This is the last chance I will have to back-post for a little bit, so I am going to take the chance to tell you about the great visit we had from Grandma and Grandpa. It really is shameful that it has taken me this long to write about their visit. It is for two reasons--one they don't visit very often, so it is totally blog worthy and two we had a great time with them. It was so fun to have Grandma and Grandpa to ourselves and do our own thing. We love visiting them at their house, but it was nice to show them our house and what we do here. It was fun to not have to share them with any cousins or farm work. We really didn't do anything amazing, but it was truly wonderful to have them here.
They arrive on the last Tuesday in March. I was actually not here because I was in Boulder at an Occupational Therapy Evaluation follow-up meeting for Tia. This is a whole blog post in an of itself, so it will have to just suffice that Gaupo was the one that greeted his parents when they arrived. They got here I think about 2:00ish. They were home when I got home, but I didn't really get to sit down and chat right away because I needed to get dinner started. Sometimes that early dinner thing makes things a little crazy when I have stuff to do in the afternoon. Oh well. At dinner, the girls asked if we were still going to go swimming. I said, I don't know if Grandma and Grandpa brought their suits. Well it turns out Grandma did. Turns out Grandma was really prepared to have fun this trip and you know what I think she succeeded. Anyway, we went to the rec center and Grandma and Grandpa watched the girls climb the rock wall. Tia use to go all the way up, but they she learned how to come down, so now she prefers to climb a little and get lots of short rides back down. Kylee did a really well. She is still working on having the courage to sit back and let herself come down, but at least she is climbing again, so I will take it. After climbing for a bit we went swimming. The girls had so much fun showing off their skill. Grandpa started kind of on the other side of the pool, but Tia went and got him and told him to come watch closer to where we were. It was a really cute. Grandma played with us the whole time. Her and Kylee had a blast in the lazy river. My girls have gotten to the point where they love to swim, float, and monkey walk in there and they love it. Grandma really enjoyed it too. It was definitely her favorite part of the Rec Center. We played for quite awhile and then we got all showered and went home. Once home, we put the girls to bed and then just chatted until Gaupo got home. After he got home we visited some more and then went to bed.
Wednesday Gaupo took a half-day, so he went in to work about 11:00. Because of this late start, he helped make a delicious breakfast of scrambled pancakes and then we kind of just lazed around until the girls wanted to go to the park. They wanted to ride their bikes to the park and bless Grandma's heart she got on a bike and rode with us. It took her a minute to get the hang of it because she apparently hasn't been on a bike for about 20 YEARS! Plus, she has never ridden a bike with gears, so she needed to get a hang of using hand brakes. Luckily she figured it out and she followed us on our ride.
Here is Grandma on her bike. |
Gaupo rode with us for a ways too, until he split ways, so he could go to work. After he departed, we went to the three parks that are right here--the ladybug park, the big kid park, and the sand park. The girls had fun playing at each one and showing Grandma all the cool things they could do at the park.
Kylee, Tia, and Gradma playing in the sand. |
Around noon we headed home to get some lunch. We had lunch and then naps. During nap time I had to get some work done and it was my first time doing the specific job I was doing, so it took awhile. I felt bad, but I think it was okay. Once I got done with that, I relaxed for a bit, but then it was time to get ready to go to the temple. Gaupo got home at 4:00 and we dropped the girls of at my friend Megan VonNeiderhausen's house. Then we headed to the temple. We went to the 5:30 session and Gaupo and I got to be the witness couple. It was so awesome. I love doing that and we haven't gotten the chance to do it for awhile, so it was really fun. After a wonderful session, we came back and picked up the girls and then put them to bed and had some dinner. I had put some stew meat, carrots, and potatoes in the crock-pot hoping to make beef stew, but it ended up more like roast with potatoes and carrots. Oh well, better luck next time. It was still good and not a bad meal for that late at night. I really enjoyed going to the temple and it was fun to take someone that hadn't been to the Ft. Collin's temple yet.
Thursday Gaupo had a lot of meetings, or at least enough meetings at the wrong times to make it not worth it for him to take any time off, so he went to work like normal. We made apple cinnamon muffins, and cheese eggs for breakfast. After breakfast was cleaned up I took a shower and then we went to visit Gaupo at the library. Gaupo loved introducing his parents to the people he works with at the library. It was fun for them to get excited to see his parent and hear the people tell them how great Gaupo is, and all he does to help them. The girls had fun showing Grandma and Grandpa all around.
Kylee, Tia, and Grandpa at the life size Peep Diorama. |
After we were done with that, we went to the train park. My kids didn't bring their jackets and it was a little chilly, so we couldn't stay long. However, we went home and got their jackets and left Grandpa at home to relax while the girls and I took Grandma to their school. We showed Grandma where their classrooms were and the played on the playgrounds there. Grandma and I spent a lot of time talking while the kids played and so that was really fun. Then we came home and had lunch and got the girls down for naps. I intended to play games during this nap time, but instead I ended up teaching Grandma and Grandpa about Facebook instead. I helped with that for a while and then Grandma and I chatted while I made some cookies. Then the girls woke-up,so we all played some games together and that was kind of fun. When Gaupo got home from work, we got dinner underway. We did grill food which included some corn, and roasted sweet potatoes. It was really tasty. After dinner we totally spoiled out kids and we watch Cars 3. Grandma hadn't seen it before and the girls have really wanted to see it again, so we did and it was fun to watch a movie together. The kids had a really hard time going to sleep that night, but it was totally worth it. After the kids were in bed we chatted for awhile and then it was time to go to bed, so that everyone could be rested for the following day.
Friday Grandma and Grandpa had to leave. It was a bummer to see them go, but it was so fun to have them here. We had breakfast and then made sure they had everything all packed up and then sent them off. The day was a little rough with no Grandma and Grandpa to share it with, but we made it though. We still can't wait to see them in May, but it was so fun to have them HERE at our house, with us. It was fun to just play and relax and be. I hope they enjoyed it too and weren't completely bored out of their minds. I am so glad they took the time to come I know I, Gaupo, Kylee, and Tia really enjoyed having them here and having their undivided attention. It was so great!
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