry I was way too busy.
It all started on May 27 around 4:00 PM. Oma and Papa got here. Kylee was super excited and gave them hugs right away. Tia on the other hand was a little more cautious, but eventually warmed up and gave hugs and had a great time too. It was so fun to have Papa and Oma all to ourselves. Kylee showed them where they were to sleep (this is probably her favorite part of people getting here.) Then we rode bikes, went to Oma's park, and then while dinner was being made we played outside. Oma brought a game called
Lawn Darts. Kylee really got the hang of it and loved playing while they were here. We had BLT's for dinner. Then it was kind of late, but the girls got Oma to read them a book anyway and then it was off to bed. Well actually I sent them to bed, Gaupo was kind enough to stay with Tia till she feel asleep. The girls were sleeping in our room to make room for the other people coming, so it was a little disconcerting for her. After talking and waiting for Gaupo to get Tia to sleep, we played out name game
Castle Panic. Oma and Papa were good sports and it actually a pretty fun game to play because you all play together. When the game was all finished, Kara, Kitt, and Ross got here. I was beginning to wonder where they were, so it's a good thing they showed up. Ross was asleep and Kara got him transitioned to the pack-n-play without a hitch. Then they came downstairs and we visited some more and then went to bed.
Saturday dawn way to early. Not only where the kids up pretty early it was a rough night. Man sleeping bags, and air mattresses are incredibly noisy. I mean all night rustle, rustle, squeak, rustle, rustle, deep breath, etc. It was so crazy, but totally worth it. We got up and I talked the girls into waiting until their Dad got up to get dressed. So, we went downstairs where Papa was already reading. We spiced up his morning right away. The silence was gone, and Tia wanted to look at pictures. The girls wanted books and milk and all the great stuff. Papa is such a good sport and just soaks it all up. He even took Tia out to the car a couple of times just to let her play. Slowly the rest of the house started to wake up. When Ross woke up the girls could not get enough of him. They wanted to hold him, feed him, get him toys, show him around downstairs, and touch him. It was so cute.
Tia trying to feed Ross. Kara was such a good sport to let Kylee and Tia 'help' so much. |
This picture captures it all--Two super grabbing adoring girls and Ross handling it like a champ. |
However, we did eventually have to give him some space, because he was just as interested in them and they were in him, but he needed to eat and sleep and stuff. Anyway, we had a breakfast of pancakes and eggs close to 9:00 and then we took our time getting ready. We watched all the people go to graduation and get out of graduation and played more lawn darts.
Then when Ross woke up from his morning nap we decided to head across town to the Farmer's Market and then to JC Penny. Papa forgot his white shirt this time. Poor guy he always forgets something Sunday related when he comes here. Anyway, the market was fun. There were tons of free samples, and it is kind of cool how they have things divided out with food vendors one way, craft fair another, and 'farmer' stuff another. We tasted some super good honey, salsa, and hummus. It was crazy to see the meat prices there. Gaupo and I did end up getting a couple of tomato plants. We got them for a buck a piece, so hopefully we will get some good tomatoes this year. After wandering around for about a hour or so, we should Papa and Oma and their carload the way to JC Penny, then we got gas and went home, so the girls could get a nap. They took a long time getting home because Kara and Kitt decided they needed to go shopping too, but they got some good stuff, and Oma picked up some stuff for me too. Like a super cute skirt and shorts. When they all got back I had lunch with them while the kids slept.
Then around 4:00 the Texas crew showed up. Oh man it was so fun to see my brother and his family on my doorstep.That night we had a wiener roast for dinner. It was a simplish affair. Just hotdogs, baked beans, chips, marshmallows, and cookies. But, it was so good. After the fire died, we bathed all the kids and had family prayers and put them to bed. Then the adults took turns going through the shower. Then it was just talking. I don't know that we talked about anything in particular, but just visited about stuff. That is one thing I love about my family is that we can just sit around and talk about whatever. My mom did ask us some questions like what would do with 5, 10, 100, and 1000 dollars. That was pretty interesting, but other than that is was like whatever. We went to bed late, but happy, and this night was a little less rough probably because I was so tired, but you know what I will take it.
