This week we haven't done anything real major, but it has been really nice to just be around. Every once in awhile I think I want to move away from Longmont, but then I have weeks like this last one were I wonder what in the world I would do if I moved away. I mean I am sure I would find stuff to do anywhere I lived, but here it is so easy. This last week we went to the fair, played at our friends house, went rock climbing, shopping, played in the river, swimming, went to the park, and went to the library for lego club. It was awesome. I can do all of those things for relatively cheap and it takes almost no time to get there. The farthest was the river and it took about 25 minutes. I really do have a blast doing things here. So here are some more details on the things we do.
Boulder County Fair-The fair grounds are right here in Longmont and so after video chatting with Oma it wasn't raining, so we decided to sneak out while the getting looked okay. We went to the fair and the girls had a blast. They milked a fake cow, touched a chicken, petted rabbits, fed a goat a carrot, pumped water, and got to ride on the 'shuttle.' It was so great. Tia loves animals and she wanted to touch all of them. She loved it. Kylee says her favorite part was milking the cow and I totally believe it because she kept asking to go back while we were there. We probably spent a good hour and half at the fair. We had a fun time just walking around and enjoying everything it was super fun.
Tia with the goat. |
Kylee at the water pump. |
Tia pumping water. |
Playing with Friends-So I have gotten to be really good friends this summer with Bethany Blaine. Her oldest is the same age as Kylee and it has been so fun to hang out with her this summer. I really love talking to her and my kids love playing at their house, so it totally works. Plus, we both like to do stuff and kind of have the same age/capabilities of children sort of so it works. I feel like it has been a really long time since I have a had a friend that I feel comfortable just dropping in on, or just calling and inviting to do whatever, and probably even longer since I have had a good one outside my family that I can enjoy talking with for a long time. So, I really enjoy the time I get to play with her and it has been super fun. Plus, Jensen has been really good for my girls. He is a little wild which I know can be a bad thing, but I think it some ways it teaches my kids to think out of the box and to try new things. I mean I feel like I am a pretty easy going parent, but there are somethings I don't really want to show my kids but if they learn them through play that is okay too. So, anyway I think it works out and I love having a friend to play with.
We went school shopping on Friday. I have really had a hard time getting ready for summer to end. I mean I hate summer ending, but the fact I actually have children going to school this year is really not cool. I need at least another week. Anyway, my bad attitude has kind of rubbed off a little, so I have been trying to sound a lot more positive about it and get excited for it. So, on Friday we went school shopping because for me there is nothing quite like buying new clothes and shoes to feel like it is time for school. So, I wanted to get Kylee a pair of shoes that would hopefully last the school year (unless she grows, which she might), so we went to Ross, but we actually didn't find anything there but found a great pair of shoes on clearance at Famous Footwear and she loves them. Tia found a pair of shoes she liked too, but I told her she only gets one pair. Then asked if she wanted boots or shoes. She said boots. I said, okay then we have to wait. So, she is actually patiently waiting for us to get her some new boots. However, I did try Wal-Mart for boots, but we didn't find any. However, we did find some clothes on clearance for like a buck. It was so great. I didn't think I was going to be able to get my kids any new clothes for school, but with the screaming deals I was able to do it and they are both so excited to wear new clothes to school. Probably made slightly more exciting by the fact they can't wear them until school starts. I actually feel really blessed to have found these clothes and shoes for my kiddos.
Friday night we gave the girls a choice between watching a movie and going to Lego Club at the library and they actually chose Lego Club. I was pretty impressed. Anyway, it was a StarWars theme and these girls and their dad built some pretty cool space rovers. Gaupo is really actually a very creative guy and can build just about anything, I am pretty impressed. I can help the girls get started, but he does such a great job of helping them finish it up. We had a great time spending time with him at the even especially since he didn't have to work, so we had his undivided attention and it was great. We also left in a rainstorm, so we got to witness crazy rain and hail and it was pretty cool. Not so much the hail, but I actually love being in a car when it rains and this was no exception. It was so pretty and sounded great.
Gaupo, Tia, and Kylee with their creations. |
They are just too cute not to have another pic. |
Saturday we played at the park in the morning. We spent about and hour and half there. It had rained the night before so the sand was perfect for building things and burying feet. The girls also played on the slides and pretended they had a castle. We even tried out the monkey bars. It was really fun. Later on Saturday we did a lot of sorting and putting away. We moved most of the toys to the basement. We are going to see how that works for us and our space issues. Then we sorted through stuff and organized stuff, so the basement looks really good and probably wont give the children who need to nap down there nightmares. I/we have actually been sorting through our house a little bit over the past few weeks and getting rid of stuff we don't need and organizing and you know what it is so nice. Yeah, it takes work and our kids aren't the biggest fans, but is so freeing to get rid of extra stuff and organize what we have. My house doesn't have a ton of storage space so it is really nice when things have a place and are what we need. It was a much needed project.
