Wednesday, January 27, 2016

A New Day

Yesterday I wrote a rather discouraging, mixed -up post. I really want to delete it, but one of the things I wanted to do with this blog was to try to remember all parts of my life not just the good things. However, part of me really wants to take it down because that is not what I want to see. I want to see and remember days like today.

I think one of the many wonderful gifts that God gave to us is a new day. I love having a new day. It gives me another chance to do better and be better. I decided last night that today was going to be better and it had everything to do with me. I woke up late this morning. That was an accident because I overslept due to getting woken up in the middle of the night. Then I was woken up by a little girl who wanted her dress tied. Instead of getting angry, I made a choice. I made the choice to tie the dress and just give her a little reminder to be quiet, so she didn't wake her sister. Then as we were getting out the door so I could go to kickboxing we were running a little late. Part of me wanted to turn on the hurry grouchy, but I made a choice instead to just help us move a little faster and make sure that what needed to be done was done. Then I was a blessed. I was blessed to be calm, to make good time to the rec center, and to be able to smile. Everything went pretty good for kickboxing, and showering and getting to the Library. At the Library, Tia wanted to do her own thing, Once again, I was blessed to have patience and to roll with it. I knew when to say no and stay firm and when to be lenient. Then when we got home, I had a major decision to make when Tia pulled my CD player onto the floor. Normally I would have gotten mad, and that was my first instinct, but instead I said to myself--'No, you promised you wouldn't get angry today. Don't start now.' So, I calmly  walked over and told her we don't play with mom's CD player set it back up and went on with lunch. As naps neared and Tia needed to use the potty before going down there was another time I had to make a choice. Instead of getting angry or frustrated that she didn't want to be patient enough to use it, I just was persistent and tried to talk with her and really it went so much better.

Today I learned that everyday is a new day, and it is my choice whether it is good or not. By deliberately making the choice to be happy and calm the day has been that way. It has still had problems, but because I have made choices that allow me to have the spirit with me I haven't been near as spacey, angry, impulsive or negative. I know its not me alone, Heavenly Father really does hear and answer prayers. He heard mine and as I did my part in making choice to be kind and patient I have been able to have a great day.

Never give-up. There is always a new day that holds the promise of being better than the day before.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

I Don't Even Know What to Title This---Thoughts (maybe)

Not much has happened, especially since the last post. I know it was all about goals and everything, but my main goal was to finish reading the third book in the Lunar Chronicles. I was hoping by accomplishing that I would be able to better work on my goals. You see I have this issue...when I read a book it is all I think about until its done. Sometimes it goes on for a little while after I have finished, but oh its like the unread words just call for me until they are all read. AHHHHHH. It make reading books kind of hard, but oh well at least most books come to an end and then I can get on with life until the next one.

So, life what has been going on? Not really a whole lot. Sometimes time just rushes on ] and sometimes I feel it is just creeping along. Sometimes the day is great. It is so great I wonder why I ever have bad days. Then some days are just bad. Sometimes because of the stuff that happens and sometimes because I am just struggling.

This month there seems to be more of those struggling days then before. I blame it on the fact that Derek was suppose to be born really close to today.  I don't know if its really the case or not, because there are a lot of things going on. For example, I have a 2 year-old and a 3 year-old and just like days sometimes they are good and sometimes they are not. Lucky for me, they are tough kids and hang in there through the thick and thin. However, I tell myself you have gone though worse than this, press forward and you will be okay. There are more good days ahead.

Thoughts about Derek at this time. I don't know that I think about it super often, but when I do it comes with a mix of emotions. Sometimes I am relieved. I know that sounds so terrible, but sometimes life is so overwhelming with the two wonderful kids I have right now. Some days I really wonder if I could have done it. I remember thinking the same thing when I was going to have Tia, and so I know I could have, but some days are so crazy it makes you wonder. Then some days I am grateful about the whole experience that Derek did/is teaching me. Because he doesn't get to be with me right now, I realize more how precious my girls are. The everyday things they do. The playing and imagining. The growth and things we have to work through together. The closeness of family. All of it. My girls are fantastic. They really are and I don't think I spent enough time just loving them for them. I am not perfect, so I still forget this sometimes, but when I catch the moments. When I see a milestone hit, or what ever I am more aware how how special it is. Tia right now is so interested in babies. Every time she sees one she points it out. When ever she and/or Kylee do this I just think to myself you guys would have LOVED him, and he would have LOVED you right back. My life would be more chaotic trying to save him from your loving embrace and curiosity, but  it would have been so fun too. Yep, I think about Derek a lot. I think about having kids a lot. I think a lot.

