Okay it wasn't an invasion, but did get to have our Texas family here for a whole week! It was so awesome. Kylee and Betty Jane have so much fun together. They are finally to that age where they play together, have an imagination, and actually play alone together. Allen and Tia did pretty good, but they are not to that point yet, but they loved playing around each other and with their sisters. It was also really fun for us big kids to play together and talk and just overall hangout for awhile. Sometimes I feel like I should do more when I have family visit, but to be honest I just love living life with them.
Tuesday morning Gaupo had to go to work. It was a bummer because usually he gets to go in late, but he had to get somethings done, so it went in kind of late like 9:00. So, he helped me fix breakfast and ate with us and then headed out. After breakfast was all cleaned up, Jack said he needed a couple of hours to do homework, so we decided to head to the park. Lindsay and I took the kids to Willow Farm Park. It is a cool park with lots of sand and fun toys. However, we double scored because a preschool/day care group came and had a bunch of sand toys and so Betty and Kylee played with those kids and their toys for a long time. I really need to get some sand toys, both my kids love playing in the sand when they have stuff to use. Allen swung on the swings for a super long time--he LOVES to swing. Tia just went from one thing to another and loved having some attention from Mom.
Betty and Kylee cooking in the sand. |
Tia and Allen riding a cow. |
The kids played really well and about noon we left the park. I wanted to pick up some more grapes, gummy bears, and strawberries so we did that and then went home. We had lunch and then my kids went down for a nap while Betty and Allen had quiet time. During nap time we prepped dinner and Jack made a cheese cake. Around 4:00 we had dinner. Then we went to another park. Sorry, but I am just not good at entertaining kids at my house. I would much rather take care of them at a park or something, so that is what I default too. The park was really fun. Kylee enjoyed climbing on everthing, Tia loved looking in the water and was particularly intersted in a mother duck and her babies, Allen was also a fan of the water and Betty loved climbing and playing with Kylee. Maybe that is what I like about parks--I feel like there are things people can do together, but if they are sick of each other they can do their own thing too.
Betty, Tia, Kylee, and Allen swinging all together. |
After playing at the park for a bit it was time to come home have baths and send the kids to bed. Once the kids were asleep we ate cheesecake and watch Sahara. The Gaupo got home and we chated for a bit, but then went to bed.
Wednesday morning I went for a run by myself. It was nice to just be out alone and boy is it easier to run if you aren't pushing a stroller with two kids. It was a great to be outside and to know the kids were fine. When I left the kids were screaming, but when I got home they were fine and I was able to sneak upstairs for a shower before having breakfast. Jack had made breakfast--eggs and muffins.
These guys played a lot of play-dough together and it is what they were doing when I went running. |
It was really good and super nice of him to make breakfast for us all. After breakfast we just kind of hung around for awhile and then went to the library for storytime. Kylee and Betty went to four year-old story time while Tia and Allen went to toddler storytime. I can not tell you how nice it is sometimes to have a buddy for Kylee because they just play and then I can focus on Tia. It is really nice. Anyway, we got some new books and I talked over a date plan with Gaupo and we went home. Jack went with us to the Library, but he stayed to work on homework while Lindsay and I took the kids home for lunch and naps. During naps we let Allen and Betty watch a show. Lindsay and I had lunch and the the boys came home and we visited with them while they had lunch.
By visit I mean we more discussed going on a date. Jack made a us a deal that if we paid for the babysitter he would pay for the date. At first I wasn't going to do it, but I got thinking about it on the run that morning and decided this really could be nice to just have some adult time where we don't have to worry about kids, and it would be super fun. Well my original plan was to go to Texas Roadhouse, but Jack and Lindsay proposed Rodizio's. Well Rodizio's is about 45 minutes to an hour away, so this is kind of a trip for Gaupo and I for a date, but after much debate and thought we decided to go for it. So, we sent the guys back to work. We convinced Jack to go and finish his homework, so that he could just play the rest of the week.
Jack doing homework. |
Then they left and we kind of just chilled for a bit until my kids woke up. Then I took all the kids outside while Lindsay took a bit of a nap and then we all went to yet another park. This one though had a splash pad. At first all the kids were super leery of it, but after some playing on the equipment and stuff Betty got into it. Then with some encouragement and showing from Mom plus some pulling and help from Betty, Kylee got into it too. They were both soaked by the time we left and had a blast.
Kylee chillin' like a villian. Tia was patiently waiting to do the same and Betty was being a great friend. This piece of work is by the entrance to the park with the splash pad. |
We played at the park for awhile and the boys ended up being at the library a little late, so we got home about the same time and began to cook up a dinner on the grill. It was so good, plus we had sweet potato fries. After dinner we let the kids play a little bit more and then it was off to bed. I don't remember why we were kind of late getting started, but we played Ticket to Ride that night and then we went to bed.