- I feel like I need to tell part of Saturday that I am not sure about posting, so please don't judge Gaupo or me. I just think this story needs to be told. So, as most of you know Pokemon Go came out about a year ago-ish and has been a pretty big part of our lives since. Anyway, this last Saturday Gaupo really wanted to catch a rare Pokemon that was out. Well, I was okay with him spending sometime doing this, but it ended up being about 3 to 4 hours of time, which I was not okay with. Normally I would get really upset like angry and become confrontational about it. However, oddly I felt hurt and sad. Anyway, Gaupo came back and he felt bad it had taken so long and that he didn't get what he wanted. At first I just blew it off and I wasn't going to say anything, but then the girls went downstairs and it was just us. So, I took the oppertunity to tell him that yeah I didn't really like that he had spent, so much time on this game. Not just Saturday, but that week. I explained, that I know he "needs" video games, but we need him. He missed playing at the park and helping me with a project and being with us on one of the few Saturdays that he has open and he did for something that really doesn't even matter. Anyway, I also told him I don't mind that he plays, I just don't like how much time it has taken. After I told him this he went down and spent sometime with the girls. Holding the emotions and then telling them to him had taken quite a toll on me, so I did what most girls do I cried when he went downstairs. He came back up then felt even worse, which I was also sad about. I didn't want to make him feel bad because he is a great Dad and Husband and we love him, so much. Anyway, we talked a little bit more and we worked through it, but I guess what I really learned is that when I managed to wait until I wasn't angry to talk to him and I didn't start a fight about it. I didn't have any regrets on expressing my feelings and desires to him, and that is a first for me because I usually say things that aren't very nice and the Spirit isn't there, but this I know the spirit can work with you to correct things. It guided me to say things that needed to be said in away that wouldn't provoke and argument. I don't know it was great and like I said I married a great man and he has tried, so hard to make sure that he is having a better balance and being with us and neither of us are perfect, so we both have to work at this and I am so glad that Gaupo is patient with me and didn't take offense because we are growing together and it is so awesome. Remember Gaupo and I are doing great. I really probably shouldn't write this, but I don't have another journal, so NO JUDGING us.
In more fun things, today we went to the LaVern Johnson Park in Lyons, and played in the river and had a great time. We met up with several people from our ward and played in the water and the sand and had a great time. It was good to visit. It was good for the kids to play. It was a little chilly at first, but it warmed up and was a great time. The girls were pretty tired when they got home from all that fun, so they took a nap.
Tia and Kylee playing with the Anderson girls by the river. |
Then they got up and had dinner. Then we went rock climbing and swimming. Tia climbed all the way to the top today. It looks a lot higher when a three-year old climbs that wall. It was more nerve racking then I thought it would be and I had to remind myself that she was on a belay and she wouldn't fall it would be okay. But, also while thinking that telling and encouraging her to go all the way. She loved it and she did awesome. I am really impressed by that little girl. Kylee is still a little gun shy of the whole climbing thing and I didn't make her do it today, but I climbed and I think by watching Tia and I she will be ready for it next time. The girls and I went swimming. My incision has healed enough that it I could go swimming, so that was fun. Plus, we met up with Trent and Tori which the girls think is always just the best. They had a great time swimming and jumping and playing in the tubes. I probably made a mistake making Kylee get in the deep pool, but oh well hopefully it isn't permanently damaging and she wont rock climb or jump in the deep water. One day I will learn how and when and where to push my kids to do things, but until then I just have to keep on going with both the good and bad I do.
I feel very blessed to live here in Longmont. I feel very blessed to have the friends, and family I do here. I have loved being able to go and adventure out and play this summer. My Kylee and Tia have brought me so much joy and adventure. They continually teach me about patience, fun, laughter, friends, and living life with joy. These two girls of mine have a great time playing with each other, me, and their friends. I love that I can do so much here and that Gaupo has a job and supports me in the things that I want to do. I am so grateful that Heavenly Father help Gaupo and I lead and guide our family and gets us where we need to go. I know that Heavenly Father wants us to succeed and is willing to help us even when we fall short. I had the great opportunity to teach in R.S. on Sunday all about the great truths that we are children of God, He loves us, He knows us, He trusts us, and He wants us to succeed, but He also does ask us to obey. I am feeling truly blessed and very grateful.
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