Usually a new year means new goals and getting right on the goals with all the vim and vigor you have. Sometimes I do this, but this year would not be one of those times. That is unless my goal was to spend more time playing and less time cleaning my house and doing things that really ought to be done. Well, I have done some productive things I guess, but I think that is probably why you are suppose to set goals, so you have some direction for your life. Anyway, here is the comings and goings of everybody.
Tia is definitely two. Sometimes I feel like I am talking to a brick wall. She doesn't respond to anything I say or ask her to do, that is unless it involves cookies, or chocolate then she knows exactly what to do. She loves testing her limits, doing naughty things when my back is turned. She still is working on talking and doing very well, but man it is so frustrating when you want/need so much more than her limited vocab can get you. However, in between the bad is filled with tons of good. She has such a great laugh, a big smile, she plays really quite well with her sister. I don't know if I could be bossed around as well as Tia, but maybe she doesn't mind because most of the time she doesn't do what Kylee tells her to either. She loves running, jumping, playing with baby and pups. She 'cooks' good food. She is learning to use the potty and is doing very well. She is pretty much accident free during the day, but still doesn't have the capacity for sleeping, which is fine she is only two. Tia loves to swim. She doesn't mind going under the water. She will jump in, let me help her float, slide on the slides, and walk as deep as she can go. Her favorite swimming things though are the lazy river, and floating around on what they call a barbell. It does the same thing as a pool noodle. This little girl is a handful, but I love her. She makes me want to scream, but then she makes me laugh. She is so full of every emotion. It is amazing what this little girl does.
Kylee is really getting into pretending. She loves playing 'Mary and Joseph.' Although, lately their baby's name has been Moses. Kylee loves having Tia to play with. We rearranged our furniture and she loves turning behind the love seat into her house. She has such a great imagination it is amazing. Kylee also loves sledding. She keeps wanting to go to swim lessons, but her session got cancelled because enough kids didn't sign up AGHHHHH!! However, she is still doing amazing and is trying all kinds of new things. She loves showing me how she can 'glide.' She also tries to swim, which is moving her arms with her face in the water, but her feet firmly on the ground. Kylee is such a good supporter of Tia. She cheers her on with the potty, she cheers her on and really tries to make space for Tia to talk. Although, Kylee loves to talk, so this is really hard for her. She is loving sunbeams and really enjoys primary. She was a little nervous the first week, but this week was no problem. Kylee is so fun, and though she does sometimes not want to listen, whine and beg she is so fun to have around.
Gaupo is up to work and family and soon to be school. He spent last weekend playing in the snow with us. We went sledding, built a snow 'fort,' had hot chocolate, took naps, and totally enjoyed our last weekend with no homework. However, he has been working on applying for scholarships, and doing a few side computer jobs. He is pretty busy with work, school, family, and being in the elders quorum, but he balances everything so well. I am so grateful to him. He supports me in everything so well, and encourages me to do things I enjoy. Also, he doesn't complain when the food I make is not as good as it should be.
Gaupo and Tia's snow angels. |
Me and Kylee in the snow fort. |
Me...I have been up to potty training. Which has gone so much better than the last time I tried. I read a book
Cinder. It is a science fiction book which is not my favorite genre, but the story is really good so I don't mind the sci-fi bit. However, because I was racing through this book, I did neglect house work. Potty training led to not really going anywhere for awhile, so my working out thing kind of slacked. I did pretty good with dinner. I have successfully done rice, and potatoes in my pressure cooker. I even reheated them today in it. That was super handy. So, I was worried if I would be able to use it when I first got it, but I am learning and I think I am going to LOVE it. I have also been busy with Relief Society. Our friends the Sabin's moved (Ethan's family). That was sad one because they are our friends, but two she left me without a meeting coordinator. However, they did let us get the food from their freezer, so we have lots of fun things to eat like bagels, hash browns, garden carrots, different sauces, and other fun things. We have used quite a few of them in our meals lately. I did take down Christmas stuff and rearrange the furniture, but haven't decorated yet. I don't know, I really have just been enjoying and trying to be more on the ball, but coming off of stay-cation is hard stuff.
In other news, me and the girls had a movie night tonight instead of going swimming. It was fun. Kylee of course of was glued to the movie (
Frozen) and Tia actually did pretty well although eventually did lose interest, but that isn't surprising. It was fun to change it up a little.
She was so into it...until her snack ran out. |
Watching the movie. |
So, not much from here, but we are having a blast doing what we do best...Loving, living, and being together.
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