Sunday was still early, but later than the morning before. Ross was actually awake before us and the girls loved that. Then we had breakfast, and slowly other members of the house started waking up and having breakfast too. Then I played around for a little bit and then had to get ready to go to church. At 10:30ish we had family prayers and then walked to church. We put Kylee, Betty, and Tia in my double stroller, Allen in an umbrella stroller, and then Ross had my single stroller. It was such a great day to walk to church. It was so fun to fill up also a whole large bench. If Klaire and Seth could have been with us we could have. It was still super fun. Church was a great and as always it was great to show off my family to everyone. Then after church we walked back home and had a light lunch and got the kids down for quiet time/naps. We did that until about 4. It was so crazy to really have a pretty quiet house, but it was good because we needed to get some stuff done for dinner. At about 5:30 we had dinner. We had
Wedding Beef over brown rice, and strawberries. Then we had monster cookies for dessert. It was really good and I was very pleased with how things worked with seating. I was kind of worried about sitting 13 people for dinner, but it worked out good and it was AWESOME to have so much help after dinner cleaning it up. Once dinner was cleaned up, we visited and watched the kids play and before we knew it, it was time for them to go to bed. After they went to bed, we visited some more and enjoyed being together.
Monday was goodbye day, but before we did that we went and had some fun. The morning started off with breakfast burritos, boiling eggs for egg salad sandwiches, and playing. After breakfast Gaupo, Oma, and Papa took the kids to the park while I made chicken salad for dinner and then made the sandwiches for lunch. Then they came back and we packed everything for our picnic up and went to Golden Ponds. When we got there we walked all they way around all three ponds and then over to the bridge and just soaked in the beauty around us. There were more people there then usual, but really it wasn't bad and we scored on sweet picnic spot by the water.
Jack, Kara, Oma, Lindsday, Papa, Betty, Kylee, and Gaupo eating lunch. |
Oma, Jack, Lindsay, Papa, Allen, Kylee, Betty, and Kitt. |
Kitt and Gaupo so into this whole picnic thing. Real story Kitt was and Gaupo was like 'Whatever.' |
Kylee playing she was tied to this pole. |
Check out Kylee and this waterfall. |
We enjoyed lunch together and then it was time to send Oma and Papa on their way. We all went home and got the kids down for naps and stuff and said goodbye to Oma and Papa. Then while everyone was sleeping Kitt, Kara, Lindsay and I played
Castle Panic. Kara actually wanted 5 Crowns, but she said
Castle so that is what we ended up playing. It was fun and we ended up snacking on ALL the gummy worms and having a great time. Then it was time to get Kara and Ross to the airport to go home. So, I packed Kitt and Kara some chicken salad and they got their stuff together and we loaded them up and sent them on their way. We found out later their plane was delayed an hour, so they could have stayed longer, but oh well we feel so lucky to have had them here to begin with. It was go great. After they were off, the kids played for a bit more and then we made muffins to go with our chicken salad and had dinner. Then for family home evening we had a short lesson about choices. Then we had Oreo's and popcorn for a treat while watching Curious George. Then it was time for bed. After the kids were in bed, we played
Castle Panic again, I think Lindsay really likes this game. Then we watched a couple of Hogan's Heroes and called it a night.
It was such a great Memorial Day weekend. I was so grateful that everyone could come and play with us and that I didn't have to do it without Gaupo. I missed having Seth and Klaire, but so grateful to have everyone else. I miss that we don't get to get together very often all together. It really is so fun. It is true it is crazy, and sometimes sleep is hit or miss, but you know that is how memories and relationships are made and it totally worth it. Thanks family for coming here it was totally a weekend to remember.