WARNING: Super-dee-dooper LONG!
Oh boy was it a party. That last week of April into May was awesome. It was full of wonderful people, food, and fun. It all started on April 25 when my parents and Klaire drove out here for a visit. They arrived around 7 PM that night. It made for a really long day because we knew they were coming but had to wait and wait and wait. Kylee was also not very patient and kept asking if they were here yet and when they would be here and saying "They are taking FOREVER." Then as it was getting closer she was afraid to leave the house because she thought they would come and then she and her Oma were afraid I would send them to bed before they got here, but I didn't. Finally after dinner and baths they got here and everyone was so excited. Kylee knew exactly who everyone was, but Tia was kind of skeptical about everyone; although, after family prayers she did join in the hugs. Anyway, the girls had fun playing with everyone for a bit and having cinnamon rolls (pre-birthday cake number 1 for me) while Oma, Papa, and Aunt Klaire ate dinner. That night we just visited and everyone was pretty tired and with church the next morning we decided that it was in our best interest to retire to bed at a decent hour.
Sunday dawned cloudy and rainy. Gaupo got up and made everyone smoothies for breakfast. Then we finished getting ready for church and piled in the cars to go. I was disappointed that we couldn't walk, but sometimes that is the way it goes. Church was good except that my nursery kids were CRAZY! At least it felt that way. One group that I taught couldn't sit in their chairs longer than about 2 seconds and then were touching each other and blowing raspberries. Then when we got back to class all they wanted to do was run around. Augh, it was rough, but we made it. After church. we had lunch and put the girls down for a nap. Then us adults chatted and rested. Klaire and I didn't rest we just talked. When the girls woke up I received one of my birthday presents from Gaupo because he said I needed it. It was a food processor for my Bosch. It is really nice. I like it a lot. Although, I did have to watch a Youtube video to teach me how to put it on. Then we were going to take family pictures, but it was raining until Gaupo left to go home teaching. When he got back we had dinner and milkshakes. Then we sent the kids to bed and played games. We play Scattergories and Yahtzee. It was a fun night.
Me super excited about my food processor. |
Aunt Klaire reading to Kylee. With Papa on his netbook. |
Monday was kind of crazy, but really good too. We started off the morning kind of lazy, but with a great breakfast of blueberry oatmeal muffins and eggs. Then we went to Target to do some birthday shopping. I helped pick out Guapo's gift and then I got to pick out what my parent said they wanted to get me, which was a coffee grinder. So, I got the one I thought would be best and then walked with my girls while Oma, Papa, and Aunt Klaire finished up their shopping. After Target, we went to Hobby Lobby so Oma could get some minky. Then we went home. We had lunch and during lunch Oma and Papa gave Gaupo their gift because he needed it. It was a grill tools set. Gaupo was very excited because he really needed it. After lunch, I had to do some grocery shopping so I took Papa and Klaire with me and we got some free samples at King Soopers and then went and got the roast I needed at Safeway. Then I went home and got to work on Guapo's cake. As I got done with the cakes and put them in the oven, I double checked to make sure I had powdered sugar for the frosting and wouldn't you know it I didn't. So, Klaire and I went back to the store and got some and then rushed home to finish the cakes and get kiddos up from naps. After Kylee woke up, we started slicing up potatoes, carrots, and onions for dutch oven potatoes. That is why I needed the food processor. It makes such slick work out of that job. Then we got most things cleaned up and I decided since it wasn't raining we needed to take family pictures. So, we got all spiffed up and went out and got some pictures. Then we went back in and got ready for swim lessons. Kylee was really excited to go with everyone, although she kind of had a hard day at them. After swimming, we got the girls in the bath and had dinner. Gaupo had fixed Steak, Dutch oven potatoes, and baked beans. Then we had FHE where we all brought pictures and explained who was in them and where they were and put them in a family history folder. It was a fun activity. Then we had Gaupo's triple layer chocolate cake. After the girls went to bed we pulled out the Farming Game and taught everyone how to play. It sure takes longer with 5 people but in some ways it is more fun too. By the time that game was done we called it quits and went to bed.
Klaire bought these sandals and Kylee wanted to come home and wear hers too. |
Papa, Aunt Klaire, and Oma watching swim lessons. |
Me, Tia, Gaupo, and Kylee with Gaupo's cake. |
Klaire, Papa, Tia, Gaupo, Kylee, Oma. |
Tuesday dawned a wonderful day. Gaupo kicked off his real Birthday day by cooking us breakfast on the griddle. Oh man it was so good. Then right before he went to work we had him open his presents. Kylee was so excited to give him her. She did really good about not telling him what it was, but I think if she had had to wait any longer it would have come out. So, we sent Gaupo off to work and the rest of had exercise time. Oma and I went for a walk with Tia. Kylee went on a run with Aunt Klaire and Papa rode a bike and tried to catch up to Aunt Klaire. When we all got home we went to the park. Then came home and had lunch. Then put everyone down for a nap. Klaire and I stayed up and played card games. I miss having her around to play with during nap time. Anyway, when Oma woke up we started making dinner, so we could just pop it in the oven when it was time. We made beef and chicken Tequitos. We finished that up about the time the Kylee woke up. So, Oma read her some more books and we talked and it was fantastic. Around 5:00 PM the missionaries came over for dinner. It was enjoyable to have them around, but I have to admit I probably lost any blessing that might have come from that service. I probably did because they had called that morning, but I missed it and didn't see the voicemail, so I didn't know one of the sisters was gluten-free. So, my whole meal and dessert was full of it. Anyway, I had options for her, but she decided to eat the gluten stuff anyway, so hopefully she didn't get too sick. However, when I found out about it at like 4:15. I didn't know what to do. I got really grouchy and complained it really took me awhile to become pleasant again. I just include that so you know I am not perfect. When the missionaries left we headed to the Rec Center. We went rock climbing, swimming, around the lazy river, and down the water slides. I thought it was great. Klaire, Papa, Kylee, and I went rock climbing. I climbed twice and everyone else did once and did really good. I think everyone had a good time and I was glad that Oma and Papa got to see the place we alway talk about.That night I think we just visited and then went to bed.
