Wow, Christmas this year came in a hurry it seemed like. I really wanted an extra two weeks to just soak up all the Christmas I could, but it was not the case and now Christmas Day has ended. However, we are still having fun playing with the gifts, looking at the tree, and enjoying the snow.
Christmas was wonderful. Guapo had to work until 5 on Christmas Eve, so that was kind of a bummer I am use to half days on Christmas Eve, but such is not the case and at least it wasn't until 9. Anyway, I prepared out Christmas Eve feast of rolls, ham, mashed potatoes and gravy, and corn casserole. It was really good, if I do say so myself. I even cleared off the table as best I could and we ate on matching real dishes. So, it was kind of fun to have a fancy meal mid-week. After dinner, we got all the toys cleaned up and the girls ready for bed. We all opened up our new matching-ish jammies.
My girls in their PJs. |
The family. |
Then Tia was SO cranky so we put her to bed and let Kylee stay up. After Tia was in bed, we made milkshakes and watched the Nativity. It was really fun and simple. I would always love to do a little bit more with the First Christmas, but I will just have to add more as my kids can handle it. To be honest dinner was a little rough because of kids complaining and not wanting to eat what I had made, but the rest of Christmas Eve was great. After the kids were in bed, I fixed Gaupo's PJ's, and we just hung out and went to bed.
Christmas morning the girls actually slept in until about 6:40, so I was able to get about 5 minutes of scriptures in before they woke up. Gaupo was so excited to have them up. He went and got them and we headed downstairs. We opened stockings first. It was so fun to watch them open them up and see what Santa brought.
Tia and her stocking. This was her first Christmas with a stocking. |
Tia surrounded by her Santa goods. |
Kylee finding her Santa gifts. |
Gaupo opening his stocking and the girls are entranced as you can tell. |
As soon as Tia got done with her stocking she went for the presents, but we intercepted her and told her she had to wait.
See that look of "What? I thought this was next." So innocent. |
After everyones stockings were opened we relaxed a little and then made breakfast. We had chocolate milk, German pancakes, bacon, and hash browns. It was so good. Tia hasn't taken much to regular milk, but chocolate milk--she LOVED that! After breakfast we got dressed and separated out the presents. Then we all took turns opening them. I love watching them open everything and how everything was great. During present opening, Gaupo's family wanted to video chat so Grandma and Grandpa watched the girls open their gifts and play with them for a little bit. Then we ended that and continued opening presents. At the very ended we brought up their "big" gift from us--a toy kitchen.
Exploring this new toy. |
More playing. |
They both love it and I am so glad. I also loved watching Gaupo open his presents because he loved them and I like when I actually get him something that he likes. So, the toy playing began, I did a short video chat with my family and we just enjoyed playing. I absolutely loved watching my girls play together. It was fun to watch them interact and share and explore all the new things. I really enjoyed the peace of just us. Around noon we had lunch which was rolls and ham. Then we put the girls down for a nap. During that I blogged and Gaupo played his new Disney Infinity game. The girls didn't sleep as long as I would have liked, so when Kylee woke up she got to come down and play with Dad. Then I took her over to the neighbors to take care of Moca. When we came back Tia was awake. So, the girls played and played.
Tia loves the kitchen. She can drop things from it, open stuff up, make noise, and stand. |
Kylee loves this lawn mower. It makes a lot of noise and she loves pushing it around. |
Tia watching the snow outside. |
I talked to Heidi to see how their Christmas went. There was more playing, and then we heated up dinner and had a great Christmas feast. After dinner we video chatted with Heidi and Jeff and got to see their hopefully soon to be home. It was super fun. Then we had baths. Which was followed by a video chat with Oma and Papa. Then bed. After the girls were in bed, I got pack for my trip and then we watched Big Fat Liar, and went to bed.
It was a wonderful Christmas. I loved that it wasn't rushed. I loved that I could soak it all in and that for the most part I didn't feel like there was too much going on. I loved that it snowed from 2PM on, and covered the earth in a blanket of white. I loved trying to work on developing our traditions. I just loved Christmas and it really was too short, but I am glad I didn't miss it.
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