However, that is the best thing about when Gaupo comes home is he is not a super ponderer. He ponders here and there not all at once, and he is way more introverted than I am so he ponders on the inside. Anyway, I love when he comes home, because if I need to talk he listens. I love that we got new games for Christmas because we play more games. I love that he make me feel so secure and loved. He helps. I am so glad I have him around. He really provides a welcome distraction, a sound sounding board, a comforting-loving embrace, and fun. He can put a bright spot in my day, just about any day.

Actually I am really lucky because my kids can do the same. They can drive me a little crazy just like Gaupo they are just around more so they have more time to drive me crazy, so there is more. Anyway, my girls have the best laughs and smiles. They are so full of love and energy it is impossible not to stand in awe at the things they do every day. Kylee and Tia are just awesome and so capable of so many things. Although, sometimes I may push to hard and then they don't rise to that capability, but they can its there. That is one of the best things about littles is their limitless potential.

I know this post is so random and I am sorry, but I kind of feel like that is the way it is right now. Happy, sad, good, bad, optimistic, hopeful, crying, contemplative, excited, independent, dependent. all of it.  Just kind of weird around here, but you know what I wouldn't give up my life for anything. I really am so blessed. I am not alone and never will be. What a great feeling. I should end before this gets even more random. Thanks for reading.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Ramblings on Goals

I am very late on the update, but I almost have valid reasons. My excuses this time normal blog time Tuesday night we had a R.S. activity. I was kind of in-charge of it because our meeting coordinator moved and we haven't quite found one yet. Being in-charge isn't really too bad, just you have to be a little more on top of the ball and there is kind of a lot of pressure to be there to make sure everything gets off right. Anyway, we had a great activity on goals. We all shared what works and/or doesn't work for us when it come to goals. The teacher also had us work on filling out a goal planning sheet. So, I didn't get very far along with it, but the first section was priorities and then it had five openings. True thinking of 5 things that are important to me is not hard, but thinking of them in a goal oriented way, as in what do I want to improve. Like, what is so important to me I am willing to do hard things to make it better? That is a tough question to answer, because I really like my time and the things I do. To be honest I kind of like just sliding by and doing whatever it is I want to do. I do think there is time for that, but apparently I am getting old because I have spent a lot of time recently pondering about a lot of things, but what would be valid goals.

So, here are what I am listing as my top 5 priorities. They aren't in any particular order.

1. My relationship with my Heavenly Father.
2. Guapo
3. Kylee
4. Tia
5. Exercise

I want to explain why all of my family members are split up. I split them up, because this year I really want to focus on them and my relationship with them. I love my family as a whole too, but I really want to focus on the individual.

I do feel like when I list my priorities out like this that there are so many other things I am missing like my calling, practicing the piano, journal writing, speech, my housework and other domestic skills like sewing and cooking. However, I don't have the desire or time to write goals for every priority that I have plus I would be setting myself up for failure if I did. I am a little worried about accomplishing the goals I have or have yet to set.

So, I haven't figured out how to make goals out of all my priorities, but maybe by making them a priority it will kind of work itself out. Here are the goals that I want to do this year. (I think) See I hate commitment, because I hate failing. However, I really am going to do my best and hopefully succeed. Here we go...

1. Start working on personal progress. Complete 3 values in their entirety by the end of the year. I haven't for sure decided which three, but I think I am going to start with Faith.

2. Participate in the Longmont Try-a-tri. I have been wanting to do this for a long time and I enjoy working-out kind of, but have kind of gotten into a lull about what I do it for. So, I figure if maybe I have a goal it will help.

My relationship goals obviously go two ways. So, I am trying to work on figuring out what I can do.

I think for starts I need to stop over reacting at Tia. I need to really try hard to give her immediate praise for the good things she does. I think Tia often feels over-looked and wants attention. I really want to love her for everything she is. I want to learn to love and appreciate the happy, sad, crazy, cuddly, fun-loving, energetic, some times troublesome little girl.

