Oh man, this Easter weekend just flew by. We got to kickoff the fun on Friday when our Aunt Kitt came a little early, so she could beat the snow. It is a good thing she did, because it did snow on Friday night. Anyway, she got here shortly after the girls woke-up from their naps and so we just played and then I made dinner. Which was very good if I do say so myself. Then after we sent the girls to bed Kitt and I headed to Hancock Fabric to get some thread, ribbon, and possibly some fabric. I had already got the fabric I needed, but they had some good stuff on sale, so I thought I would check it out with the real intent to buy. Anyway, we looked at everything and I pretty much decided I can't just buy fabric for when I might want to make something; I have to buy it when I know what I am going to do. However, Kitt was a trooper and looked at every table and rack that had sale fabric on it. Finally after about and hour we came home with just the thread and ribbon. We were going to make cookies when we got home, but Gaupo wanted to have some, so we opted to wait till Saturday and played a game instead. We played
Settlers of Catan it is a very intense game. I lost by a lot, so to be honest I was one of the main ones that would be the reason why
Settlers breaks up families. No really though, it was fun and we ended up talking for a while. Gaupo gave up around 11 and Kitt and I talked till after midnight.
Saturday obviously dawn bright and early; although, the girls did sleep in a little which was so nice considering when I went to bed the night before. Anyway, we got up had a quicky breakfast and hit the sledding hill. We made a good trail and were thus able to have quite a few good runs. The girls do pretty well at staying out of the path, but sometimes they forget because really it is the easiest place to walk up the hill. Oh well, it was fun. We went down multiple time in multiple different arrangements it was some good family time on the hill.
Gaupo pushing Kitt and Tia down the hill. |
Kitt and Kylee going down. The crazies. |
When we came back in we talked the girls out of hot chocolate, but not out of snuggling under a blanket and watching a show. Gaupo, Kitt, and the girls watch some
Curious George while I made cookies. They turned out pretty good. After the show and while the cookies were baking Kitt and I played with the girls downstairs while Guapo did some homework. After playing for a bit, we had lunch and then naps.
During naps Kitt and I 'projected.' Man am I glad Kitt was there to help me think things through, plus she picked out some mistakes and man it was good to have company. The time flew by and before we knew it we had little visitors coming and no dresses completed. Oh well, good thing they are General Conference dresses and we still have this week and weekend to get them done.
When we emerged from working on the projects, we had to figure out what to do for dinner. When you need something quick, easy, and filling is when being gluten free is rough. However, we figured it out. Gaupo pulled out the grill and we grilled up burgers in the garage and had those for dinner. Oh man, those burgers were so good moist, flavorful, something different than the winter food we have been living on, oh so good. The only downside is they kind of dried us out, so though the meat stuck around for fast Sunday the water was a little lacking. Anyway, after that tasty meal, Kitt and I got ready for the General Women's broadcast. I changed my outfit about 10 times trying to find something that I liked, and finally ended up going back to the first one I tried on. Uh, sometimes I wish I could just roll with it. Oh well, I finally settled on something and we headed out. We got there just before it started. It was so nice having Kitt right there. The meeting was excellent. The main message I got out of it was 'stop complaining about how much it takes to serve and do it.' I feel like I have so many opportunities to serve lately, but often times its not easy to do them so I don't or I kind of make a big deal out of it---BAD! So, I am resolving to serve with a willing heart and relish in the opportunity given to me to serve. After the broadcast, and visiting with a few people we came home. We played
Clue. It has been a LONG time since I have played that game, but we did and it was a lot of fun. Then we talked and got ready for Sunday.
Sunday morning we woke-up to an Easter Egg Hunt. WAHOOO!!! To be honest, we had to tell Kylee it was Easter, but when we did she immediately was wondering if the Easter Bunny came. Which he did. He setup a great hunt for the girls and even had a few tricky ones that Aunt Kitt had to find. It was pretty fun. Although about halfway through Tia noticed there was a lot of candy on the table and was like 'Why the heck am I hunting if the goods are right here?' So, we kind of had to put that up so that she could focus on the hunt. It was super fun to watch the girls and Kylee is turning into a pretty good seeker.
