Wednesday, January 27, 2016

A New Day

Yesterday I wrote a rather discouraging, mixed -up post. I really want to delete it, but one of the things I wanted to do with this blog was to try to remember all parts of my life not just the good things. However, part of me really wants to take it down because that is not what I want to see. I want to see and remember days like today.

I think one of the many wonderful gifts that God gave to us is a new day. I love having a new day. It gives me another chance to do better and be better. I decided last night that today was going to be better and it had everything to do with me. I woke up late this morning. That was an accident because I overslept due to getting woken up in the middle of the night. Then I was woken up by a little girl who wanted her dress tied. Instead of getting angry, I made a choice. I made the choice to tie the dress and just give her a little reminder to be quiet, so she didn't wake her sister. Then as we were getting out the door so I could go to kickboxing we were running a little late. Part of me wanted to turn on the hurry grouchy, but I made a choice instead to just help us move a little faster and make sure that what needed to be done was done. Then I was a blessed. I was blessed to be calm, to make good time to the rec center, and to be able to smile. Everything went pretty good for kickboxing, and showering and getting to the Library. At the Library, Tia wanted to do her own thing, Once again, I was blessed to have patience and to roll with it. I knew when to say no and stay firm and when to be lenient. Then when we got home, I had a major decision to make when Tia pulled my CD player onto the floor. Normally I would have gotten mad, and that was my first instinct, but instead I said to myself--'No, you promised you wouldn't get angry today. Don't start now.' So, I calmly  walked over and told her we don't play with mom's CD player set it back up and went on with lunch. As naps neared and Tia needed to use the potty before going down there was another time I had to make a choice. Instead of getting angry or frustrated that she didn't want to be patient enough to use it, I just was persistent and tried to talk with her and really it went so much better.

Today I learned that everyday is a new day, and it is my choice whether it is good or not. By deliberately making the choice to be happy and calm the day has been that way. It has still had problems, but because I have made choices that allow me to have the spirit with me I haven't been near as spacey, angry, impulsive or negative. I know its not me alone, Heavenly Father really does hear and answer prayers. He heard mine and as I did my part in making choice to be kind and patient I have been able to have a great day.

Never give-up. There is always a new day that holds the promise of being better than the day before.

1 comment:

  1. This post is amazing Katey! I needed to hear that reminder. Thanks for being such a great example:)