Kylee I think I need to help her foster her love for learning. This girl craves success, but also enjoys a challenge and learning. Sometimes she does better when I don't watch her try and work on hard thing, but I have to be able to find her things that are the right challenge for her. I also need to work on praising her and the good things she does.

As for Gaupo, I really want to find ways that I can better express how much I love him and how important he is to our family. Also, I need to work on supporting him in the wonderful things he does instead of complaining about how they take so much time or whatever other selfish thing I come up with at the time.

So, after writing all this down it looks like my goals for Gaupo, Kylee, and Tia all need to start with looking and mentioning the wonderful things they do. Don't wait just say it.

Goals are funny things. They make you feel empowered, but at the same time can feel very overwhelming. As in, it helps you see you can do and be better, but in the same short breath feel like can you really do that. Can I really do all these things that I want to? Will it make a difference? Where do I start?

Obviously I still have a long way to go on figuring out this whole goal thing and how it works for me, but I think this year I am going to go for it and see where I get. See I am totally acting old, seriously this kind of thinking makes me feel so serious. AGHHHHHH!!! "I am old! I am like the Crypt keeper." Just kidding, I am not that old, but seriously this kind of thinking makes me feel way old. Oh well, it is what is. Thanks for reading the ramblings of this one of a kind girl.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

2015 Movie

Ever since I heard the song Its Good to Be Alive it just resonated with me in my reflection of 2015. I love the original music video, but I decided to add my pictures of the year to summarize the year and also my feelings through pictures and music. Mostly the song makes me feel happy and like dancing. I love those feelings.

Comings and Goings

Usually a new year means new goals and getting right on the goals with all the vim and vigor you have. Sometimes I do this, but this year would not be one of those times. That is unless my goal was to spend more time playing and less time cleaning my house and doing things that really ought to be done. Well, I have done some productive things I guess, but I think that is probably why you are suppose to set goals, so you have some direction for your life. Anyway, here is the comings and goings of everybody.

Tia is definitely two. Sometimes I feel like I am talking to a brick wall. She doesn't respond to anything I say or ask her to do, that is unless it involves cookies, or chocolate then she knows exactly what to do. She loves testing her limits, doing naughty things when my back is turned. She still is working on talking and doing very well, but man it is so frustrating when you want/need so much more than her limited vocab can get you. However, in between the bad is filled with tons of good. She has such a great laugh, a big smile, she plays really quite well with her sister. I don't know if I could be bossed around as well as Tia, but maybe she doesn't mind because most of the time she doesn't do what Kylee tells her to either. She loves running, jumping, playing with baby and pups. She 'cooks' good food. She is learning to use the potty and is doing very well. She is pretty much accident free during the day, but still doesn't have the capacity for sleeping, which is fine she is only two. Tia loves to swim. She doesn't mind going under the water. She will jump in, let me help her float, slide on the slides, and walk as deep as she can go. Her favorite swimming things though are the lazy river, and floating around on what they call a barbell. It does the same thing as a pool noodle. This little girl is a handful, but I love her. She makes me want to scream, but then she makes me laugh. She is so full of every emotion. It is amazing what this little girl does.

Kylee is really getting into pretending. She loves playing 'Mary and Joseph.' Although, lately their baby's name has been Moses. Kylee loves having Tia to play with. We rearranged our furniture and she loves turning behind the love seat into her house. She has such a great imagination it is amazing. Kylee also loves sledding. She keeps wanting to go to swim lessons, but her session got cancelled because enough kids didn't sign up AGHHHHH!! However, she is still doing amazing and is trying all kinds of new things. She loves showing me how she can 'glide.' She also tries to swim, which is moving her arms with her face in the water, but her feet firmly on the ground. Kylee is such a good supporter of Tia. She cheers her on with the potty, she cheers her on and really tries to make space for Tia to talk. Although, Kylee loves to talk, so this is really hard for her. She is loving sunbeams and really enjoys primary. She was a little nervous the first week, but this week was no problem. Kylee is so fun, and though she does sometimes not want to listen, whine and beg she is so fun to have around.

Gaupo is up to work and family and soon to be school. He spent last weekend playing in the snow with us. We went sledding, built a snow 'fort,' had hot chocolate, took naps, and totally enjoyed our last weekend with no homework. However, he has been working on applying for scholarships, and doing a few side computer jobs. He is pretty busy with work, school, family, and being in the elders quorum, but he balances everything so well. I am so grateful to him. He supports me in everything so well, and encourages me to do things I enjoy. Also, he doesn't complain when the food I make is not as good as it should be.

