Sunday, September 15, 2024

Half Way through September

 It is so tempting to just read other people's blogs and let this week slip into the undocumented, but that is how I slip into bad habits. So, I will start with our weekend and work backwards and see how far we get. Today was our primary program. Tia invited our neighbors to come and they did. Tia worked on her part right before church and she was able to do it all by herself and did a great job. Abby told me after church "I didn't even look at the paper." Kade was a crackup. He did say his favorite story was Nephi building a boat, but then he expounded to say that God asked him to and Nephi said he would sail it across the sea. There was more, but I don't remember what, but it did all make sense and he did a great job. So, it wa sa win for all my kids. I was very proud of them. They were so excited to have friends come and watch them. I felt the spirit in the meeting and sat in awe of those kiddos and what they learned or what their parents helped them learn this year. The words of the bishops at the end were spot on and it was just great. I loved it. I was in charge of a 'game' for after the primary program and I really thought the kids could use a little lesson because this week is Samuel the Lamanite you can't just miss it! Anyway, I started by talking about Samuel and then we played name that tune with some songs that covered topics that Samuel told the people about. I think it went well. Its kind of fun being the music leader. I get how after years you can burn out but as a fill in, it is so fun!

Saturday was a big day too. We started off the day getting the house cleaned up. It was in dire need. The bathrooms got cleaned, and Gaupo vacuumed everywhere. Freshly vacuumed carpet, clean bathrooms, and fresh cookies are like my favorite things. But vacuumed carpet---there is nothing quite like it. Anyway, that took most of our morning though we did squeeze in a play moment at the neighbors house before lunch. Then around 1:30 I took the two older girls and headed to Lyons to get ready for the family festival. I didn't get there until about 2:15 because I had to grab something from someone in the ward, and then I had to run back by the house to grab tape and then get out there. So,  I was so behind and my helpers were a little not being helpful, but then a young man from the YSA ward showed up and said I am here to help. It was like an angel he helped setup canopies, carry chairs and tables, and just got all the things setup and didn't give up until done. I would have been so late if he hadn't helped me. I was so grateful! I ran the crafts and service part of the festival. We made sack puppets and had a station to write letters to missionaries in our stake. I was really surprised at how many kids came and made puppets. There were kids and people there almost the whole time (3pm-7pm). Besides my part there was an inflatable obstacle course, bounce house, face painting, bubbles, corn hole, volleyball, a dunk tank, and food. The kids had an absolute blast. Tia came early and stayed late and had a great time the whole time. But all of my kids had fun even Hope. It made for a long day, but for the first time in several events I felt successful. I really feel like the Lord is helping me feel positive about the things I have been putting time into. Very full, but very good day.

The rest of the week was pretty normal with school, work for Gaupo and activities. Tia, Kade, and Abby started swim lessons this week. We almost had a failed first lesson when Kade didn't bring his clothes and was freaking out about it and refusing to go to lessons. But he did get in the pool and he had a great time. Wednesday when we lessons he had his clothes in the swim bag  before school! Kylee is still enjoying dive. Kade got a little sick on Friday and got to stay home. I think it filled his bucket a little to be home with Hope and me. We had to run a couple errands because I had to get stuff for the family festival and we had picnic outside and then relaxed the afternoon. I really miss having Kade and Abby home in the afternoon. I just miss the noise and chatter. I don't miss the mess they make, but I do miss them. Wednesday while the kids were at school I went and visited Kitt. It was fun to just be with her. We had just Hope and Hugh for awhile and it was crazy because they just happily played and no one bugged them. Kitt and I hung her magnet board while I was there and then just talked. The time went by way to fast and I was late getting home, but luckily the kids handled it like champs and were excited to see me. I love having Kitt home. I know they needed that time in Germany, but its good to have her back.

I at this very moment feel very loved and seen by my Heavenly Father. The family festival and the primary program are things I usually don't appreciate and have a hard time enjoying but I felt needed and successful at both and was able to enjoy both. My kids were well enough to enjoy both activities. I just feel like the Lord sent little tender mercies to show His love when I felt a little down. He knows and loves me and wants to serve where I am and so he provides a way just like he did for Nephi and so many others. I am His daughter and He loves me. 

1 comment:

  1. I have to agree about freshly vacuumed carpet! The tender mercies are what keep me going too. :)
