Our twins were born, and now this is the first time I have had to blog about anything and everything since they have been born. They are now three months old and I have them going to bed early, so hopefully I can get in the habit of blogging again, because I really did miss writing, but it was so crazy. I think the craziest thing about 2 is that the moment when you have just a smidge of time is so much smaller because you have to get two babies to sleep or content and that doesn't happen often and when it does there is usually someone else who needs something. However, it is wonderful, but I wont lie I love being able to put them down around 7:00. Yes, it means I have to get up in the night, but I love having some time where it is just me or just me and Gaupo.
So, what has happened since they were born. Well, we have held babies, and held babies. We have tried to do cooking, and cleaning. We have gone to school. Although, this is the first time since the babies that I have taken my kids to school, so still getting back into everything. But, beside all those little things we have fed babies, gone to Arizona for a wedding, had Kylee's Birthday, finished the basement, and had a baby blessing plus company.
Feeding Babies. I know it sounds like it should go with all the 'little' things, but I really feel like I need to document how it actually is or how it seems. It seems huge because I am trying to nurse two babies. Which I can do. I have the milk or at least seem to. I can do both at the same time, which everyone think is amazing, but that isn't whats hard. What was hard is that all the time with the babies sucking on me caused some nipple damage that took about 7 weeks to heal up. It took a good 4 before it stopped hurting every time they latched. I have also since had blisters, but that wasn't too bad. Kade is really fast at nursing but kind of lazy, so if it isn't fast he gets frustrated and wont. Also after having him fuss and almost deny eating while we were in Arizona I decided to go off chocolate to see if that helped. It did, so now I don't get chocolate. Good thing for Reese's Pieces! However, not even that stopped all the problems. Kade is still kind of a fussy eater and sometimes is so impatient. Sometimes I worry that I don't have the milk because even Abby will get fussy. It takes time and it is really hard to do not at home. I haven't figured out how to cover up, so when we are out and about I either just have to do it or wait till we get home. When we had company I went to my room to do it, so every 2.5 to 3 hours I was checking out of what was going on in my home. Sometimes it is really rough and I want to give up. I have seriously contemplated it and still do. However, I love that we don't have to buy formula and do bottles. It helps our bills a lot. I am not a super good cuddler, so I love a reason to have these two cuddled next to me when no one else can have them. I love when they get full and are content. I love holding and looking at them and not feeling the slighest bit guilty because I am feeding them. I usually like doing it, so I feel very blessed to have done it this long and to be able to do it.
Klaire's Wedding. We went down to Arizona on Presidents day weekend to watch Klaire and Curtis get married. We left at 2:30 in the morning and didn't get to Pima until 7:00PM that night. It was a long day. However, I am so glad we went. It was fun to be with family and to have a vacation and tons of help with the babies. I am so glad we didn't miss the wedding because it was fun to be there with them and celebrate that special day. We loved soaking up the family time. My girls loved playing with their cousins and I loved being around my siblings, parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandpas. I really didn't want to come but we of course did. We did the journey in two days. We stayed in Alamosa, Colorado at a hotel. We enjoyed the nice hotel (courtesy of a the Richard's family), breakfast, and the indoor pool.
Kylee's Birthday. Kylee turned 7! I can't believe I have a seven year-old. We had a great birthday celebration. We took the whole weekend to celebrate. We had Sam's Club for dinner on Friday and watched Gummi Bears and had a sleepover in the basement. Saturday Kitt and Matthew came and we had greasy tacos and pumpkin pie for dinner. Then Sunday we had presents and breakfast for dinner and more pie. Kylee is quite the girl. She is a great big sister and really loves her siblings. She loves holding Kade and Abby. She loves playing with Tia and recently discovered she likes following directions for building Legos. She doesn't really like school, but I do think she is starting to like it more and more. Her best friend besides Tia is still Tori Jacobson although she plays a lot with a girl named Harper at school. She is learning and growing a lot and we are so glad we have had her be a blessing in our lives for the last 7 years.
Kade, Gaupo, Kylee, Me, Abby, and Tia. |
Kylee and Her cake. |
Love these two sisters. |
Basement Project COMPLETE! We have finished the basement and love it. The girls play down there a lot. They love playing in the playroom, bedroom, and bathroom. They have loved having their new slide too. I love that they have a space to play that isn't were the babies are. I love that many of their toys went back downstairs. I love having a space for guests and that the space is inviting. I love that we no longer have wear shoes to go get food from the storage room. I love that it is done and we can do other things on the weekend. It was a good experience and project but I am glad to be done.
Movie night the first night with carpet |
The slide! |
Baby Blessing and Company. We blessed Kade and Abby on March 10. Grandma and Grandpa came out the Thursday before. We played games, read books, held babies, and played. Grandma and Grandpa even went to school and had lunch with Kylee. She LOVED it! We loved having them come and visit us. After the blessing Jack and Lindsay and their family stayed till the following Friday morning. We got two snow days while they were here, so I didn't have to take Kylee out of school like I was planning. We didn't do anything real special with them except play and let the kids make friendships. The kids played super well together. They did have a rough day towards the end but hey after 5 days non-stop together its bound to happen and it wasn't really too bad. I loved having the extra help with the twins. I was super bummed when they left and I had to care for all of my kids all by myself again. I love family time, so I am so glad we got to have visitors. Kade and Abby's blessing was great. We had both grandparents, Kitt and Matthew, and Jack and Linsday and their family here to help us celebrate. Gaupo blessed his babies and I sat on the stand and held the one that wasn't being blessed, so that was kind of cool. We had good food--nachos and lazagna. Plus sams club muffins for breakfast. Yum! We just spent after church visiting and enjoying each others company. We had a good time and are glad we could have the special celebration together.
Grandma holding babies. |
Kylee, Tia, and Grandpa playing Sorry. |
The group at the baby blessing. |
Our family of 6! |
The Grandparents and us. |
Kade and Abby's circle. Matthew, Papa, Gaupo, Grandpa, and Jack. |
Sisters. Lindsay, Me, and Kitt. |
Kade. |
Abby. |
Abby and Kade. |
I feel like so much and yet nothing happens with us right now, but I sure feel busy. I think caring for a family of six takes a lot of time but I wouldn't trade it. I love my family and my kids. I feel so blessed to be doing and have done the things we do. I know that Heavenly Father is blessing this family because he works miracles in my life on a daily basis. I wish I could document more and hopefully will be, but this is all the last 3 months are going to get.
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