This past weekend was so great. As usual, it was very hard to return to normal life today and I did skip some things like waking up early and exercising, but did manage to do plenty of good things and be much better at eating healthier.
This past Friday morning a little bit before 3:00AM Jack, Oma, and Papa arrived at our house. I didn't greet them or anything when they arrived, but it was good to know they had gotten there. Because of their super late night/early morning they didn't get up anywhere close to when they normally do. Papa and Oma got up around 9:00 and Jack didn't get up till almost noon. It sounds crazy, but they really did and honestly who wouldn't? They were up so late. Anyway, Tia had speech on Friday morning and Oma went with us to that. On our way home, we stopped by Sprouts and Sams to get some needed/wanted groceries. Then we came home. Jack and Papa were waiting for us and it was time for lunch. So, we had lunch and then the girls played for a short bit and then it was nap time. During naptime Oma took a much desired nap, Papa just relaxed, and Jack and I played Rivals of Catan. Jack had never played before and it had been awhile since I had played the basic game, so it was really fun. Towards the end the girls woke up, but we finished and then had snack time. After snack we decided to take the girls to the park. It was so cold outside, but the girls had a blast. They rode their bike there and then they got to play at the school park. Things were a little wet, and gloves definitely don't add any traction, so they went down the fire pole super fast and had a little struggle with slipping on a couple things, but toward the end they had a blast playing on the slide. They would climb up and then go down and it had a story/motive to it, but I think only they really knew what was going. While the girls were doing that, Papa tried out one of the spinny seats and got it going and couldn't figure out how to stop. Luckily Oma was there and figured out that he wasn't just spinning for fun and went and stopped him. Oma asked what he would have done if we hadn't figured it out and he said he would have jumped. Oh boy, we were laughing so hard. Papa was just doing a laugh, but both Oma and I had tears because it was so funny to watch. When we came home, we got dinner started and enjoyed that. Then we watch Despicable Me 3. I don't recommend it, but it was fun to play and enjoyed eating on of our favorite movie treats of Goldfish and Chocolate Chips during it. After the movie we got the kids to bed and visited for a bit, but didn't stay up too late because we were all tired. Oh, it was so good to know that this wasn't the only day we had with them.
Saturday dawned with everyone up a little earlier. Although, I did get spoiled and sleep in because Papa kept my girls very quiet. It was so nice. I don't know why I like sleeping so much, but it really is a nice luxury sometimes. After we woke up we just kind meandered through the morning. The plan was to have a late breakfast, so we did successfully do that. It was worth the wait too, with pancakes, sausage, eggs, and hashbrowns. Oh I love that kind of breakfast. After breakfast was all eaten and cleaned up we just let the girls play for a bit. My favorite moment was when Papa said he would play babies with the girls and picked up a truck to take them to the store. Well Tia, kicked the truck and Papa said he was going to call the police because someone beat up his truck. Well, Tia walked away, so he said it wasn't that bad, but then she did it again. I know there was a reason why she did it, but I don't remember. Anyway, Papa called the cops to come arrest the person messing with his truck. Oh it was pretty funny. Tia was totally clueless as to what Papa was talking about and Papa thought he was playing well. It just goes to show a couple of things--boys and girls play very different, and don't mess with a boys truck. After playing for a bit we went ice skating. I don't know that my dad has ever done it before, but he did great. My mom was a little unsteady at first, but just like riding a bicycle she picked up and I think really enjoyed herself. Jack I think also really enjoyed it and he had the great luxury of having skates big enough for his feet (size 15) and they were like new, so that was great. We skated for a good hour and half and then went home and had snacks. I took the girls for a short bike ride and then came home and got ready for Kitt's Colorado party.
Tia skating on her own. |
Gaupo and Kylee |
Kylee on her own. |
Tia and Papa talking. |
Oma skating. |
Papa, and Uncle Jack. |
Kylee, Me, and Tia. |
Uncle Jack and Kylee. He was so great to help take these girls around. |
Oma and Papa skating together. |
We left for the party around 2:45 and stopped at Wendy's for some dinner. I tried my first baconator fries which were delicious. It was really good food. I am sorry, but I really do like Wendy's. I have had it quite often lately so the flavors are not quite as awesome as they use to be, but it is still really good. After getting dinner, we went to the party. We were of course the first ones there which was great, because my mom's childhood friend surprised her and they got to visit for awhile. It was so fun to see my mom, just totally want to soak in being with someone. It was also fun because I got to talk to Matthew's mom a little bit and it was so great. We talked about having kids and man alive she has quite the faith. Anyway, it was fun to see the Blaylock's in their stomping grounds they were way more comfortable and you could totally tell. It was fun to just sit back and enjoy. I got to hang with Jack, chase my kids around, and eat way to much cheesecake and brownies. It was a great party. After it was over we helped clean up and then we went to Blaylock's to open presents. We were there until about 10:30. It was so late, but the girls were amazing. They hung on, and were well behaved. They got a little bored, but still didn't do too many bad things. We finally got home around 11:30. Then I took a shower and went to bed around Midnight. I haven't ever been to one of my siblings 'other' parties. I mean I may have gone to Jack's, but I don't remember it at all. So, it was really fun to go to a party where we just enjoyed. Plus, I am actually really glad we went to the Blaylock's home. I think seeing people in their homes is so fascinating because they really are so at home there and the homes tend to really show what the family values and let you know a little about them. It was well worth the night, but let me tell you 6:00AM came way to early.