Kylee and Gaupo. She was so excited to give him this present. |
Tia and Gaupo. |
Tia, Gaupo and Kylee. Opening Gaupo's presents. |
Papa and Tia walking to the park. |
Wednesday was an adventure. We went workout time. This time I ran with Aunt Klaire while Papa pulled Tia in the bike trailer and Oma and Kylee went for a walk. It was a great morning. We came home and I used my coffee grinder to make cracked wheat. I still need to work on that art, but yeah at least I try. After breakfast, Papa started cleaning the gutters. He is so funny. He doesn't enjoy just sitting around so he does project that he can find to do. Luckily there are lots around here. We went to story time at 11:00 and then came home. Then we had lunch and were sending our visitors on their way and Oma goes to shut her door and it doesn't latch. So, they drive down to the Ford place and they don't have the part in-stock so they ended up not leaving. (Yeah for me, only half a yeah for them) Well when I found out they weren't leaving I decided to make my other birthday cake, so we could have it. I was sure my dad would really like it. I had wanted to have it while they were here, but we had run out of time. However, they were stuck here so I made Cream Cheese Pear Pie (my birthday cake #2). So, they hung around here and we took Kylee to swim lessons. Papa and Gaupo made fry bread for out Navajo Taco's. We had the pie for dessert. We played games that night and it was great.
Thursday rolls around and Oma and Papa take the car back to the Ford place to get it fixed. We hang around and find out the part wasn't on the first shipment. So, we decide to go to Rough and Ready Park. We walk over there and play for awhile and then come home. We get lunch and find out the part isn't coming today. So, they are stuck here again. My mom felt like she was intruding (which was totally not the case I loved having them here and count myself quite lucky I got so much extra time with them), so she said we HAD to order dinner or go out to eat. We settled for ordering pizza. However, it was special because we got wings and cheesy bread too. We had slush with that. Then we showed these AZ folks how we dance party to FROZEN. Then we sent our two littles to bed. Us bigger kids played games, chatted, and had some dessert of sorts. It was probably leftover dessert for the previous days.
Friday dawned sunny and bright. We went running, biking and walking again. We had breakfast. Then we were sitting around doing I don't remember what and my dad got a phone call from the Ford place. They had got the part. My mom almost cried with relief. I jokingly said to her, "I didn't know staying at my house was that bad." She said, "Oh honey, that is not it." She was just so relieved that she didn't have to drive home with the door tied shut. They had to leave with or without the door fixed, so she was super relieved it would be fixed. So, I honestly don't remember what we did. I think we went to the park again, but I don't know. Then we had lunch and put the kids down for naps. Everyone packed up their stuff. Klaire, Oma, and I played Village Idiot while Papa rested. Around 2:30ish the car got done. I took Papa to get it and then they packed up and headed out of here. It was sad to see them go. I really enjoyed their visit.
Saturday was my official birthday. I started it off by sleeping in, and then reading my scriptures for a really long time. While I was doing this my sweet husband and girls were making a birthday sign for me and shopping for breakfast. When I was ready for the day, I came downstairs to find my sign and a breakfast of donuts and bagels. Yeah, Gaupo knows what I like. He even got cream cheese spread. It was so good. After breakfast, I opened my last gift from Gaupo. It was a bowl scraper for my Bosch. Then we went shopping for garden supplies. We got seeds, and a pot for my flowers. Then we stopped by our favorite Chinese place to pick up some takeout. We came home, and thoroughly enjoyed our lunch. During nap time we didn't do anything but relax. When the girls woke up we went out to the garage and potted their flowers they gave me. Then we decided that our cars looked horrendous, so we washed them. Then we came in got the girls dinner, and baths. Then I went to a sealing reception for my friend that I worked with in Nursery. I was so excited for them and they looked really happy, so it was great.
Gaupo, Kylee, and Tia with my newly potted plants. |
Sunday was a good day. It was Tia's first time in Nursery and she did really well. It has been a long time since we have had a brand new kid in nursery, so it was interesting. She listened quite well, and only cried when I left, and when she realized that I wasn't going to lesson with her. Other than that we really didn't have any problems. I had my monthly family hangout with my siblings and parents. It is always really nice to visit with everyone all at once, although it doesn't take up as much time so I have to figure out what else to spend my day on.
That about covers the week. Here our some of our family pictures. Thanks Klaire for taking them.
This one is the one on our wall. |
This is the one that will be on my Mom's wall. |
I love Tia's face in this one. |
The happy couple. |
Our spunky Kylee girl. |
Our adventurous Tia. |