Allen didn't want to go to bed and kept talking to us while we were playing and this is where he feel asleep. |
Thursday was yet another day of partying. We didn't have any sort of schedule or anything, so things kind of happened a little late. However, we had cinnamon waffles for breakfast, and after breakfast was made and cleaned up I got ready for the day. Then we decided that we should go to the rec center in the morning, so we started that process. Oh my word, Trying to get 4 kids and 3 adults out the door in a remotely timely manner is kind of a joke. Seriously it takes so long. I have no idea why, but seriously it is crazy. Anyway, we finally got everyone in the car and we at the rec center by about 11ish. Then we played there for a bit. Allen was super clingy. He did not like the water at first, but really towards the end he started warming up to it and was having quite a bit of fun. It was pretty busy, but we had a good time on the slides and diving for rings and stuff too. Around 12:30 my girls and I headed for the shower. When we were done the Bryce's got ready while we were in the arcade 'driving.' Once everyone was ready we headed home for lunch and naps. During naptime this time we put in Yogi Bear. Allen took a nap on me and then when I had to go get my kids took a nap on Jack. Then I got ready for our date and Aunt Kitt showed up. She had actually been at the library scene 1 working, but she finally got to our house. The kids were all really excited to see her and they went outside to play while I fixed the mac and cheese for the kids dinner. Then when Gaupo got home I went and got our babysitter. After giving her a run down we left. When I walked out Tia, Kylee, and Allen were screaming. By the time Kitt walked out just Allen was upset, and by the time Lindsay left they were all good. Makenna had rocked it by pulling out Apple Jacks and Don't Eat Pete.
Anyway we headed out and actually made good time driving up. However, just as we were getting ready to park at the restaurant the babysitter calls and says "Kylee just threwup." I am like OH MAN. However, I talked it over with Makenna and she said she was good, so I decided to just go for it and we went into the restaurant. Well right as we were getting ready to sit down the phone goes off again, this time its Kylee. I really really don't want to leave because I am very excited to try this place, but Kylee is pretty upset and wants me. So finally I say, "You just stay up till I get home. Will that be okay?" Kylee stops crying and says' "Okay." Luckily that solved the problem and also a tender mercy she didn't keep throwing up like she usually does it was totally a one and done thing. Anyway, I got back to the table where my loyal family is waiting to see if we can stay or go. I tell them what happened and that we are staying. So the feast began. The salad bar was good and had a lot of fun options, but I have to agree the gaucho's coming around with the meat and slicing you off your very own hot piece was my favorite part. It was a pretty neat experience plus since most of the food was brought to you even though it was all you can eat it lead to having good conversations. Sometimes at all-you-can-eat places you alternate getting up and down you don't get to talk, but this was different and it was very cool. My favorite meat was the sweet and sour chicken although I loved all their beef cuts too. Just the plain old grilled beef cuts. But really it was all good and I was very full when I left.
Jack, Lindsay, Kitt, Me, and Gaupo at our adult night out. |
We stood around for a bit and then got in the car, but apparently we ate too much because when we got in the car we sunk it down so low we couldn't close the passenger doors as they were right by a curb and the door was stuck on it, but no worries we shifted just slightly and Jack got it closed. Yeah it was good and we ate a lot. Anyway, we got home and poor Makenna had these four crazy kids up and around. It was pretty wild, but she was handling it great and she really had cleaned up the mess well and, so we put our kids to bed and then visited for a bit and then Gaupo and I went to bed while the others watch Ocean's 12.
Friday dawn early for our little family, but the Bryce's and Aunt Kitt got to rest for a bit longer. We had muffins and eggs for breakfast and then got ready to go to Pearl Street in Boulder. I made PB&J sandwiches for everyone, but Kitt who got meat and cheese because gluten free doesn't lend itself to PB&J very well. Anyway, We got off around 11:00 and headed to Boulder. We walked 1/2 way up one side and had lunch in the little park they have in the center.
Betty, Kylee and Tia climbing on the statue where we were having lunch. |
Kylee loved this moose and wanted a pic with it so bad, so here she is. |
Betty, Kylee, Tia and me playing on the rocks in the middle of the 'mall.' |
After lunch and letting the kids play, we walked down and through a few stores and then hit the splash pad. The water was pretty dang cold so once again, Kylee and Betty were the only ones who even got remotely into it. Betty more than Kylee, but they both did good. Our final shop was the soda candy shop where Betty got some candy to share with everyone. Then we all piled back into the car and went home. Kylee, Tia, and Allen all fell asleep on the way home, but Kylee and Tia woke up when we stopped. Allen stayed asleep even when his carseat was pulled out of the van. I was pretty impressed. After getting home, Kitt went to check her bike for the Triathlon and found that the new tire wasn't holding air. After some talk her and Jack took it to the bike shop while I made dinner. It was an easy fix on the bike and they were home and dinner was made and ready to go in by about 5. So, we had dinner which was almost a disaster because Tia decided that she needed to throw up. Luckily I/Gaupo noticed something was up and almost got her to the bathroom before she lost it. So glad it didn't get on the table. Anyway, we cleaned that up and finished dinner and then let the kids play and sent them to bed. After the kids were in bed, we played
Castle Panic and talked and then went to bed.
Saturday morning the Bryce's left and it was Triathlon time, but that is a story for the next post. I feel so blessed to have had the Bryce's here for a whole week. I loved watching the kids play and getting to talk and visit. Although sometimes it was crazy it was so worth the memories and fun. I love my family and I am so grateful they could come visit us.
I don't know the exact morning this was taken,but here is Betty, Kylee, Tia, Me, Allen, and Gaupo all reading scriptures before sending Gaupo to work. |
Sounds like so much fun! Glad I got to be there for part of it :)