Kylee with her load. |
Tia with her load. |
Tia helping Aunt Kitt get her eggs. |
Kylee searching her Kitchen for eggs. |
After the hunt, we fed the girls breakfast and then it was time to get ready for church. Gaupo took care of the girls while I got ready. When it was the girls turn to get ready, they were so excited to wear their new Easter dresses. While Gaupo was getting ready, Kitt and I went outside and took pictures of them.
Tia. |
Kylee. |
Tia and Kylee. |
Tia, Me, and Kylee. |
Tia and Kylee. |
Then it was time to go to church. We chose to walk and it went great till we had to cut across to get to the church and most of the grass was still snowy and where it wasn't there was like huge mounds of snow piled up. However, we did find a way that would work and we got there safe and sound. Church was good and as always it was fun to have Kitt with us. After church we walked home, got lunch and then everyone took naps except me. I talked to Klaire. It was so great. It was good to hear about all the great things she is learning in the start-up company she is running for school. It was great to talk things out with her and it was good to have some quiet. Well 4:15 rolled around, and I woke everyone up. We talked for a bit which I didn't really mean to it just happened. Consequently, dinner got in a little late which pushed dinner from 5 to 5:30, but we all survived, but we were hungry we ate a lot of food. Don't worry though it was so good. We had beef roast, holiday potatoes, Nicola's sweet potatoes, green beans, and carrots. Then Easter candy and cookies for dessert. After dinner, we played for a bit. One of the girls favorite games still is hide-and-seek, so we played that. It was so funny to watch and be a part of. Finally, it was time to go to bed, and get ready to send Kitt home. It is always hard for us to send her off, because really we don't want to; consequently, we talk for awhile and she didn't end up leaving till around 8:00. Oh so good to have her. The rest of the night I talked to my mom and dad and then went to bed.
We were lucky enough this year to have Monday "off" as well. It wasn't a true off because Gaupo has to work 4 tens this week, but it was still nice to have a 3-day weekend. We started it off by trying to sleep-in. That didn't work, so we had a great breakfast of toast, eggs, and bacon and then we went to the store. We are trying to be better at saying no to stuff we don't need, but you just can't not get after Easter candy, but we only got 2 normal size bags and then we were going to get Kylee sandals, but the Wal-mart selection was pathetic. I did pick-up a couple of shirts to go with the dresses I am making, but that is all we got and then came home. Once home, the girls and I turned around and went visiting teaching. The girls had fun playing and watching TV while we visited. Then we came home and played for a bit and then had lunch. After which was of course naps. I meant to only rest, but I one-more minuted myself into a two-hour nap. I HATE when I do that, because I don't get anything done I was suppose to, so I have to do it when the girls are awake, and even though their dad was awake and trying to entertain them they feel attention deprived and want me to stop whatever it is I am doing. Then when I don't they start doing naughty things. Luckily, I was able to get most of it done and then we went to Lowes to see how much a security screen would cost. We kind of need to get something for our front door because our kids can open it and it goes right out onto a busy street with sometimes crazy people, so I really would like something between them and the wide open street. Also while we were that direction we stopped at Ross and Kylee found a pair of sandals that she liked, so that is great. She has pretty much worn them all day. Then we hit Lowes and came home and had leftovers for dinner. Then for FHE we had our Easter lesson. We also added to the fun by doing it in the basement with flashlights. The girls thought it was great and it was really good. After FHE, the girls went to bed and I made bread (one of those things I was suppose to do at nap time) and Gaupo worked on homework. By the time that was wrapping up and I got done talking to my brother, we just watched and episode of
Hogans and called it a night.
It was a pretty simple Easter, but it was really fun. It is kind of crazy how things rarely go as I plan, but honestly most times it turns out good anyway, and so is the story with this holiday. It was great, but not at all what I thought would happen.
I am so grateful for Easter. This Easter I couldn't help, but be so grateful for the Atonement and Resurrection. I am because of the hope it gives me that I can live with my Heavenly Father again, and also that I can see Derek again. I am so grateful for Christ 's sacrifice because through him I can repent, I can receive talk to the Lord and receive his help, and also I am strengthened to be able to do things when I think I can't do anything else. Christ really did suffer in Gethsemane and he was resurrected after being crucified and because He lives, so can I and my family. I am so truly grateful for this wonderful joyous occasion.
it was wonderful to be there! thanks for writing, i sure love reading :)