Gaupo and Tia's snow angels.
Me and Kylee in the snow fort.
Me...I have been up to potty training. Which has gone so much better than the last time I tried. I read a book Cinder. It is a science fiction book which is not my favorite genre, but the story is really good so I don't mind the sci-fi bit. However, because I was racing through this book, I did neglect house work. Potty training led to not really going anywhere for awhile, so my working out thing kind of slacked. I did pretty good with dinner. I have successfully done rice, and potatoes in my pressure cooker. I even reheated them today in it. That was super handy. So, I was worried if I would be able to use it when I first got it, but I am learning and I think I am going to LOVE it. I have also been busy with Relief Society. Our friends the Sabin's moved (Ethan's family). That was sad one because they are our friends, but two she left me without a meeting coordinator. However, they did let us get the food from their freezer, so we have lots of fun things to eat like bagels, hash browns, garden carrots, different sauces, and other fun things. We have used quite a few of them in our meals lately. I did take down Christmas stuff and rearrange the furniture, but haven't decorated yet. I don't know, I really have just been enjoying and trying to be more on the ball, but coming off of stay-cation is hard stuff.

In other news, me and the girls had a movie night tonight instead of going swimming. It was fun. Kylee of course of was glued to the movie (Frozen) and Tia actually did pretty well although eventually did lose interest, but that isn't surprising. It was fun to change it up a little.

She was so into it...until her snack ran out.
Watching the movie.

So, not much from here, but we are having a blast doing what we do best...Loving, living, and being together.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Ringing in 2016

So after Christmas I kind of just went on a stay-cation. I wasn't going anywhere and Gaupo still had to work, but I really didn't do anything. The girls turned into great sleepers and weren't waking up until about 7:30 and I mean seriously, who wants to wake up when your bed is warm and the house is quiet. Actually, sometimes I do like to wake-up when it's like that, but sometimes I just want to bask in the laziness of it all and that was what I did for the week between Christmas and New Years. So, I got up when my kids got up, I did do some workouts. They were pretty chill though and I kind just did whatever. Sometimes it is super nice to not have a schedule and just do whatever you want. One day was pretty warm, so we went outside and played in the snow. It was too slicky for sledding with only one adult. So, instead I pulled the girls around the yard, made snow 'cakes', and pushed Tia in the stroller.

The nights between Christmas and New Year were awesome too. We played games almost every night. Our 6th anniversary was on the 29th, which was a Tuesday. I had just planned on not doing anything, but then as we were planning the week Gaupo said he would take off a little early, so we could spend time together. So, when he got home at seven we had family prayers, then I jumped in the shower. Then we had ice cream and played games. It was perfect. It was cheap, we spent time together doing things we love. I am so grateful I married Gaupo. He is such a great guy. He loves me and supports me in almost everything I want to do. He work hard to provide for our family. He tries hard to do well in school and be a great dad. His girls love him. One of my favorite 'traditions' of theirs is whenever he comes home for dinner, or lunch he pulls into the garage and honks his horn. The girl immediately perk-up, run to the door and usually start knocking. It is super fun. I also love that Gaupo doesn't leave without hugging us all good-bye. Six years ago I never would have dreamed all that has happened to us, but you know what I wouldn't change it. I love who we have become and the family that we have. I love  Gaupo and he loves me and we both work at our marriage and family together. It is a journey, but boy is it a journey worth taking.

After our anniversary, the next big night was New Years Eve. We invited the missionaries and our friends the Jacobson's over for dinner. We had Navajo Tacos. They are one of Gaupo's favorite things. I was super blessed he could take off a little early, so he could help me fry like 25 'tacos.' We set up a kids table. Really our kids kind of still need some adult help and supervision, but I don't have enough spots at the table for more than 8 people. I know this sounds crazy, but really I wish I had a table that could expand more. Oh well, I don't and then kids had a great time eating on their own. Plus they loved getting down and running around between bites and also when they were all done. The poor missionaries. It was kind of chaotic, but really so fun. Just info... the Jacobson's have two kids Tori who is Kylee's age and Trent who is 1. So we had dinner and then crock-pot cake for dessert. It was a fantastic meal. Not very healthy, so it was the perfect meal to end 2015 with. After the missionaries shared their message, we sent them on their way and cleaned up dinner and let the party begin.

