That's right. My darling cute, fun, adorable Little One is finally One. We had so much fun celebrating her Birthday. We started on Saturday by flipping her carseat around so it was forward facing. A picture and why we were in car is right
here. However, the real celebration was on Sunday. Little One and Heather from the other Merrill Clan are twiners born several years apart. Heather wanted to celebrate her birthday with Little One, and our babysitter who is Heather's daughter wanted to make her a cake. So, we said sure, we don't have any big plans and it will be good to have company.
So, Sunday at 4:00 we had celebrated. There was us, the other Merrill clan, the Moore Clan, and the other Merrill clan's cousins. It was so much fun. We had tons of great food and fun. The kids ate and played together while the adults talked. It reminded me a lot of my Bryce and Brady family get together's. I told my mom it would have been the perfect celebration if we could have had our families there too, but I have to say these families did a good job of making us feel at home. Here are some pic of Little One with the cake.
Her staring at her cake, and me trying to get her to blow out her candle. |
She got the top layer of the cake. She ate almost that whole thing. She loved it. |
She was so cute. Everyone sang her Happy Birthday and then clapped and cheered when she (really her babysitter) blew out the candle. She was so confused about what all fuss was about, but you know what someday she will love it I am sure.
After, all the festivities of the night we came home and Little One opened her present from Papa and Oma. We did it via Skype so that they could watch her. Sadly it didn't work super well, but at least they got to see her a little bit. After that we put Little One to bed. She was so tired and very, very full.
We carried the celebration one day further and had pretzel dogs for dinner on Monday. She wasn't really that impressed, but Gaupo and I thought they were good.
Here are some stats from her 1year doctor appointment, and fun things she is doing.
- Height: 29.75 inches (93%)
- Weight 16 lbs 14oz (5%)
- Head 41 cm (40%)
- Walks along the furniture by herself, and she can go up and down the stairs.
- LOVES to 'walk.' That means she holds onto your fingers and walks taking you where she wants to go.
- Jabbers all the time. She doesn't really say any words yet, but the doc said that is to be expected. She just recommend to help her start to understand word that we play games like "Where is your____?" and have her point to it, or to look at a book and point to things and tell her what they are or ask her what is this, what sound does it make, etc. She can't really do any of this yet but we are trying to play the games.
- She is learning about pointing. She can do it, but doesn't always understand what it means.
- She signs 'all done' for everything, so we have to guess what she is really trying to say.
- She loves brushing her teeth, and taking a bath.
- She hates being left alone and when I go to the bathroom.
- Most of all she is a bundle of joy. True we have days and sometimes stretches of days that are rough but I am so glad I get to be her mom.
Here are some pictures of her.
So happy. |
I thought in this pic she almost looked cubby. |
Fake smile. |
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