I know I have written about being pregnant, but I hadn't formally announced it yet. Or at least I don't feel like I have done a proper job of it. That is mainly due to the fact that I wanted to wait until we knew the gender of the baby. So, before I mention that detail here is the 20ish week preggy shot.
Sorry my head is cut off, but all the other pictures Gaupo took I dislike even more so this is all you get. |
Just as a comparison. Here are the twenty-ish week shots with Kylee and Tia.
20 weeks Kylee |
20 weeks Tia. |
Yesterday was our twenty week/ gender ultrasound. I have been really hoping that this one would be a boy and WAHOOO!!! It is. So, we will be welcoming our first boy sometime in January and I am super excited. Kylee seems excited too. At first, she kept insisting that she wanted just a plain ole baby, not a brother, but now she is pretty excited. They also gave us a ton of pictures from the ultrasound and she wanted one, so I let her have one. She then asked "Can I put this in my room?" I asked her where she wanted it. She replied "By the picture of me and Tia." Kylee is so excited to have a picture of her brother in her room, right by the picture of her and Tia. She is too cute. Tia honestly doesn't really seem to care except when it takes attention away from her.
So here are some interesting things about this pregnancy. I feel like I have grown/shown so much faster, but people didn't really seem to notice any sooner, and really in the pics above I almost look smaller than I did with Tia. I feel like I have been more tired and sometimes more irrational than the past two pregnancies, but that may or may not be true. Or it could also be related to having two kids and not just one. I love bacon, it is super good. I seem to like it and allow it to be had a lot more than I did before. I can't eat a hamburger anymore. I have tried and tried and the first two bites are SOOO good, but then its just gross. It makes me so sad. Hopefully this will pass because I LOVE burgers. I still enjoy hot dogs and polish dogs. I actually probably enjoy them more than I have at other times. Other than that I do't know that there has been too much different about this pregnancy.
I am super excited to have a little boy. I am little nervous about having three kids especially since right now two seems really overwhelming. I love my family and am excited to see it grow and change, but so nervous at the same time. I guess that is the update from here.
You're so cute Katey! So, I'm not gonna lie, I do think that three is harder in lots of ways, but it was almost easier in some ways too. It's nice to have two older kids that can play with each other when you're busy with the baby instead of just one sibling that is feeling neglected. You'll also love that Kylee is old enough now to understand more and be helpful. It's amazing what a difference it makes to have someone at home that can grab the wet wipes or help with this or that. It'll also be super fun to have Kylee older cause her reactions and comments about the baby will be that much more detailed. I'm SUPER excited for you but also praying everything goes smoothly. Pregnancy tiredness and irrational-ness is absolutely no fun, but I can't wait to see a picture of your little girls holding their baby brother in a few months. :)