We started with our kid games. So, we played The Ogre game (actually called Race to the Treasure), Hungry Hippos, and the farm game (actually Life on the Farm.) Kylee and Tori did really good and Tia did good for awhile, but then she was just getting to tired. After the games, we got the kids ready for bed and put them down. Trent was already asleep, so it was just the girls. However, we got them all ready and Kylee was at one end of her bed and Tori at the other and Tia in her own. Once they were in bed us adults started playing games. As we were playing though, the noise upstairs kept getting louder and louder. Mainly I heard Kylee using her yelling voice, but anyway, I decided to go up and get them all settled back in. I go up and Tia wants in bed with the other two--surprising? No. Anyway, I lay her down with Kylee and Tori is still at the other end. Then I tell them, it is okay to talk, but no more yelling we don't want to wake up baby Trent. So, we didn't hear anything for along time because they fell asleep. I asked Kylee later if it was fun to have Tori "spend they night" (they left after ringing in the New Year)? She said, "No, because I wasn't allowed to talk." Don't know where she got that idea from, but oh well it led to a better night sleep and I know they had tons of fun still.

Anyway, while our delightful children were dreaming we were playing games. We played Wits and Wagers (family edition), Quiddler, Ticket to Ride, and Five Crowns. Wits and Wagers was the favorite game of the evening, but really they were all good. We had a good time playing them all, but you can tell that we are not well versed in the midnight chapter of the night because as it started getting later we all started slowing down a little. Not that we were non functioning, but definitely not full speed. Anyway, at midnight we toasted in the New Year with sparkling juice (cherry flavor). It was super fun to have people to play games with on New Years. That really is one of the things I miss about not traveling at the holidays. I love playing games with my family, so it seems kind of lonely to play with just the two of us. So, shout out to the Jacobson's for joining us and letting their kids go to bed here, so we could stay up late.

January first was a great. The morning started off with a a breakfast of raisin oatmeal muffins. We ate at the little table, because Kylee really wanted to and you know what it was super fun. It was fun to all cozy like. After words we video chatted Grandma and Oma. Then, we talked Gaupo into taking us bowling. It was really fun. We actually all did pretty well. The girls didn't throw the ball quite hard enough a couple of times, and mom guttered a couple of times, but really for not having bowled in like 2 years we did really good. Plus with little kids, bowling takes awhile and it was really fun to spend some time together. Other than bowling we just kind of chilled all of New Years day. We were going to go to Sams Club, but it was closed. So, we just stayed home and had homemade pizza and enjoyed being together.

Kylee, Gaupo, and Tia. Enjoying breakfast.
Tia, Me, Kylee. Sorry for the perturbed look. I was trying to tell Gaupo he was doing it wrong, but he didn't listen.
Tia, Gaupo, Kylee.
Kylee girl getting her ball.
Tia and her daddy, rolling it down the lane.
Kylee getting ready to throw it.
Gaupo showing his skills.
Come back Tia.
All of us together. Pardon the cut off face, we are not well versed in selfies.
We did go to Sams Club on Saturday (2nd). We got a lot of things we needed and few things we didn't. I hate that we can't ever just get what's on the list, but really we did pretty good. After Sams, we headed over to Home Depot and got some wood for shelves, and new switch. We needed a switch for the disposal and Gaupo put that in right after lunch. Then after naps we started on the shelves. We don't have all the right tools for this kind of work and, so don't judge when you actually see it, but it does the job, and I love it. I love that my two lower cabinets now have shelves. It totally helps with the usage of the space. Like now ALL the books, ours and the library ones, can go in the cabinet. We were going to watch a movie, but we were tired at the end of the day, so we just watched a couple of episodes and called it a night.

The new ones are just those bottom ones on either side.
Sunday dawned luckily not to early with 11:00 church. I HATE that time. I am sure by the end of the year I will have a schedule that works down and I wont want to switch, but man it really is a hard time to have church when you have little kids. Anyway, I taught the lesson this month. It was on how we can get to know our Heavenly Father better. It was really amazing how the lesson came together. i didn't know exactly how it was going to all play out. However, I started preparing early and was so guided in what I should do. I was originally going to do a different topic, but this is the one I felt we needed. I loved the talks that were given with it, but when it came down to deciding what to share it wasn't that. It was a series of scriptures. I decided to call certain sister to help me with them. It was amazing the names I found, and also how when they took it on the discoveries they made. Its really good to share things as you find them in the scriptures, but I felt we got to go to a deeper level, because the people sharing the scriptures were prepared. It was really a very cool experience. So, between the scriptures and the movie Earthly Father, Heavenly Father, the majority of the time was gone. It finished with a couple of testimonies and then it was the end of a great church meeting.