Kylee, Kitt, Matthew, and Tia. |
My favorite Brother and Me. |
Jack, Oma, Kylee, Kitt, Matthew, and Papa. |
Matthew, Kitt, Kylee, Tia at the present opening. |
Tia, and Kylee snuggling in Kitthew's new blanket. |
I did manage to wake up at 6:00, but I had to go back to sleep after reading some scriptures. Oh man was a I tired. Luckily my family was able to help me out with getting my girls ready for church. I love taking visitors to church. This time I didn't get to enjoy it quite as much because I was helping and investigators children find classes, and announcing this and helping Tia with the scripture. I don't know it was kind of a busy Sunday. However, I still loved having my family there. I know your not supposed to be proud or show-off, but I sure love showing my family to everyone because I love them and am very proud that they are mine. After church, we came home and had some lunch. Then it was naptime. I think everyone took at nap. I don't know that the grown-ups all did it at the same time, but we did all take naps and we chatted and just enjoyed doing nothing. We had a great dinner and then leftover cheesecake and brownies for dessert. Once the kids were in bed, Papa, Jack, Gaupo, and I played ticket to ride. It was fun and funny. For example, it seemed every time it was Papa's turn he would say "ummm, now let's see." I am so glad he played though. It was really fun to just hangout together. After the game, Papa went to bed, but Gaupo, Jack, Oma, and I stayed up talking till late. I love late night chats. If you haven't noticed from the last few posts I love talking/chatting especially with my family. I don't know it seems like the more time we have the better talks we have because we get past the catching up and into life and the real things that we like or struggle with. I don't know it is just really nice. Once it was good and late we all went to bed.
I slept in again on Monday. I feel bad, but my kids sure love the time they get one-on-one with their Oma and Papa when I do. We had German Pancakes for breakfast and then just hungout and played for awhile.
Gaupo, I, and our German Pancakes. |
It had snowed a little here and so we took Oma and Papa to the sledding hill. It wasn't the best sledding snow, but we got a couple good runs and I know they had fun. Here is a video of a triple-decker run. Oma, Kylee, and Tia on one sled. It is so great.
When we came in we had cassadia's for lunch and had naps. During naptime, Kitt and Matthew arrived.
However, this happened before they arrived. It is how three adults take a nap on the couch. |
Papa, Matthew, and Kitt. |
So, we of course chatted with them. It was really fun. Then when the girls woke up they played throwing bean bags with Jack, Kitt, and Matthew. They did that pretty much until it was time for swim lessons. The girls had swim lessons and invited everyone to come. Poor Kitt and Matthew the girls informed them that taking nap wasn't an option, they needed to come. So, we watched the kids swim. I didn't get to visit as much as I hoped, because another mom was there talking to me, but hopefully it gave time for everyone else to talk to Kitt and Matthew. After swim, we came home and started baths and dinner. We made Mormon enchiladas for everyone. They are a little colder than I would have liked, but sometimes that is what happens when you have to make 7 plates of them, and then 2 kid meals. However, it was fun to gather for dinner. Full kitchen tables are the best! After dinner, we had FHE. Kylee and Oma gave the lesson and Tia conducted. Everyone did a great job. At 7:30 we had to send Kitt and Matthew away, and that was very sad, but we survived. Then got the kids in bed, and guess what--chatted. Oma need to get the bag packed before Papa went to bed, so while she was doing that Jack, Gaupo, and I got to just chat. That was great because we got to talked about when to take a chance, and how to do it, and why Jack did what he did, and just stuff like that. I really enjoyed it. We didn't stay up too late because the AZ folk had to get up and leave at 3:30 in the morning. So, we said good-bye and went to bed. I actually ended up waking up to say good-bye, but we still said good-bye the night before just in case.
I am so glad I got this family visit. It was great to have a four-day weekend were we just played and got to do it with family. It was fun to stay up late, and get up late. It was fun to visit, and philosophize about life. It was enjoyable to share Longmont with my family. I know they have been here before, but I love sharing it every time. I love my family, so I am so grateful to have had this time with them. I feel very blessed.
**most photo credit goes to Jack
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