This was written a couple months ago, but just barely getting around to getting it up and completed with pictures.
don’t want to post this to my blog yet, because it is easier to print the blog
if I keep things in chronological order, but I am forgetting details really
fast, and it is a major event, so I want to document it before it all slips
and I went into the hospital on New Year’s Eve to start the induction process.
Before we left we had dinner, a little FHE lesson, and toasted in the New Year.
We arrived at the hospital at 8pm. It was so weird to go and not be in labor.
It was even weirder to climb into the labor bed and just wait for things to get
checked out and happen. Anyway, once I got all checked in the doctor came and
checked my cervix to see how much I had dilated and the answer was none. I
couldn’t believe it. I was 38 weeks with twins and for the first time ever my
body was not ready to let the babies go. Anyway, they decided to start me on
medicine that would just kind of get things started but not throw me into hard
labor right away. I got the medicine I think around 9:30 or 10:00pm and it
worked well, but they never redosed me. The doctor never really came to give me
more, which now that it is all said and done I would probably have pushed more
for it if I knew that I would take so long.
at around 1:30 I asked for an epidural because the contractions and cramping
were making it hard to sleep and relax which I know you’re not really suppose
to do in labor, but I figured if I was there I might as well get it. So, I got
it and went well. Or at least I thought it did. I mean it worked great for
awhile and I loved it because I could still move, but not feel the pain that
was awesome. However, as labor crept into the next morning maybe even early
afternoon I started to feel everything again. The nurse finally agreed that
something wasn’t right and when I asked her to help me turn we found that what
wasn’t right is that the epidural came disconnected. So, we called the anesthesiologist
again and he came and said that he could reconnect it, but the chance of infection
was too great and he would recommend redoing it. So, I got another epidural.
After that things went well. I guess. They still seemed to go really slow and
take forever. Eventually things started moving and I know because one half of
my body started to feel everything. Yes, that is right the second epidural for
some reason stopped working on half my body. It was awful. At first I just
thought I was being kind of whimpy, but it got really bad. It got so bad, that
I told Gaupo I needed a blessing because something needed to happen I couldn’t
do it anymore. Either the twins needed to come or the pain needed to reduce or
something I couldn’t fight it anymore. So, Gaupo gave me a blessing and the
nurse called the anesthesiologist again. He came and essentially gave me a huge
boost of medicine. It started working and I crashed out. I honestly don’t even
remember him leaving the room. After I had slept for a bit, I woke up and the
nurse checked me and I was dilated and ready to go. The only problem now was I wasn’t
sure I could push the babies out because I was so numb. So, we were going to
wait for the epidural to wear off a little, but then baby girl’s (Abby) started
to not come back as well after contractions, so it was time to have babies.
got all ready to go and headed back to the Operating Room. That is where they
do twin deliveries just in case they need to do something fast. Anyway, we get
back there and they do another ultrasound to make sure that the babies are in
the correct position. Kade was head down ready to go… no surprise there, but
Abby was transverse across the top. AGHHHH!! So, they said okay you might need
a c-section, so do you want to just have one and not try to have them
vaginally. Well after 26 hours of labor I couldn’t believe I wasn’t going to
have these babies vaginally. While Gaupo and I were discussing what we thought
we should do the doctors were discussing too. They said that even if I had a
c-section with a horizontal cut they still might not be able to get to Abby
because she was so high up. So, now we really didn’t know what to do. Finally I
look at the doctors and I say what do you recommend, because really I wanted my
babies here safe and sound. If that meant c-section than that is what I needed
to do. Well, the doctor thought for a moment and then said, I really think I
can get her turned the right way once Kade is out. I said okay, lets do it. So,
I pushed Kade out in about 2 rounds of 3 pushes each and then that doctor
grabbed Abby though my belly and turned her and shoved her down. Luckily, the
cervix re-opened and I started pushing for Abby. We did about 3 sets of 3 and
then they told me I need to have a baby,
so I pushed a couple more time really hard and out she came. I was blessed with
a beautiful baby boy and girl. I couldn’t believe it. Kade was born at 10:39
and Abby was born 12 minutes later at 10:51pm. It was a long hard delivery, but
these babies are amazing.
almost went to the NICU, but they decided they would monitor them with us and
they never ended up having to leave. The twins have been fabulous ever since.
They nurse well, although I about die when they latch on because I somehow got
some pretty torn areas, but they are healing and I really think it will be
okay. I have been blessed that they knew how to nurse and that we can do it
tandem meaning I can do both babies at once. Apparently, that is not that
common it actually usually take a mom that has had babies before and full-term
twins to make it happen, so I feel very fortunate there. Also, Kade was tounge
tied when he was born which is why I think my nipples are damaged kind of bad.
We got his tongue clipped this past Monday and I think he loves it. I was kind
of on the fence about it, but then the doctor’s office called me, so I went and
had it checked out and I am so glad I did.
twins is kind of crazy, but honestly I already love it. I am sure we will have
really hard days. Naptime is already hard because I want sleep so bad and
sometimes the twins don’t want to give it to me, but luckily my mom and Gaupo
could bail me out this week, but this coming week I won’t be so lucky. 4 kids I
think might be crazier than twins. Trying to balance all of their different
needs and to make time for everyone is tricky and it will be even trickier this
week as we venture into it without Oma to help us out.
just want to document the miracles that have happened amidst the trials. My mom
was able to come and be with us for a month. She was able to stay to help me
with Kylee and Tia’s first week back at school. Labor was long but I made it
and was able to deliver vaginally. I had a doctor who had confidence in
themselves and was able to help make that possible. We had good labor and
delivery nurses. The twins are full term, good eaters, and good sleepers so
far. Kade was able to get his tongue loosened before it because big ordeal to
do. My big girls have remained excited and in love with their brother and
is going to get crazy, but I am excited for this new adventure with our family
of SIX!! Here are just a few pictures. We honestly have way to many to choose from.
Kade and Abby when they were born. |
Tia holding Abby. |
Kylee with Kade. |
Family pic. |
Home finally!! |