2016 is already shaping up differently that I thought it would, but I am still excited for it. It should bring new stories and adventures. I bet I will grow more and become more over the course of this year. I look forward to learning new things, meeting new people, developing stronger friendships, and making more memories. 

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Christmas 2015

I love Christmas. For me there really is some sort of magic about it. I don't know if it is getting things that I don't expect, playing with family, the miracle of Christ's birth, or fantastic food. To be honest it is probably the combination of it all, but I love it. I love Christmas.

This year Gaupo got to spend Christmas Eve at home--the whole day. As we say around here WAHOOO!! We started the day with a workout. Then we had a fancy breakfast of German pancakes, some super amazing hot cacao that Gaupo made, and buttermilk syrup. It was so good. It really almost made it feel like Christmas. After breakfast, the continuation of holiday cooking started. I mixed up rolls. Then to be honest I don't really remember what we did after that. However, I do I made the rolls during nap time. While the rolls were cooking I was able to read some stories out of a Christmas book. I love Christmas stories they just make you feel good. The one I ended with was awesome it was called A Christmas Angel. As the rolls finished we took a few to neighbors and then came home to prepare the rest of our Christmas Eve feast.

I really wish I had pictures of Christmas Eve because it was great. We had the missionaries and a brother from our ward (Bro. Cavalli) come and join us for dinner. We had rolls, ham, sweet potatoes, corn casserole, green bean casserole, strawberry pretzel salad, green salad, and holiday potatoes. It was so good. Then we topped it off with ice cream. The dinner conversation centered around how Gaupo and I met and how Bro. Cavalli and his wife met and come to Colorado. It was also cool because during the conversation Bro. Cavalli mentioned a family he baptized on his mission and the sister missionary serving served with one of the daughters in that family. CRAZY SMALL WORLD. For the lesson, the missionaries shared the movie A Savior is Born. It was really good. It caused me to tell Kylee that this year I think I am celebrating Christ's birth more than I ever have before. This is because, because Christ was born I get to see Derek again. I know that a lot of other stuff happended to make that true but all of it started in a 'humble brown stall.' "For unto us a child was born."

After the missionaries and Bro. Cavalli left, we opened our Christmas Eve presents of PJs. This year they are all different, but express each person. I LOVE mine. Anyway, after opening the pajamas we gave the girls a bath and then read Luke 2 together. Then we sent the girls to bed and let the party begin. We brought up all the presents and wrapped quite a few of them while watching the Santa Clause 2. It felt very Christmas-y I totally loved it. After that we were tired so we went to bed.

Christmas morning was so great. I love having little kids. To see their delight and presents and the simple things they receive. It is so awesome. Gaupo swears he was the first awake and waited for a long time. Then Tia got up and was wandering around half awake so he got to hold her until Kylee woke up and then Tia and Kylee came and woke me up. We all went downstairs and what to our delight by Santa had come. We opened the stockings and checked out the "Santa Cereal" we got. The girls got Fruit Loops, Gaupo got Frosted Flakes, and I got Golden Grahams. Santa did great we got candy, socks, tooth brushes and paste. The girls got that, coloring stuff, stickers, headbands (that is the one and only thing Kylee wanted), and jump ropes. It was tons of fun. After stockings we ate our Santa cereal, and had orange juice (that is a treat around here.) Then it was time for presents.

Kylee and Tia with the Santa Stuff.
Kylee with her new headband and seeing what else Santa brought.
Me sporting some of my goodies. Kylee in awe.
Gaupo emptying his stocking.
Tia and her loot.
Our crazy bunch in our PJ's.
Kylee and Tia with their jump ropes before breakfast.

