As most of you know, my birthday is a whopping four-days after Gaupo's, so some of our celebrations tend to overlap or at least run into each other. For example, the Red Lobster date I believe was dual purpose. Gaupo loved the food and I got a gift of time with him and it was there to celebrate both our birthday's. This year that is kind of all the dual purpose we got, and we did take a little bit of a break for crazy treats and good. Just for a couple days. So, my birthday was Wednesday, and it was CRAZY! I got up and exercised and got ready because at 7:45 I was going to start watching a couple of kids- Alex and Jamie Kenworthy. So, I needed to be ready when that happened. To be honest, I was a little nervous about watching them because it can really be either good or bad, but I have no guarantee about it going one way or the other. Luckily for me this time was amazing. The kids just played and played and played. Kylee even had late start, so she was home to play and it was fun to watch the kids play together then split up and the come together. It was pretty impressive and I feel so blessed that they played so well. While there were playing I made breakfast of apple cinnamon muffins and then also worked on making the brownie layers for my cake. It worked out really well.
Around 12:00 Tori and Trent came over. So, then I had six kids, it was crazy. However, bless my ministering sister Megan VonNeiderhausen's heart she came to the chaos with lunch. She brought her little boy and lunch for everyone. We had Cafe Rio and she had ordered the free kid cassadias for all the kids. I still had to make one sandwich, but at least it wasn't the possible 7. She stayed and chatted with me for awhile while the kids played and it was awesome. I really needed some to just be with and she willingly joined the chaos and spent sometime. It really meant a lot to me. After she left, Tia, Jamie, Alex, and Tori played some more. Trent I put to bed because it was a little more than he could deal with and Kylee had gone to school. However, about 2:15 Alex and Jamie's parents came and got them. So, I quickly put the girls down and then worked on the cookie dough and assembly of my cake. I got that done just before Tori came up and Kylee got home school. I still had all the dishes, but we got that done to. However, shortly after all that it was time to head to swim. I was exhausted, so I texted Gaupo asking him if we could just have a Hot n' Ready pizza. He said I can do that or I can make biscuits and gravy. I think pizza is a comfort/stress food because by this time in the day that is what I really wanted, so he said he would. So after swim, I got the girls bathed and he showed up with pizza, a single rose, and my favorite Mint Danahli Moosetracks ice cream. I was so surprised and loved. So, we sat down for dinner and enjoyed pizza and powerade and then cake. Boy was my cake sweet. I cut what I thought was a normal piece, but it was so rich I learned to cut smaller in the following days. After dinner and dessert, we just enjoyed for a bit and then put the girls to bed. Then to finish the night Gaupo and I finished our book/series of the
Beyonders. It was a good book/series but I was also glad to have it finished up. After the book we went to bed, and I was tired. I feel asleep fast and didn't wake up until my alarm which after turning it off decided that I would sleep in.
Tia, the pizza, a rose, Kylee and Me. |
The cake. |
Me, Tia and Kylee |
My wonderful family! |
That actually didn't work out as great as I had planned because Gaupo came in to check as to why I wasn't awake and to get some help with homework. So, I helped him and the got on with the day. I took the girls to the dentist. Then I was going to workout while they were at school, but talked to my mom instead. It was such a great talk. I felt like we haven't done that in so long and it was really great to just chat for a LONG time. Then I got the girls from school. Once we were home, I knew it was now or never for the workout. I did it and then got lunch. About 1/2 way through lunch, Bethany came over to hangout. So, we chatted until she had to go. That also hasn't happened for awhile, so it was really nice to just talk, and enjoy each other. Once the Blaine's left I got the kids down for quiet time. Nothing real exciting happened until that night. After the girls were in bed we made Teriyaki chicken and then a member of the bishopric came over to extend me a calling as a primary teacher specifically CTR 5 (Kylee's class). I had gotten a release from my calling on Monday, but I didn't expect a call, so soon and I wish I was righteous enough to say I was excited by this but that would be lying. I have been praying over this class since I got the assignment and I feel much better about it but when I first got it I was like really. I already deal with these kids almost everyday. I already know all of them and taught most of them in nursery, can't I have new ones. However, that isn't the case and in my setting apart today (5/6) I was told that this calling would help me grow and become a better mom and person. I was also blessed with additional patience which I definitely think I will need. So, after that came and I accepted we watch Hogan's hero's and went to bed.
Friday wasn't too special until the evening when we went for a family swim. Gaupo came home from work and we all went to the rec center. Kylee was so excited to show Gaupo how she could go down the slides. She went down for the first time with me on Tuesday night. Well, we showed him how we could do that and then after awhile I asked if she wanted to go alone. She promptly and assuredly said NO. Well, Tia heard and she wanted to go alone and that kind of helped Kylee get up the courage to do it. So, both girls went down the tube slide at the rec center along. They did great. Both were able to get into the right position to kick out of the splash, so it began. We rode the slide a ton and the girls had a blast going down alone and kicking out. It was super impressive and a very fun night. I am so glad we went and did that. I am so appreciative of Gaupo doing things he doesn't like because it makes us all so happy. Plus, we get some family time and it is so fun.
Tia, Kylee, Me, and Gaupo on the way home from our family swim. |
Tia is learning to cook Tortillas. She is so proud. |
Saturday was what I wish the day of my birthday was like. So, I think its a great end to a birthday week. I slept in a little bit and then we had my personal favorite biscuits and gravy for breakfast. Then we packed up the bike and went to Wal-Mart where I got some stuff that I have been needing and wanting with my birthday money, plus we picked up supplies for a hotdog roast. Then we went to Sandstone Ranch and rode bike. Our girls have grown so much. The last time we rode around the park it was 'too hard' for them. But this time they did it no problem. They just went around and played like it was just an ordinary ride. I told Gaupo, "I think our family is ready for some real rides this summer." He agreed, so it will be fun to see what we can do.
Some wild turkey's we saw on our bike ride. |
Look at those two cuties looking at the turkeys. |
Gaupo, Tia, and Kylee biking though the park. |
After our bike ride, we went home and had a hotdog roast. It took a little bit to get it going, but we did and it was super tasty. We had hotdogs, somores, chips, and Kool-aid Jammers.
Sitting down enjoying our flame roasted hotdogs. |
After we roasted, we got the girls down for naps and Gaupo and I painted our posts. They are going to defiantly need more coats of painted but it is a least started. While were finishing up that girls painted watercolors outside and the neighbor came to chat. That is one thing I love about summer, it is so much easier to see your neighbors because you are all outside. After working on the porch, I vacuumed out the van--it was bad.Then the girls and I watch The
Little Mermaid while Gaupo ran the missionaries to their dinner appointment
. Then we gave the girls dinner and baths. Then we got cleaned up from the roast and watched tv and called it a night.
I love the time I get to spend with my family. I know this might look like a whole bunch of days for a birthday post, but really each one was another birthday gift to me. I loved serving my friends, and having pizza and cake. I loved talking to my mom and sleeping in. I loved swimming with my family and watching my kids (and myself) conquer fears. I loved spending time together both working and playing and I love wiener roasts. All these things didn't happen on the same day, but they were all wonderful and reminded me how good it is to be alive and to have had another birthday. So, far I don' mind getting older. Some day I probably will, but for right now it means I have had another good year and have more to come and I can't wait to see what the adventures of this year will bring.
Aren't these two girls just the cutest sisters ever. They choose to look like twins just for fun sometimes. |
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