Thursday, April 18, 2013

Just a Little Crazy

A lot has been happening and most of it joyful, but by far the biggest adventure of this past week has been our trip to Idaho. Guapo's sister was blessing her baby on Sunday (4/14/2013), and they let us know about two weeks in advance. At first, I was like, no way we wont be able to go. We can't because we have no vacation time, it is expensive, and it is rough to make quick trips. Well as always, I thought about it more and more. Then finally I said to Gaupo, we should go. I can't think of a reason why not. We can leave on Friday as soon as you get off, spend all day at your parents house, and then go to the blessing and come home on Sunday. His reply was, yeah that would be fun. So, we began planning. We called up Heidi and made a reservation to come, and then we debated whether or not to tell Grandma. Guapo was all for not telling her, but finally he came around, and when we Skype with them on Tuesday Guapo told her. She was thrilled. So, plan were made and then it was time to act.

Friday came, and we took off about one. It worked out good because in the morning Little One and I were able to walk around by dropping off a b-day card, and returning dishes. Then we went to the park. I really wanted to get some wiggles out before we left. We played there awhile and Little One had a blast going down slides, and crawling everywhere. Finally, I need to go the grocery store so we walked from the park to there and got the free kids cookies, and picked up the items we needed and headed home. It was really the best way to start a long drive. Once Guapo got off work, we had lunch and headed out. The drive was uneventful, that is a super good thing. However, we decided to actually stop and eat dinner (a real rarity for us). It was one of the best decisions. We stopped at Wendy's and Little One had a blast eating chicken nuggets, and apples. She got to sit right up to the table in a high chair and thought it was so great. After dinner, we traveled some more. Little One could not figure out how to fall asleep peacefully in the car, so for about 2 hours she was crying/whining. She did finally give up but that was only about 45 min. away from Gaupo's house. Once we got there, about 10:45PM, we got Little One all settled in and talked to Grandma. She was so excited to see us, and the same was true for us so we had a lot to talk about. After ooooing and ahhing over her new kitchen and catching up on the important stuff it was off to bed (about 11:30 or 12:00).

Saturday started by sleeping in. Gaupo slept till about 6:45, I until 7, and Little One 8. Yeah she beat us all. After Little One woke up, she played and talked and then sat down for breakfast. She had her first egg cooked in bacon grease with cheese. She totally thought that was GREAT! Then she had french toast (maybe also a first), a bite of bacon (she did not like), and juice (also a no go). Overall, she thought it was great. Later we went on a walk, and met Grandpa, and fell asleep in the stroller. She played with blocks, cars, buses, and even got her first four-wheeler ride. The 4-wheeler ride was great. Of course, she was with Dad so that made her feel perfectly safe. Probably her favorite toy was the car walker thing. She would just walk laps with that thing.

Little One took a super long nap, but we were still able to go visit Grandma and Grandpa Great for a little bit. It was a really short visit, but oh it was wonder. I love the two people and hadn't seen them in so long. Oh sooooo good to see them. Little One did really good, for the most part. We headed back to Swan Lake and had dinner of sweet and sour chicken. Little One loved the rice with corn. During dinner the power went out, but luckily the water at the house can run on gravity so Little One got a bath, and then we left her with Grandma to go to sleep while we went to chase deer. We chased a couple, but the ground was really rough and it was cold, so we took out time getting back and enjoyed each other and the scenery. When we got back, Little One was calm, but still wouldn't let Grandma hold her. We got her put to bed, and then sat and talked with everyone. Then showers commenced and it was off to bed.

Sunday started too early. I woke up at 5:20 to make sure I could be out the door by 7:00. We made it but it was close. We drove the two hours to Rexburg, and then waited at the church for everyone to show up. Little One loved waiting because we both walked around the church with her, she got to look over the benches, and didn't have to sit still. Consequently, Sacrament meeting was really rough. She was throwing fits all over the place. However, Guapo was able to participate in the blessing and it was fun to stay and go to church. After the remaining meeting, we went to Heidi and Jeff's apartment for lunch. We had sandwiches, salad, fruit, dessert, and talk. Sadly we had to rush, but it was so good to see the Rexburg folk and enjoy family. We left at 2:00PM to head  back home. Oh my was it a long drive. It seemed like it took F-O-R-E-V-E-R. However, we made it even if it was about 11:00. Little One even did pretty good with only being able to get out one time to get a diaper change. Yep, our daughter is super traveler. In reality, she is a superstar most of the time.

That is most of the news from here. Little One did take a few steps on her own today, but they required strong encouragement and lots of praise. She is still eating pretty good, some days of course are better than others but I really can't complain. Sorry I don't have more pictures, but I was too busy playing. I really wish I had the one of Little One and her Dad on the 4-wheeler, but oh well I will have to wait. Anyway, thanks for reading the long post.


  1. Traveling with little ones makes me stressed every time, but I'm usually glad I took the trip. Glad you had a good time. I remember stopping in Arimo/Virginia once to pick you up.

  2. oh sounds like such a fun trip :) someday it should be to Provo! :)