Gaupo LOVES giving and receiving presents. I would have to say I think it is his favorite part. He loves watching you open what he has carefully picked out for you and then loves getting the things for himself. Consequently, Gaupo isn't very good at waiting for present opening. I am totally good with dragging things out all day, but not him he wants presents and so do my girls. It was all those 3 could do to take turns opening presents. Gaupo wasn't in a real hurry to open his, but he was dying for me to open mine. Such a silly kid. Anyway, we all got quite spoiled. The girls got scooters from us. They are getting better at using them, but it will take some work still. They got cute dresses from my mom, and duplos. They got a very fun game from Grandma and Grandpa. Then they got Hungry Hungry Hippos from Klaire. They also got quite the stuff from Grandma Hammond--babies, clothes, books, ball, mega blocks, and more. I got workout videos, resistance bands, hand weights, and games. Gaupo got an iWalk which is like a spare battery for his ipod. He also got the Good Which Movie collection and I Dream of Jeanie. We got a electric pressure cooker from my mom and dad and Gidget and 5 Crowns from Klaire. We are so spoiled. We all got great gifts.

Kylee surrounded by her gifts.
Tia waiting for Guapo to get her toy out of the packaging.
Tia opening presents.
Kylee opening her presents.
Gaupo opening kitchen wares from my parents.
Kylee on her scooter.
This is how Tia likes to ride.
After present opening. We played with our stuff for awhile and read books. Then we had sandwiches for lunch and then nap time. After naps, we video chatted and played games. I love that we can play games as a family. It is really fun to just play together. I loved it was like perfect. After that we had Christmas Eve, dinner leftovers. Then we played until it was time to go to bed. After the girls were down, we watched Polar Express. Then the real fun began because Kylee threw-up just as we were going to bed. So, I had to get her showered and clean up that mess. This of course wakes of Tia, who is completely delighted by the late night entertainment. Anyway, as usual when Kylee throws up it takes awhile for her to stop. Finally, she finishes and I am crawling into bed and I hear that awful  sound AGAIN. This time its Tia. So, she is all shaky  because she is not use to this and tired. I get her all bathed and the mess cleaned up and then take her downstairs for a bit. Finally, after I am sure she is okay I take her back upstairs and we all go to sleep. Merry Christmas!

The day after Christmas Gaupo had to work (hence why we had Christmas Eve). However, we made the best of it. We went sledding, played in the snow, napped, ate and played some more. To be honest it kind of stunk having to have Gaupo go back to work because real life had to hit a lot sooner than I would like. I like the Christmas-ness to last awhile and when you go to work the day after it kind of doesn't. Oh well, we really did have a good time sledding and playing in the snow. That night for dinner we had one of Gaupo's favorites Clam Chowder. If I do say so myself it was really good. I am really glad I can still eat it because its what I had before I had Tia and usually once you throw something up it doesn't taste very good ever again. Luckily this is not the way with clam chowder. That night we played one of my new games and watched a couple of our new episodes (Gidget and I Dream of Jeanie). It was a really fun. I love games. Anyway, that night everything went smooth until about 3:00AM when Tia threw-up again. Oh man, and she had a fever. AUGHHHH! Luckily there wasn't a mess to clean-up and after some cuddling and meds we were able to go to sleep by about 4.

Tia and Kylee at the end of our sledding fun.
Sunday dawned bright and early. We got up and had breakfast. Then took everyone to sacrament, but the Gaupo and Tia went home. We didn't feel we should share whatever it was Tia had with anyone else's kids. Anyway, church was good. Our home teachers came by after church around 3:30. Our home teachers are funny. I hope we get to keep them for awhile.

I wanted to take a picture of Kylee in the apron, but Tia wanted her picture take more.
Kylee mixing up Sunday night dinner--waffles!
Oh Christmas is wonder. I honestly kind of took the week off between Christmas and New Years. I was still a mom, but I slept in didn't work out that much, played a lot, and had hard time doing productive things. Oh well, its a holiday right. I love all the family time this time of year. I miss not being with my family as they are all together for a whole week. I am totally jealous of all the time that they can spend together, but I love spending Christmas with these people who live with me. They are my world. I love trying to figure out what our traditions should be. Even though the cooking is really time consuming, I love that I can do it. I love doing what ever we want. We don't have a schedule or a set way things have to be done, because right now we are building our own Gaupo-Adventure Girl family Christmas. We are young and have some time to figure things out. Merry Christmas!

Our two girls with their two babies playing in a box. Love these two smiley girls.